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Quantitative Research Critique and Ethical Considerations

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Quantitative Research Critique and Ethical Considerations






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Quantitative Research Critique and Ethical Considerations


Summary of studies. Include problem, significance to nursing, purpose, objective, and research question Research is an essential aspect of any discipline. It allows for success in planning by providing statistical data and other inferences. This type of research is recognized as quantitative research. In the study, much consideration is given on the data presented than on other aspects. Quantitative research is considered the most challenging yet most rewarding to undertake. However, when conducting research, there is a need for ethical considerations. The study must be in line with professionalism and morality and must not cause physical and psychological harm to the sample population in a study. This study will compare two articles and try to see how the researched work answers the question Does youth-adult awareness of the practice of handwashing reduce hygiene diseases?

Intervention and Comparison Groups

The first article selected is A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Child to Child Approach on Knowledge and Practices Regarding Hand Washing among the Primary School Children of at Selected Schools in Faridkot Punjab. It utilizes a randomized sample to understand the influence of knowledge on the spread of infectious diseases. However, the study does not have a controlled sample since it analyzes individual understanding. It focuses on how far the intervention has influenced individual desires of hygiene and what other actors may lead to a reduction of the same. The second article selected is The Effectiveness of Child to Child Approach on the Practice of Hand Washing Among School Children in a Selected School at Mangalore. The intervention in the study is the students who know the importance of handwashing, while the intervention group is those who do not know the importance of handwashing. The research focuses on how the control group actively limits the possibility of infections through hand washing and calculates the risks that arise from the lack of handwashing by observing the controlled group.

Methods of studying

The two research utilizes various methods of studying. They include participant and non-participant observations, observational trials, and experiments. Participant and non-participant observation involve monitoring the day to day lives of the intervention and control groups ((Parminder, Mal Hardeep & Kaur, 2019; Mathew & Sujatha, 2017). Observational trials involve monitoring of the group with them having prior knowledge that they are being monitored. Experiments involve the use of scientific procedures to mimic and monitor the outcome of the study.  The advantage of using the participant and non-participant observation is that it allows for the monitoring of real-time data. On the other hand, it is costly. Observational trials are useful in providing a sample data and outcome of the study. However, it is easier to manipulate through behavioral change. Finally, experiments are an infective way of monitoring both the control and intervention groups in a study. However, they are ineffective if there are no defined control and intervention groups, such as in the first study.

Results of Study

Article 1

The first article provides data on the number of children that have knowledge and practice. Handwashing. Handwashing is a crucial part of the control of infectious and communicable diseases. According to the source, more than ten million people die annually from food-related infections that can be controlled by handwashing in soap. Of the ten million, more than one million are in India. The data collected showed that the mean score data of the population showed that each participant score an average of fifteen percent on methods of controlling a spread of infection and how effective handwashing can become (Parminder, Mal Hardeep & Kaur, 2019). However, after acquiring the knowledge, more than thirty percent had information on the value of handwashing in combatting diseases. The sample population was a hundred students aged four years to fifteen years from more than fifteen schools. The second article selected is The Effectiveness of Child to Child Approach on the Practice of Hand Washing Among School Children in A Selected School at A Mangalore by Smitha Mariam Mathew and Sujatha R in 2017.

Article Two


This article is a research on the impact of handwashing on individual students at a local school (Aided Higher Primary School-Pavoor Herekala). The study focused on three parts per student perception, action, and information. Of the sample, eighty percent stated that it was necessary to wash hands before and after meals or after coming from the toilet (Mathew & Sujatha, 2017). However, from the eight percent, only a small forty percent practiced handwashing behaviors. Besides, twenty percent of the twenty percent remaining population that did not view it as necessary practiced handwashing behavior (Mathew & Sujatha, 2017). The largest low population percentage that involved itself in handwashing was the lack of water. Finally, only a small thirty percent of the sample population had access to the correct information. While the majority of the students knew and were taught on the importance of handwashing by teachers in their school, only a smaller percentage had the complete information such as what to use in handwashing and the various methods of handwashing (Mathew & Sujatha, 2017). Thus, reducing the effectiveness of the study.

Impact on Nursing

The studies are useful in helping nurses understand how community spread of infections may occur. Thus, enabling the preparation of better mitigation systems and control measures. For instance, through this study, nurses in India have been able to predict the community spread capability of covid-19, whose one control measure is washing hands. As such, policymakers provide facilities to control the spread of the disease.  Such data is essential in the preparation and provision of medical services.

Outcome of comparison

The anticipated result of the study is that handwashing will have a direct impact on the reduction of infection transmission, with ninety percent of those with the knowledge unlikely to get infected. Besides, those who do not know about handwashing are likely to get infected. Thu, conclusively, the outcome is that possession of the knowledge directly influences the spread of infectious diseases. On the contrary, the result showed that a majority of those with the knowledge lacked hand washing facilities. Thus, when this outcome is compared to the anticipatory outcome, we see major differences due to the real outcome factors besides the possession of handwashing knowledge.



Mathew S.M. & Sujatha R. The Effectiveness of Child to Child Approach on The Practice of Hand Washing Among School Children in A Selected School at A Mangalore by in 2017. Nitte University Journal of Health Sciences. NUJHS 8(1).

Parminder K., Kaur M.H, & Bhupinder, K (2019). A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Child to Child Approach on Knowledge and Practices Regarding Hand Washing among the Primary School Children of a Selected School Faridkot Punjab. International Journal of Nursing Education. Institute of Medico-legal publications 11(4).




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