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Aimpoint T-2 Review and Buyer’s Guide

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Aimpoint T-2 Review and Buyer’s Guide

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Red Dot Sights revolutionized shooting by strengthening and refining aim. With their two main benefits being accuracy and speed, they are a favorite among hunters, soldiers, and target shooters. Among the many Red Dot Sights available today, the Aimpoint Micro T-2 is outstanding.

Launched in 2014 by the company, which is considered an industry leader when it comes to Red Dot Sights, it has consistently remained a favorite among many people. But is it worth buying? Here is an in-depth buying guide to help you decide.

Key Features of the Aimpoint T-2

The Aimpoint T-2 comes packed with a lot of features. Some of the prominent ones include the following:

Red Dot Sight

The T-2 is a robust device with a micro-style red dot, which makes it very small. It uses an LED reflected off an optical lens that floats a targeting reticle in front of the target. With the T-2, you can pin your target way more quickly and accurately than when using other red dot sights and iron sights. As it allows you to keep both your eyes open, you get both the accuracy and speed that you need to get your target squarely.


Weighing only 3oz or 3.7oz, including mount, it is quite ultralight. As it goes, ounces are pounds, and the pounds are a pain when you are out in the field. The Aimpoint T-2 ensures you don’t get feel any additional weight when using it on your firearm.

Integral Picatinny-Style Base

The sight has an integral Picatinny-style base, which allows easy attachment to any rail. You will find mounting of this T-2 quite easy, no matter the rail you are using. Some scopes actually have a Picatinny rail built-in, which allows you to mount the T-2 on the scope directly. It is available in 2 MOA dot size.

Optimized Lenses

It comes with advanced optical lenses that allow impressive light transmission. A remarkable aspect of the T-2 is the number of light settings. It has 8 daylight settings, 4-night vision compatible settings, and 1 off position. Among the daylight settings, it comes with one extra bright, which you can use with your laser protection glasses or in case you are in the bright desert sunlight. It’s also compatible with all generations of Night Vision Devices.

Inclusion of both front and back flip-up lens covers puts this device in a class of its own. The lenses are therefore protected from dust, rain, snow, and mud.


Sturdiness was taken to the next level with the release of this sight. It comes with reinforced protection of the turrets that make it quite robust. It is submersible to an impressive 80 feet. Being waterproof, chemical resistant, vibration resistant, and shockproof make it the ultimate red-dot sight for all outdoor activities.


Finally, it comes with a mount that is quite adequate. Like the rest of the Aimpoint T-2, the mount is made of non-reflective anodized material. The mount is lightweight, adjustable, and flexible, which makes it highly functional and convenient.

Using the Aimpoint T-2 for Hunting: How Suitable is it?

A popular question has been whether it will be great for hunting. It is a legitimate question because Aimpoint classifies it under military and law enforcement sights. However, it is also excellent at hunting. The sight tremendously makes it easier to hit your target game right in its kill zone area. Some of the reasons for its suitability are:


The Aimpoint allows easy target acquisition and pinpoints shooting courtesy of the 2 MOA dot size. With no magnification and parallax, you can easily aim while keeping both your eyes open. As a result, you will get shot after shot placed right on target.

Different Light Conditions

With 8 daylight settings and 4-night vision compatible settings, the Micro T-2 can be used in virtually any lighting condition. Whether hunting at night or during the day, this sight remains optimal.


Its advanced optical lenses give you one of the best light transmissions, which is critical in situations requiring accuracy and speed like hunting.

Battery Life

An impressive 5years of battery life at light position 8, which is nearly full brightness, means you get a dependable sight for all the outdoor escapades.

Which Animals Can I Hunt Using the Aimpoint T-2

The Aimpoint T-2 works well for both big and small game. Many hunters feel like better shooters once they try using this sight. It has proven useful in the hunting of both birds and game animals. Its accuracy and speed particularly come in handy when it comes to the following animals:

What Guns Does the Aimpoint T-2 Work Best With?

A fantastic feature of the T-2 is its compatibility with a wide range of firearms. That is the reason behind their popularity among soldiers, law enforcement officers, target shooters, and hunters. You can use it on any of the following:

  • Rifles
  • Carbines
  • Shotguns
  • Handguns
  • Submachine guns

The Difference between Aimpoint T-2 and Aimpoint T1

Being an improvement of the Aimpoint T-1, there are some slight differences between the two. They share a lot of similarities from operating principles, size, weight, and other aspects. However, the T2 comes with additional features like flip-up lens covers, durability levels, reflex angle, better adjustability angle, and better clarity. You will also pay more for a T-2. You can check out more details on the differences from my review of Aimpoint T-1.

Aimpoint T-2 Vs the Aimpoint H-1

Although the T-2 shares many similarities with the H-1, there are several differences that you need to know. They include:

  • The T-2 is lighter than the H-1
  • While T-2 is multipurpose and used on any firearm, H-1 is mostly used for hunting
  • Inclusion of a mount for the T-2 unlike with the H-1
  • You will pay more for a T-2 than for the H-1
  • The T-2 can be submerged up to 80 feet unlike the H-1

Where to Buy Aimpoint T-2

Like my T-1, I also ordered my T-2 from Amazon. You can get a T-2 red dot sight on Amazon through this link. You can also buy the T-1 and H-1 through these links. When you order through the links, I get an affiliate commission.

Final Thoughts

The Aimpoint T-2 is quite a game-changer when it comes to red dot sights. It comes with all the great features you need to achieve impressive accuracy and speed. The T-2 is also impressively durable as it is shockproof, waterproof, chemical proof, and vibration resistant.


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