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Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B)

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Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B)


The aviation industry has been plagued by various issues that have hampered its performance and productivity. The most predominant challenges faced by the industry include safety and efficiency. The surveillance method of managing and controlling traffic that was dependent on the radar system has some shortcomings that it was necessary to introduce a new system that could benefit the entire industry. In this regard, the introduction of the ADS-B system has provided opportunities for the industry to ensure that it capitalizes on the increased opportunities necessitated by enhances international trade and globalization. The research paper will focus on how ADS-B technology has augmented the safety and efficiency in the industries through analysis of various features provided by the technology.



Table of Contents

Abstract 2

Introduction. 5

The ADS-B System.. 5

Impacts of ADS-B Safety. 8

Near Real-Time Flight Surveillance. 8

Oceanic and Remote Airspaces. 9

Aircraft Positioning. 9

Trajectory Monitoring. 10

Staff Workloads. 10

Poor Visibility. 11

Provision of Accident Information. 11

Situational Analysis. 12

Traffic Capacity Improvement 13

Success Factor Challenges. 13

Impact of ADS-B on Efficiency. 15

Air Traffic Controller’s Awareness. 15

Situational Awareness. 16

Search and Rescue. 17

Reduced Environmental Impact 17

Cost of Operations. 18

Traffic Capacity Improvement 19

Findings. 19

Discussion. 22

Conclusion. 23

References. 25





Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B)


Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broad (ADS-B) is the approach used by aircraft and aerodrome vehicles to automatically transmit and receive data that include position, identification and other types of data appropriate through a data link that uses the broadcast mode. The system depends on aircraft and airport vehicles applying the broadcasting technology in the identification, positioning, and the provision of other useful data provided from onboard systems such as the GNSS. The signals from the system can be used in surveilling purposes on the ground. Additionally, it can also be used onboard, which allows the facilitation of airborne traffic situations that include separation, spacing, and self-separation. When the ADS-B system is used on the ground, it is referred to as ADS-B out and while it is used onboard an aircraft, it is known as ADS-B in. The system is automatic since there are not external outputs needed. It primarily relies on the onboard systems for surveillance data to other parties. Additionally, the information is broadcast meaning that the sender of the information does not know the recipient. Thus, it does not provide a platform for a two-way contract and interrogation. The performance of the ADS-B has been touted to have a significant impact on the efficiency and safety of the aviation industry.

The ADS-B System

The ADS-B system is projected to be one of the primary enablers of the future ATM Network in the countries located in the North Atlantic and other regions of the world. Furthermore, it is forecasted to be a vital achievement of the Single European Sky (SES) and NextGen performance objectives of the aviation industry. On this note, some of the Next-Gen Performance goals include safety, efficiency, capacity, and sustainability. According to the SES vision, ground surveillance should ensure there are elements associated with foreseeing terminal and en-route areas and the combination of the independent surveillance and ADS-B. Independent Surveillance is offered by Wide Area Multilateration (WAM) and Mode S. noteworthy, the WAM system receives also incorporates the functions of ADS-B (Ortner, Fluhr, & Leitgeb, 2019).

In airports, there is a need to separate ground traffic to ensure no accidents and interruptions occur. On this note, ADS-B is essential in the separation of ground-based traffic. However, it is dependent on an aircraft being equipped with ADS-B out. On the other hand, there is a need to ensure that there is the separation of airborne traffic can result in devastating accidents resulting in extreme damage and fatalities. In this regard, airborne self-separation is dependent on aircraft that are equipped with ADS-B in and other functionalities of the system to efficiently provide information about the available traffic to the airports. Within the airports, there should be a locally-optimized mix of technologies such as multilateration, ADS-B, and Surface Movement Radars. The technologies are essential in ascertaining that A-SMGCS systems are enabled and integrated into the operations of the airport (Ali, 2016). Some of the strategies applied by airports incorporate the availability of efficient surveillance and display of information, which should use a consolidated portrayal in the form of a moving map in surface vehicles and flight decks.

