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Technical Report Renewable Energy

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Technical Report Renewable Energy


Technical Report Renewable Energy. 3

Task 1. 3

Introduction. 3

Aims and Objectives. 4

Theory. 4

The Effect of Cooling on Efficiency. 5

Effect of Cooling on Current and Voltage. 5

Temperature Considerations. 6

Discussion. 7

Impact of Temperature on Performance. 7

Effect of Cooling on Efficiency. 8

Task 2. 11

Introduction. 11

Aims and Objectives. 11

Theory. 12

Impact of Dust on Efficiency. 12

Effect of Dust on Current-Voltage. 13

Temperature Considerations. 14

Discussion. 14

Effect of Dust on Voltage. 14

Voltage considerations under different dust particles. 16

Temperature Considerations. 18

Effect of Dust on Efficiency. 18

Task 3. 20

Introduction. 20

Aims and Objectives. 20

Theory. 21

Effect on Performance. 22

Discussion. 23




Technical Report Renewable Energy

Task 1


Solar photovoltaic (PV) systems are increasingly becoming a critical nonrenewable energy source in an era where renewable energy sources are depleting at an alarming rate. Solar PV systems are, however, faced with a vital challenge of inefficiency characterized by low energy conversion. This problem has been associated with an increase in rising temperatures. Furthermore, over long periods, these applications tend to overheat their cell temperatures in the process of worsening the condition. In this way, solar panel systems operating at high temperatures over long durations will exhibit deterioration in efficiency where less power or energy is produced (Ali & Celik, 2017). Therefore, heat is one of the core factors that influence the effectiveness of solar PV systems.

Given the precarious temperature conditions, cooling is one of the primary ways proposed to address the concern. Throughout the operation period of these systems, cooling using different fluids, such as water and air, will, thus, prove to be pivotal in enhancing efficiency. Moreover, cooling of these applications primarily on the front surface has proven to be the most viable way to reduce the temperatures and subsequently improve performance (Jailany et al., 2016). Therefore, this task discusses the effect of cooling on the performance and the efficiency of solar panel systems. It is, in this light, argued that reduction of temperatures using different fluids would enhance productivity and performance when current and voltage output are considered.

Aims and Objectives

The primary objective of this study will entail determining the effect of cooling on the performance of solar PV applications. In doing so, multiple variables need to be considered, including; temperatures, voltage, current, and efficiency. Hence, the specific objectives will revolve around these parameters. They identified specific goals are the following;

  1. To determine the impact of cooling on the performance of solar PV systems.
  2. To establish the relationship between reduction in temperatures and the efficiency of solar panel systems.


For starters, although solar panel systems are reliant on radiation from the sun, there are other multiple factors related to high temperatures that might hamper the functionality of these systems. For instance, surface radiation, the intensity of sunlight, and sunlight irradiation are all aspects that affect solar cell performance. The crystalline structure of these cell modules likewise subjects the entire system into malfunctions (Ali & Celik, 2017). Thus, it becomes crucial to consider these aspects in the long term since they impact the performance as well as the efficiency of the solar PV system.

Concerning the impeding factors and subsequent decline in efficiency, multiple techniques have been developed to enhance electrical energy. For instance, a thin metal sheet, suspended between the middle and other fins of the solar applications, are used to improve the spread of heat to the air stream to help cool the entire system. Similarly, hybrid PV systems comprising of parallel air ducts have also proven effective in cooling the applications. The resulting cooling effect from employing these methodologies increased electrical efficiency by nearly 12% (Ali & Celik, 2017). Therefore, cooling provides a primary strategy to help mitigate the impeding factors of solar PV performance.

The Effect of Cooling on Efficiency

Available literature emphasizes that cooling, solar panel applications will inadvertently improve efficiency. The improvement in efficiency is further associated with the length of operation of the devices in the sense that, during lengthy periods, cooling becomes more critical. The study by Ali & Celik (2017) illustrates the efficiency levels defer with the type of cooling method incorporated within the PV system. For example, air cooling systems can increase efficiency levels from between 8% and 9% to a range of 12% and 14%. Hybrid water cooling systems are, however, the most practical, given the associated efficiency levels. This tool can cool the solar cell temperature to 220C and consequently increase the electoral yield by more than 10% (Ali & Celik, 2017). The theoretical evidence, therefore, indicates that using water to cool or reduce the temperature in solar cell modules is the most effective methodology aimed at improving efficiency.

