Reflection 4
Commonly, we have, for a long time, highlighted factors that distinguish leadership and being a leader. Leadership can be defined as the practice of leading an organization towards a particular region or result. In contrast, a leader is defined as a person who captains/commands a group of people. Leadership teaches one how to solve problems, make legal decisions and to co-ordinate people towards a given objective (Webb, 2014). However, the TED Talk by Simon Sinek gives us a new perception of leadership and what inspires one to be in a leadership position. In the talk, he introduces the golden circle that has three components, that is why, how and what. Simon evaluates how the three components make a huge difference in determining success.
According to the Golden Circle, a successful leader starts with why then how and lastly what. Simon Sinek gave an example of apple to demonstrate best the golden circle (ToolsHero, 2019). Apple, a computer company products have been continuously upgraded and positively received in the market. There are several computer companies, yet apple stands out among them (Simon, 2019). This example can be attributed to the approach of advertising they have taken. That is, the first tell the users why that product is essential then proceeds to how it works. The primary drive in managing companies should be the purpose behind the product rather than the result, which is what.
Based on the examples given in the Ted talk, it is evident that the approach taken by a leader influences the success of a company/business. Businesses that base their goal on the profits and riches are likely to fail faster than those driven by purpose. Employees will appreciate and work more with a goal than better paychecks. Entrepreneurial leadership is primary in developing and building employee’s talent, being innovative in rolling out new products. Additionally, it is central to growth in terms of effectiveness and efficiency and in gaining market confidence (Wesman, 2016). What inspires excellent leadership is why. That is, why does a particular product need to be made available in the market. In implementing the golden circle, how a leader communicates is also vital. How information is organized will help promote a brand or see a brand fail.