The introduction of ADS-B I aviation infrastructure has offered significant features exploitable in the ATM Network. One of the features is a full Network-Wide surveillance coverage. On this note, airports are provided with the opportunity of surveilling anywhere in the airport. Tersely, the system has not overlooked the gaps from gate-to-gate, which can be disruptive to the operations of an airport. Also, the system has made air-to-air surveillance possible because it ensures that traffic situational awareness display is possible onboard very aircraft using the airport (Orrell, Chen, & Reynolds, 2017). Moreover, the airplane is made an integral part of the ATM Network and the data from Surveillance is offered directly onboard the plane’s system.

More features associated with the introduction of the ADS-B system in ATM Network include high performance, improved safety, elevated capacity, and cost-efficiency. Succinctly, the ADS-B system results in lower costs of the surveillance infrastructure because it is cheaper than n the radar system. The system is also more effective in profiling flights. Tersely, areas, where there were no cost benefits associated with surveillance, do not have efficient means of monitoring the air and ground traffic with lesser resources applied in the activity. Since the aircraft are provided with all the information needed, they have the opportunity of using the amount of fuel when airborne or in the ground. Precisely, one of the issues that affect the aviation industry is the cost of fuel used by the aircraft (Ortner et al., 2019). However, with the introduction of the ADS-B system, the aircraft can minimize their usage of fuel based on the data provided by both the in and out functionalities of the system.

Other benefits are associated with environmental sustainability. On this note, when the aircraft is provided with the ideal information about the situation on the ground, it will have the ideal means of reducing the fuel used. Accordingly, the aviation industry becomes very sustainable and offer the much-needed reprieve of the global warming burden in most industries around the world. Besides, the fact that most of the aircraft are connected to the ATM Network, there is a significant reduction of radio frequency pollution. Subsequently, there is enhanced visibility of the 1920 MHz datalink, which is essential in the improvement of the security of the airport. ADS-B has international interoperability, which means that all airports across the globe have enhanced their safety, capacity, and efficiency in their operations (Orrell et al., 2017). Therefore, ADS-B has the capability of ensuring the aviation industry is characterized by enhanced safety and efficiency, which provides opportunities for growth in the international market.

Impacts of ADS-B Safety

The Flight Safety Foundation released a report based on the safety benefits of ADS-B in the aviation industry. The report is based on investigations that highlighted the application of the system’s networks to meet the forecasted safety issues of air traffic. Concisely, the industry is expected to register significant expansion primarily because of the growth of globalization and the need for people and goods to move around the globe. On this note, ADS-B is expected to provide formidable solutions in the current and future problems experienced in the industry. Succinctly the system is expected to provide immediate, mid-term, and long-term solutions to the problems that have plagued the industry (Ali, 2016). Hence, it is expected that ADS-B will have a positive impact on the aviation industry, which will reflect on the performance of the companies in the sector and the safety of all stakeholders.

Near Real-Time Flight Surveillance

One of the ways that the system has improved safety in the industry is the introduction of near real-time flight surveillance capability offering full global coverage. Concisely, one of the issues that have been eliminated from the industry is that some of the airports were not covered by the system and therefore coordination with the international aviation industry was not possible. Tersely, this was a major problem associated with the industry because a significant number of accidents happened when the aircraft was landing or taking off. The number of accidents during this stage of aviation has decreased significantly because there is sufficient information about the number of aircraft in the airport and their arrival and departure times (Zhao & Liu, 2019). On this note, ADS-B has been influential in ensuring that the safety issues associated with real-time flight surveillance have been addressed most efficiently.

Oceanic and Remote Airspaces

There are some existing safety challenges in the aviation industry that have hampered the growth of the industry. A notable issue is oceanic and remote airspace do not have adequate surveillance. ADS-B technology has played a crucial role in eliminating this problem. In and out ABD-S in aircraft have been essential in the provision of critical near-real-time surveillance for all airborne traffic at every part of the world. Moreover, the system plays a critical role in ensuring that oceanic separation is reduced significantly. Consequently, regulatory authorities in the sector are offered an opportunity to ensuring prompt reviews of safety issues associated with the performance-based operation (Ali, 2016). Moreover, the underpinning communication between control and pilot is enhanced, which means that the industry is in a position to reduce safety incidences that could result in injuries, fatalities, and damages.