Effect of Cooling on Current and Voltage

Cooling ideally enhances the solar PV panel’s performance. Measuring the level of voltage and current is, in this case, mandated since the two are the primary parameters associated with performance output and efficiency. Cooling also has a positive effect on the current and voltage. The impact further varies with the type of fluid used in the cooling of the cell modules (Jailany et al., 2016).

From another perspective, cooling impacts performance through power output. Simulation evidence indicates that the output power of solar PV panels will decrease with an increase in working temperatures, followed by efficiency. Atmospheric factor or temperature-related factors further affects power output. On this note, the performance of PV panels decreased with factors, such as ambient temperatures and solar irradiance. In other words, the output performance of solar PV systems is negatively impacted, increasing the PV panel temperature (Amelia et al., 2016). Output performance relates to the amount of voltage produced by the solar PV applications.

Temperature Considerations

PV panel implications can also be explained with regards to duration and amount of heat. High temperatures that last for periods tend to cause irreversible degradation on the solar PV systems. Electric power output, in this regard, becomes adversely affected, impeding the ability of affected applications to yield any meaningful production (Amelia et al., 2016). For example, absorption of solar irradiation is the primary contributor to waste heat, which detrimental to the functioning of PV appliances.

More specifically, 80% of the high temperatures from solar irradiation cannot be utilized by solar PV systems to generate electricity. The majority of the absorbed temperature is thus converted to heat. In this process, the accumulated heat will increase the operating temperature within the affected PV device. Consequently, a drop in electrical efficiency will be realized. Similarly, the high levels of generated heat impact negatively on the ability of the overall system. This implication arises from the fact that PV panels are designed to convert a mere 0.5% of each rising degree in temperatures. Hence, the overall conversion efficiency of the PV panel becomes diminished.

High temperatures absorbed over long periods are, thus, detrimental to the performance of solar PV panels. This negative consequence illustrates the importance of cooling on the performance and efficiency of solar PV systems. In the absence of cooling, users of these systems will inevitably realize low power output and reduced productivity as well. From a technical perspective, low voltage characterized by decreased output power becomes prevalent with increased temperatures overtime. Reducing the temperatures by use of water is preferable and recommendable.


Impact of Temperature on Performance

High temperatures are detrimental to the performance of PV panels. The concert will, in this light, decrease with an increase in temperatures. This implication can be illustrated by an I-V curve and a P-V curve that indicates performance at different power output or current levels. The two figures below, therefore, can help to shed more light on this aspect.







The above I-V curve adapted from Amelia et al. (2016) indicates how efficiency decreases, respectively, with an increase in temperatures. Since the area under the curve represents efficiency levels, at high temperatures of 650C, the ability of the PV system is low while consuming high levels of current. Conversely, the low temperature of 250C has the highest efficiency.

Similar trends can be noted for the performance of PV panels. At high temperatures, performance declines while low temperatures increase output power. Alternatively, an increase in PV panel temperature decreases output voltage while the converse is also true. Notably, the maximum output voltage of 100 W is realized at the lowest temperatures of 250C. The analysis thus confirms that low temperatures are crucial in increasing output power.

Effect of Cooling on Efficiency

The cooling of solar PV systems is associated with high performance and efficiency. This association can specifically be explained by the levels of current as well as voltage output. To do so, an analysis of an I-V curve displaying the correlation is warranted. Drawing from the research conducted by Ali & Celik (2017), the level of efficiency and performance further varies from the type of fluid that is used. The below I-V diagram helps to elaborate on this notion.

Fig. I-V Curve Characteristics of Different Cooling Agents

In the above diagram, no cooling had the lowest voltage while conducting the highest level of current. These levels were followed by air cooling and then water cooling. Water cooling at 2gpm also had greater power output compared to water cooling at 1gpm. Alternatively, considering that the area under the cover illustrates performance output, no cooling had the least power output. This observation reveals that without cooling solar PV systems, the performance and efficiency will below. Water cooling at two gpm had the highest power output, given that it occupies the edge of the curve. At this juncture, water cooling at this rate proves to be associated with the most significant level of performance and efficiency.

