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Anorexia is a common disorder amongst the youth where they tend to starve or sometimes eat less either to loose weight to look skinny. The disorder is best known by scientists as anorexia nervosa. When these teenagers loose calories they end up scrawny.


People who suffer from anorexia tend to believe that they are fat even though they seem to be underweight. There are two types of anorexia; Restricting and purging anorexia. This condition is associated with pure dread of getting fat even though they may know the deadly consequences. Female patients experience amenorrhea, which is inability to go through mensturation. The gents become sexually inactive. They also follow strict timetables and schedules for workouts.  This condition makes me curious because it affects a significant  percentage of the youth around the globe according to research. It is deadly but can be cured.

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  1. Peer review #2

Hello class, I have chosen obsessive compulsive disorder. I have learnt that is closely related to enthusiasim in victims to perfom unwanted demenours and thoughts.


Conclusively , anorexia as a feeding disorder blindly sweeps away an active generation. It is majorly associated with fear of weight gain and affects the mental health of an individual. This condition has a treatment. The earlier the diagnosis the better the chances of survival.



American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5®). American Psychiatric Pub.












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