Aircraft Positioning

Before the introduction of the system, aircraft position errors were rampant in the vicinity of boundaries of flight information regions (FIRs). Although they still occur, they have reduced significantly after the introduction of the ADS-B system in aircraft surveillance. The accuracy and integrity of space-based ADS-B have introduced a significant safety advantage that helps in avoiding positional errors for airplanes particularly with adjacent FIRs. Moreover, the handover between controllers at FIR boundaries has been made more precise because of near-real-time situational awareness (Orrell et al., 2017). Thus, the workloads of pilots and controllers have been reduced to a significant extent, which has had a negative impact on the overall safety of the aviation industry.

Trajectory Monitoring

Another safety improvement is flight trajectory monitoring. On this note, the monitoring of flight trajectory was limited every 30 minutes in oceanic and remote airspace. There was the possibility of significant off-track errors. However, ADS-B enables controllers and pilots to monitor the trajectory of aircraft after every 8 seconds. The safety issue addressed by the new system is that some aircraft do not conform to the intended and planned flight path. Concisely, when the control of the aircraft is compromised by human or mechanical errors, the controller and the pilot are likely to respond in the appropriate manner, which means that they will have to mitigate the consequences of the anomaly. For instance, in the case that the airplane has been hijacked, the controller can alert security agencies in different parts of the world, which will play a crucial role in avoiding fatalities, injuries, and damage (Ortner et al., 2019). Thus, the flight trajectory monitoring enabled by the ADS-B system has enabled controllers and pilots to frequently check the flight routes, which has reduced incidences that are a safety threat in the aviation industry.

Staff Workloads

Air traffic control and pilots’ workloads are essential in the safety of the industry. On this note, the communication systems should ensure that the essential workers in the industry are not subjected to exhaustive environments. However, inefficient traffic management strategies have contributed to the creation of more a strenuous environment for both the ATC and pilots, which greatly puts many people and goods at risk. Some of the areas that have led to increased challenges to the ATC and pilots include oceanic and remote areas. Precisely, because of a poor communication system and control strategy, there have been various accidents that have resulted in fatalities, injuries, and losses (Ali, 2016). ADS-B has been efficient in reducing the ATC and pilots’ workload because it portrays an accurate and near real-time image for ATC. Consequently, the system has been instrumental in the facilitation of more effective planning. ADS-B has also been essential in offering a large range of traffic management and control instruments, which has resulted in reduced errors (Orrell et al., 2017). Accordingly, the safety of the aviation industry has been boosted by the fact that there are not many accidents resulting from errors caused by an exhausted workforce.

Poor Visibility

ADS-B has also been essential in ensuring that issues associated with poor visibility in some areas are solved efficiently. Surveillance capabilities are inadequate in some areas because of issues such as volcanic ash clouds and designated conflict zones. Moreover, there are obscured or contested airspace where dependable surveillance unavailable. In this regard, space-based ADS-B has been critical in ensuring that traffic control and management in such areas are strategically planned. Moreover, contingency management and operational situational analysis are greatly improved by the system, which means that some of the issues arising from insufficient surveillance are avoided. Space-based ADS-B is also capable of supporting pre-planning of more appropriate, precise, and effective diversion routes (Zhao & Liu, 2019). Consequently, it has been instrumental in enhancing the global safety net.

Provision of Accident Information

Locating black boxes is sometimes difficult for rescue teams and investigators of aircraft accidents. One of the issues that have led to the challenge associated with the location of black boxes is that it may incorporate extensive areas. When black boxes are not located, the cause of the accident cannot be determined, which means that preventative measures are not taken in the future. However, with the introduction of the ADS-B system, there is the provision of supplementary time-critical data that will enhance the investigation of the cause of accidents. Consequently, preventative measures are taken in the future to avoid similar accidents from occurring. ADS-B has also been essential in ensuring that that the location of valuable timeliness is enhanced, which plays a crucial role in the identification of the root cause of the problem. Therefore, the system has been critical in ensuring that investigators and rescuers can get the ideal information that will provide information about the causations of accidents (Ali, Ochieng, & Zainudin, 2017). Consequently, the industry is in a better position of addressing the vulnerability and consequently come up with the ideal solutions. Thus, the ADS=B has been essential in ensuring that the safety standards in the aviation industry have been adequately improved to avoid accidents that could result in injuries, fatalities, and losses to critical stakeholders such as charterers and passengers.