From the above diagram, electrical power output increases with a decrease in temperatures. The findings by Ali & Celik (2017) demonstrated that air cooling increased power output by 2.4% in comparison to solar panels that received no cooling. When water was used as the cooling agent, power output further increased by 4.7%. The rationale behind the difference was that water has a higher capacity than air to draw heat and also operate under high temperatures. Other notable strategies to enhance cooling included; running water on the front surface and increasing the flow-rate of water (Ali & Celik, 2017). Both these strategies increased water capacity as a cooling agent.

Task 2


The negative impact that dust has on solar PV systems is considerable, given the reduced maximum power output. Dust, in this case, acts as an inhibitor of radiation from the sun, thereby limiting the efficiency of solar PV. Alternatively, the efficiency and performance of solar PV systems tend to decrease rapidly when dust particles accumulate on the surface of solar cell modules. Despite this aspect, dust is the most negligible agent or parameter when measuring the efficiency and performance of solar PV (Rajput & Sudhakar, 2013). Also, the negligence arises from the fact that dust is a powder form influenced by multiple environmental as well as weather patterns. For this reason, there is a need to evaluate the exact effect of dust on PV panels through research. Moreover, this study will look to achieve this objective by highlighting the importance of incorporating cleaning-based systems.

Aims and Objectives

The main objective of this task is to determine the effect of dust on the performance of the solar PV system while considering temperature, voltage, efficiency, and current. More specific objectives can further be derived, including;

  1. To determine the effect of dust on solar PV system’s efficiency
  2. To assess the impact of dust on power generation, including current and voltage.
  3. To account for temperature variations in energy generation with and without the presence of dust.


In theory, solar PV systems that are clogged with dust tend to be inefficient since they are unable to absorb the maximum amount of sunlight. Likewise, maximum output tends to be reduced with decreased conduction of current and limited voltage production. On this note, it is estimated that power losses between 30% and 40% can be realized when the dust is on the surface of PV modules (Prasanthi & Jayamandhuri, 2015). Hence, the unclean PV systems are susceptible to loss of power.

Most PV systems are susceptible to dust. In particular, the commonly used anti-reflective coating, primarily glass plate, is usually prone to the surrounding environment’s dust. Notably, solar panels used in commercial industries, domestic applications, and small scale firms are composed of this coating, thus, exposing the systems to the risk of dust (Prasanthi & Jayamandhuri, 2015). Research, accordingly, recommends placing several cleaning during solar PV installation. For instance, there is a need to incorporate automatic cleaning agents, such as wipers, that can remove the dust when detected (Prasanthi & Jayamandhuri, 2015).

Effect of Dust on Efficiency

From another viewpoint, it can theoretically be noted that efficiency is correlated with the presence of dust over specific durations of time. Theoretical considerations are given to solar PV efficiency against dust and without dust. The correlation can also be expounded to incorporate radiation and, as such, temperature variations. Also, ability accounts for current and voltage variations with the introduction of dust particles. Nonetheless, the maximum efficiency of solar PV, as well as minimum efficiency, tends to vary with the presence of dust and without the presence of dust. A relatively high maximum efficiency can be recorded without the presence of dirt. Likewise, a higher minimum efficiency should be observed without dirt compared to when the dust is introduced. In other words, regardless of solar radiation or different temperatures, without dust, solar PV systems are more efficient than when these applications are clogged with dust (Rajput & Sudhakar, 2013). Therefore, across different time temperatures, the absence of dust improves the efficiency of solar PV systems compared to when the dirt is on the surface of the panels.

Effect of Dust on Current-Voltage

Different dust particles have varying effects on current and voltage. Since it is already established that PV panels have the highest performance when there is no dust, it is similarly crucial to evaluate how different dust particles reduce voltage and current. In this case, leaves, powder, and husk particles are the most common dust agents. Evidence suggests that talcum layers, aside from being the prevalent dust layers, resulting in the lowest current and voltage levels (Prasanthi & Jayamandhuri, 2015). Hence, regarding current and voltage, the theory suggests that talcum layers are the most detrimental dust layer.

