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Reply to Mayte MORENO RUIZ,

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Reply to Mayte MORENO RUIZ,

I am motivated by your post-Mayte- Kolcaba’s Theory of Comfort has three forms of comfort and four contexts of holistic human experience which are used in creating a taxonomic structure to guide the assessment, magnitude, and evaluation of patient comfort. The three types of comfort are ease, relief, and transcendence (Kolcaba & Dimarco, 2005). The four contexts of comfort are psycho-spiritual, physical, socio-cultural, and environmental. The theory was formed on the bases of comfort and can be applied in practice during a nursing process.


Kolcaba, K., & Dimarco, M. (2005). Comfort theory and its application to pediatric nursing. Pediatric Nursing.

Reply to Porsche Orange,

I am motivated by tour post Porscge- Roger’s change theory is one of the theories which is applied and incorporates five implantation stages which are important in critical care. According to Gunn et al., (2019), the five stages entail nurses presenting their thoughts and also the interests of the individuals. There is also an evaluation of thoughts, gauging advantages of actualization of thoughts, and settling on the need to have more research conducted. Nurses should apply this theory in their practice.


Gunn, V., Muntaner, C., Villeneuve, M., Chung, H., & Gea-Sanchez, M. (January 01, 2019).

Nursing professionalization and welfare state policies: A critical review of structural factors influencing the development of nursing and the nursing workforce. Nursing Inquiry, 26, 1.)


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