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Causes of project failure

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Causes of project failure

While the undertaking of projects is aimed at successful completion and implementation, overstaffing of projects, and migration of data by unskilled resources costs these projects. Overestimation of projects leads to overstaffing, and this opens ways for miscommunication. The cost of the project is inflated. Trouble brews when integrating the different sections of the code before the release. None of the team members wants to take responsibility.

On the other hand, data migration fails to happen due to the lack of a skilled workforce. It is at this stage where it becomes evident that data migration was a task that required qualified personnel and attention. For instance, the implementation of a generic data structure for migration of data requires a seasoned expert. Failure to get the required expertise fails the whole project. The result is thus punishment and promotion of the wrong people in equal measure.











Lam, W., & Chua, A. (2005). Knowledge management project abandonment: an exploratory examination of root causes. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 16(1), 35.

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