Other dirt carriers such as plastic sheets covered with mud and powder similarly indicate similar theoretical findings regarding current and voltage. Clay and talcum are usually considered as artificial dust and the most viable for research. In a study conducted by Sulaiman et al., (2011), both maximum current and maximum voltage are observed in the absence of these dirt particles. Talcum, unlike mud, yields the lowest current and voltage as well. Furthermore, these variations are found across different ranges of irradiation. As such, regardless of whether it is during peak periods or low production periods, dust significantly reduces voltage production. Therefore, artificial dirt impedes the production capacity of solar PV panels at different irradiations.

Temperature Considerations

Even though ambient and high temperatures have different impacts on the performance and efficiency of solar panel systems, its effect with or without dust is insignificant. Ideally, at ambient temperatures, energy generation by PV systems is low while at high temperatures, power production is relatively high. The introduction of dust on the surface of solar panels does not have any effect on this analogy. Thus, performance at high temperatures increases while decreasing at low temperatures even when dust accumulates on the solar PV applications.


Effect of Dust on Voltage

The dust harms current-voltage characteristics, and the correlation can be illustrated by the use of I-V curves for solar PV systems. Sulaiman et al. (2011) demonstrate this impact by using different solar PV panels’ plastic sheets that are either clear or coated with varying layers of dust, such as talcum, mud, and powder. They indicate the absence of dust by not including the plastic sheet on the surface of the solar PV panel. From the findings in this study, the maximum power was 4.25 W. The maximum power was observed without the plastic, and when the transparent plastic sheet was used. On the other hand, the maximum recorded voltage was 18 V, associated with clear plastic sheets and without the plastic (Sulaiman et al., 2011). This affirms that the maximum current, as well as voltage, are realized when there is no dirt on the solar PV panels.

Fig. I-V Characteristic Curve with Dust and No Dust Effect of 255W/m2






At low irradiation of 255W/m2, the curves are much close to each other indicating insignificant differences emanating from the dirt particles. Current-voltage variations occurring at low irradiations and caused by dirt particles are, therefore, irrelevant. This is contrary to the available theory that illustrates there are considerable changes in current and voltage production in different irradiation ranges.

Fig. I-V Characteristic Curve with Dust and No Dust Effect of 340 W/m2

At irradiation of 340 W/m2, as indicated in the above figure, the different dust conditions are further apart. Talcum is the most distinct compared to the other three dust agents. As denoted by available theory, powder has the most significant adverse effect on PV panels in terms of current and voltage. From the above figure, therefore, the separation of the talcum curve from much, no plastic, and plastic affirms this theoretical notion. Likewise, talcum, as a dust layer, has the highest capacity to accumulate dust compared to other agents and hence, its efficacy in obstructing the light from hitting the PV panel.

An in-depth analysis of the IV-curve is crucial in understanding the impact of dust on the production of current and voltage by solar panels. The area under the curve indicates the electrical power of the solar PV system. The highest strength is ideally produced when any of the dust particles do not cover this area. On the contrary, introducing plastic dust layers reduces this coverage, indicating a decrease in power production (Sulaiman et al., 2011). On this note, observing the above diagram suggests that talcum cuts the most into the area of energy generation.

As such, it can de be deduced that talcum as a dust layer is associated with the least amount of energy generation. The incision of talcum is followed by mud, clear plastic, and finally, no plastic indicating that clear plastic is associated with the most amount of energy generation. This analysis affirms the theoretical findings are implicating talcum as the most influential dust agent on power production by solar PV panels. However, contrary to the available theory that associates no plastic with most considerable amount of power production, clear plastic proves to be the layer associated with maximum power.

Voltage considerations under different dust particles

The highest voltage is produced when there is no dust on the PV system. However, when dust particles are introduced, the voltage decreases. Moreover, the voltage varies under different dust particles with talcum particles producing the least voltage. The differences are illustrated in the figure below.

Fig. Voltage and Dust Behavior under Different Dust Particles

The above figure illustrates voltage production against different times of day from to 6 pm. The highest voltage is observed when there is no dust at 6v. Talcum has nearly 0v being indicating that it is the most worrisome dust particle. Leaves and husks are other dust layers with varying voltage levels at 2v and 4v reflectively. However, approaching midday, leaves have nearly a similar risk to talcum producing 1v (Prasanthi & Jayamandhuri, 2015). Hence, without dust layers, the highest voltage is produced while talcum dusts particles reduce voltage to almost none.

