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Polarity Therapy

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Polarity Therapy

Polarity therapy is a holistic healing modality that is based on the belief that the energy that flows through our bodies has an impact on our wellbeing. Novey (2000) defines polarity therapy as the art and science that brings about a balance to the human energy fields through the manipulation of bones, soft tissue, and energy points. Generally, the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing of an individual is addressed. The idea of polarity therapy was conceived by Randolph Stone in which the basis involved electromagnetic and subtle fields and their flow within the body of an animal or a human. He believed that there was a missing link in terms of the underlying causes and effects of health and illness. Through his encounters while practicing medicine among the poor in the Eastern region he synthesized the idea of drugless healing practices namely polarity. He believed that by applying hands artfully with consciousness and intentions behind them, more beneficial effects would be realized. The process usually involves a highly qualified professional who extensively evaluates a patient. And aspects of physical habits, mental wellbeing, and diet are taken into consideration (Korn2004).

The objective of polarity is to trace and release energy blockages that manifest pain. This is through palpation and skillful touch. Three depths of touch are applied depending on the activity reflected by the energy blockage, which could be hyperactive, hypoactive, or a neutral state. Poor nutritional habits and poor digestion are some of the causes that cause energy blockages hence the manifestation of pain and discomfort (Megidesh, 2014). Application of pressure on energy points, stretching, joint rotation causes patients to achieve deep relaxation, self-awareness, or even achieve behavioral and cognitive effects on health.

There are numerous underlying conditions or disorders that may necessitate the need for polarity therapy. Such include depression, chronic fatigue, acute pain, somatization disorders, stress-related disorders, psychological distress, just to mention a few. Other aspects where polarity therapy is in effect include postsurgical recovery, digestive complaints of pregnancy. However, its application is not limited to these aspects. Its application is on a wider scope. Notably, clinicians who are licensed may undertake the study of polarity, thereby integrating methods into their practice. According to Wong (2019), polarity has been proved to be beneficial scientifically. She has cited the benefits of polarity therapy for cancer and stress. In cancer patients, for example, a study conducted on 15 women receiving radiation therapy were assigned a different number of polarity sessions. It was observed that that assigned polarity therapy has significant improvement in fatigue and quality of life compared to the members of the control group. In terms of stress, a study indicated that involved people with dementia indicated that those that were subject to polarity therapy experienced a greater reduction in stress levels. Additionally, the patients exhibited improvements in pain, vitality, and general health (Maayan et al. 2014).

Despite the benefits of polarity therapy, there are key issues and barriers that limit its widespread acceptance. Such include few practitioners, the need for compliance in that it requires good patient compliance since it’s a specialized bodywork therapy, and also the aspect of cost. It’s expensive and also labor-intensive, which modern allopathic practice cannot accommodate in most cases. Another key issue is the general lack of understanding of polarity therapy by the mainstream medical community.

The intrinsic gentleness of polarity therapy makes it ideal for anyone, including the elderly and the frailest patients. The only side effects realized are highly emotional releases of energy, and this may include laughter, tears, or a combination of both (Encyclopedia).




Encyclopedia. “Polarity Therapy | Encyclopedia.Com.” Encyclopedia.Com, 2020,

Korn, L.E. (2004). Polarity Therapy: A Brief Review of the Literature.

Maayan, N., Soares‐Weiser, K., & Lee, H. (2014). Respite care for people with dementia and their carers. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (1).

Megidesh, L. A. (2001). Polarity Therapy: Energy Medicine to Balance and Heal the Life Force. Alternative & Complementary Therapies7(5), 296-303.

Novey, D. (2000). Clinician’s Complete Reference to Complementary/Alternative Medicine: Edited by Donald W. Novey. Mosby Inc.

Wong, Cathy. “How Polarity Therapy Can Help Many Illnesses.” Verywell Health, 2019,



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