Discussion question
Discussion Review section
The discussion section entails exploring the underlying meaning of research and implications on other areas of study. These possible additions can be developed or improved, also what other scholars can rely on to further their studies. The scholar left a gap on the age basis where a new study should include different age groups to offer new results regarding the study. Television influence on body image indicates that most female participants were greatly affected hence a more in-depth analysis required. Regarding the job glorification, more specific research should be done to verify these findings with questions more specific to lawyers. The discussion further urges more research should be conducted with a larger and more diverse sample to determine whether realism or frequency has a stronger impact on television influence.
Was her hypothesis supported?
Hypothesis mainly states one’s predictions about what the research intends to find out (Kothari, 2013). The hypothesis in her case has not been supported as it presents a tentative answer to her research question, which she is yet to test which to examine how television affects people’s perception of society. The independent variable in her case television, while the dependent variable is people’s perception. The findings at the end indicate, although research findings, the study did not fully support the hypothesis on the more television one watch, the more they will be affected.
Were findings of her study similar to or different than previous research studies on her topic? Did she explain why?
The findings were different from previous research studies, Bryant and Miron. They also used the cultivation and social learning theory to state that the more television someone watches, the more they will experience its effects. It was countered as she states theories of cultivation and social learning are only supported when dealing with reality television. Gerbener indicates that as one sees and hears the same views each day, they become accepted norm, but in her findings, she concluded that realism might be a true indicator of how influential television is.
What were the limitations she identified in her study?
The sample size was small, the demographic of participants, the technique of data collection
Explain why these are considered limitations
Sample size the size was quite small, involving only twenty participants, which makes the finding prone to bias. Individual results given do not represent the entire population. Access to data the age gap was between ages eighteen and forty-nine leaving other age groups hence limited results. Use of survey, other methods which could have been deployed in gathering data to provide for an array of results relevant for comparison.
Kothari. (2013). Research methodology: methods and techniques. New Delhi, India: New Age International.