It can likewise be deducted from the above figure concerning voltage, and the temperature is also a key factor in influencing the amount of voltage. At 2 pm, the temperatures are high from radiation, and consequently, with or without dust, this period yields the highest voltage across all dust particles. The voltage also increases from 10a.m to 2p.m while decreasing from 2p.m to 6p.m. Thus, with or without dust, temperature influences the amount of voltage produced by solar PV systems.

Temperature Considerations

As aforementioned, temperature variations impact the efficiency of solar panel systems. The effect is, however, exacerbated with the presence of dust. As illustrated by Rajput & Sudhakar’s research, depending on the intensity of solar radiation, the output of solar PV will likewise vary. In particular, at the maximum temperatures of between 370C, the maximum production was found to be 985 W/m2. Conversely, at minimum temperatures of 290C, maximum output from solar radiation was 210 W/m2 (Rajput & Sudhakar, 2013). The variations are illustrated by the figures below.

Fig. Solar Radiation and Ambient Temperatures against Time Characteristics

Effect of Dust on Efficiency

Concerning the presence and absence of dust, there are changes in the efficiency of solar PV that can be noted as well from the research. The authors denote that maximum and minimum capabilities vary with and without dust. The specific measurements of Rajput & Sudhakar (2013) mean that without dust, the maximum efficiency of the tested PV system was 6.38%, while the minimum efficiency was 2.29%. In comparison to the presence of dust, the maximum efficiency was 0.64%, while the minimum efficiency was 0.33%. These variations translate to reduced solar PV efficiency by nearly 90%. Alternatively, the authors suggest that the presence of dust on solar PV panels reduces productivity by 90% (Rajput & Sudhakar, 2013). These findings are illustrated by the figures below;

Fig. PV Panel Efficiency with Dust and Without Dust



Task 3


Shading is another limiting factor that affects the functionality of solar PV systems. Multiple agents can bring about the shading of these panels, including but not limited to trees, buildings, clouds, site of installation, and changing weather. Shading as a PV system inhibiting factor is also more challenging given that different levels of shading can be recorded variably. For instance, uniform shading, unlike non-consistent shading, produces different performance behavior with the latter indicating devastating outcomes (Sathyanarayana et al., 2015). As such, shading becomes a quite complicated inhibiting factor, unlike humidity, dust, and high-temperature conditions. For this reason, the need to reduce or avoid shading during the installation of solar PV systems is necessitated. The avoidance will alternatively improve the performance and efficiency of these systems.

Aims and Objectives

The main objective of this study is to investigate the impact of shading on the performance of solar PV panels. Notably, the research will focus on how different ranges of shading affects power output at; 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%. Another defining factor for the goals of this research is the size of the PV panel. On this note, the study will seek to understand the impact of shading at different levels of voltage generation. Also, in consideration of other variables, such as temperature, voltage, current and efficiency, the following are the specific objectives;

  1. To identify the impact of no shading and shading at different ranges on PV panel performance.
  2. To establish the effect of shading and no shading on PV system efficiency while considering variables, such as temperatures, current, and voltage.


The shade is considered as a design factor that impacts the performance of solar PV systems negatively. The complexity of this inhibiting factor escalates with non-uniform shading, unlike uniform shading. In this light, determining the extent of shade is usually problematic since the shadow is on a constant move with changes in the positioning of the sun during the day. The sources of shade further complicate the uniformity in the sense that no steady position can be considered during an experiment. For example, trees usually sway in the process of changing the PV system shaded area. Still on trees, during winter, leaves are shaded, changing the type of shade cast over the solar PV panel. Additionally, shade varies with the severity and the area of the darkness (Sathyanarayana et al., 2015). Therefore, it becomes incredibly challenging to determine the performance behavioral impacts brought about by shading.

The impact of shading, unlike the previously discussed factors, including dust and high temperatures, is quite complicated since shading tends to affect the circuit of PV modules before impeding the performance output of the entire application. Solar PV systems are, in most cases, comprised of multiple numbers of cell modules, which makes it challenging to maintain nonlinear internal resistance. Non-uniform shading further exacerbates this condition when the array receives different ranges of shades across a time (Sathyanarayana et al., 2015).

