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E-commerce and Web Content

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E-commerce and Web Content

The content in a site is essential to push sales on an e-commerce platform, as in this online age, the competition is stiff, and many sellers are competing for space in the same platform for the same buyers.

Make use of keywords.

Write all the product descriptions and details, use keywords that many buyers will be on the lookout when looking to purchase a particular product. On the flip side, search engines penalize for repetition of words, as a seller creativity is keywords in choosing the keywords.

Avoid using passive voice.

The use of active voice gives the reader an easy time mentally to decide on the product as it is real-time as they read and interpret information. Passive voice has an academic appeal to it, making the reader feel as though the product specifications are complex and far out of reach.

Give Full product description.

When buyers are on an e-commerce platform, they have two objectives; researching and buying.

On that note, the product that answers most of the buyers’ question carries the day as the buyer understands the product and responds to the need that leads to the research and finally purchase.

Some sellers choose just to put a picture and a simple description of the product. This approach is not wise as it does not necessarily answer all the queries in the mind of the consumer that allude to a lack of comprehensive information to inform the purchasing decision.

The buyer needs to know the dimension of the product. Also, by limiting the marketing to just photos, you lock out the chance of being top in the search engine optimization for lack of content.

Use visuals and videos to enhance content.

Visuals give the customer user experience before experiencing the product; this approach catalyzes the decision to buy the product without further ado.

Also psychologically, it is simpler to watch a video, and it is far more relaxing than to read a description. The fashion industry has taken advantage of this aspect by hosting fashion shows where the models showcase the products motivating the buyers.


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