In theory, therefore, PV cell modules become highly sensitive to shading. The impact of shading, in this light, will cause a high reduction in power output, thereby threatening the functionality of the system. This effect is realized even when a small surface of the PV is shaded with a shading agent, such as a leafless branch. From this example, also though it might be a little shading effect, the realized drop in power output is highly significant.

Effect on Performance

Power output in solar PV systems usually decreases significantly with the presence of shading. The tiniest amount of shading might lead to the collapse of an entire PV system. The PV panel is ideally comprised of individual solar cells interconnected within a series to complete the circuit of current. The current output will be limited or shattered completely when the link is broken. On this note, the passing of shade creates a weak link within the cell series since the shaded cell is unable to receive irradiation preventing its ability to generate power (Taha, 2013). Therefore, if one cell is shaded, the power output can tremendously be decreased.

Performance is further affected by the amount of shading in such a way that an increase in shading will result in the same amount of decrease in power output. For instance, if one cell within a PV module is shaded completely, that is 100%, and then the power output will decline by 100%. If the battery is receiving a 50% shade, then a similar shortage in power output will be observed as well. Therefore, unlike other inhibiting factors of solar PV systems, shading proves to be the most complex with adverse effects on performance.

Another theoretical assumption essential to understand is that a linear relationship is observed between uniform shading and power output. Contrarily, a nonlinear relationship occurs between non-uniform shading and power output generation (Sathyanarayana et al., 2015). This assumption, as such, explains the nature of both the I-V and P-V curves when accounting for shading.

Available evidence illustrates that the performance of solar PV systems varies with the uniformity of shading. A negative linear correlation with percentage shading is observed under uniform shading. This notion implies that an increase in shading will result in a direct decline in the power output of the PV panel. Non-uniform shading, however, creates the most devastating effect on panel systems performance. The impact is explained by the fact that the non-uniform shading has a lasting effect on the affected cell. In this case, the case covered the shade will receive lower irradiance compared to the rest of the cells within the circuit. As the rest of the cells act as loads, they will subsequently cause a drop in the current and eventually power (Sathyanarayana et al., 2015). Therefore, non-uniform shading is associated with the most negative impact on PV panel performance.


The I-V and P-V characteristic curves are crucial in explaining the performance of solar PV modules at different amounts of shading. The P-V curve illustrates the power output and, as such, performance with consideration of generated voltage. The I-V curve, on the other hand, emphasizes the efficiency of PV panels in a review of the current produced. Evidence suggests that the most adverse agents of shading are trees, buildings, and other blocks that can directly prevent the sun’s irradiation from reaching the PV modules, thereby inhibiting electrical power output. These objects also illustrate the varying shading ranges (Taha, 2013). The following figures will, therefore, help to expound or demonstrate this finding.




Fig. I-V Characteristic Curve with Shade and No Shade Effect

The above diagram illustrates no shading at 0% and different ranges of shading. Thus, no shading is associated with the greatest efficiency and performance given; it is the closest the rectangular edge. The efficiency and performance fall with an increase in shading from 25% rising towards 100%. Power output generation is the least at 100% shade. However, between 75% and 100% shade, the difference in power output, as observed by the amount of generated voltage is almost insignificant.

Nonetheless, it can be affirmed that the performance or power output of the PV model decreases with an increase in the percentage of the shade. It can also be noted that at 100% shading, the power is nearly 0. This indicates that the batteries are about to stop charging a factor which could ultimately shatter the PV model.

Fig. PV Characteristic with Shade and No Shade Effect


The above P-V curve diagram illustrates a similar effect of shading on the performance and efficiency of PV panel systems. Power output decreases gradually with an increase in shading. Taha (2013) finds that in comparison to no shading at 0%, increasing shading to 50% resulted in a decline of 36% of the power generated. The decrease is observed by nearly half of the initial power output. The generated voltage further decreases at 100% shade. This emphasizes the shading effect on PV models.

The diagram above is also more concise in indicating efficiency and output at 100% shading. Notably, 100% shading implies that the cell batteries are entirely blocked from receiving irradiation. Consequently, the blocked batteries are unable to generate current a factor that could reduce the power output to zero. Similarly, from the above diagram, the generated power is at zero when there is 100% shading.




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