Situational Analysis

Situational analysis is pivotal in enhancing the safety of the customers and the safety of the passengers, staff, and cargo. ADS-B has been influential in ensuring that pilots are afforded with the ideal information that will inform them of the situation on the ground. Precisely, without sufficient information about the ground situation, the pilots are capable of identifying the risks that can be detrimental to the operations of the airport and the safety of all stakeholders. In this regard, ADS-B has ensured that the aviation industry is relatively safer through the provision of information about the situation on the ground. Furthermore, an instrumental point to note is that pilots have saved lives when they are provided with situational information concerning airborne traffic (Ali et al., 2017). Precisely, if a pilot is provided with pertinent information about the condition of the traffic over the land, they can make decisions preventing airborne disasters. On this note, ADS-B has been crucial in ensuring that the safety of the stakeholders is put into consideration when information is effectively relayed through the system.

Traffic Capacity Improvement

There are several supports afforded by ADS-B that have enhanced the capacity and efficiency in the aviation industry. Some of the supports include ATC traffic flow management, which means that airports and their personnel will be provided with a platform that will improve their performance in air control. Also, the system has ensured that there is an improved capability of airports to merge and space. Precisely, one of the issues that have been identified in air traffic control is that some aircraft occupy large spaces, which means that more traffic cannot be controlled on the ground (Zhao & Liu, 2019). On this note, the aviation industry will be benefitted from accidents associated with improper spacing and merging when landing and leaving the airport.

Success Factor Challenges

However, there are various challenges associated with the safety provision of the ADS-B system. One of the issues is associated with equipage rates. On this note, adequate equipage needs to ensure that the full benefits are derived from ADS-B. However, one of the issues that have been problematic in the realization of the benefits associated with the system is that countries are not focused on the implementation of safety. In this regard, Nations should ensure that all aircraft operating within their airspaces are equipped with the new system (Orrell et al., 2017). This will have a positive impact on the safety of the international aviation industry.

Moreover, there is an issue associated with implementation. On this note, some of the air traffic control does not have the ideal means of implementing the system effectively. Therefore, some countries have not mandated the implementation because there is an issue associated with the costs of upgrades of the existing ATCs. Besides, the upgrade needs also to incorporate automation, which means that the costs of implementation will be higher for some airports (Ali et al., 2017). Ostensibly, some countries do not have the finances needed in ensuring that the ADS-B is effectively provided in their airspace.

Another important issue is integrity. On this note, national regulatory approval and evidence-based safety arguments are needed to ensure that the system has the capability of meeting the reliability and latency required in complying with the acceptable international safety standards. Precisely, one of the issues that are associated with the implementation is differing standards adopted by different countries. Whereas IATA has been instrumental in determining the acceptable international standards, some countries have adopted other parameters that may not be compatible with ADS-B. In this regard, there is a need to ensure that regulatory services are aligned with the safety issues associated with the system (Zhao & Liu, 2019). Some regulatory issues could have the potential of inhibiting the safety benefits derived from ADS-B.

ADS-B has the capability of ensuring that flight safety is exponentially improved. Moreover, it can ascertain the efficiency and health of the entire industry. However, some of the success factors could have a negative impact because of issues associated with equipage, implementation, and regulations. The system can ensure that the location and surveillance of aircraft will play a significant role in ensuring that the industry enhances its safety standards. For instance, ensuring that the workload of air traffic control and pilots is reduced significantly will have a positive impact on the reduction of errors that have been problematic and identified as the most significant causes of accidents. However, governments should be encouraged to adopt the system in their airspaces to enhance the safety and efficiency of the local industry (Leones et al., 2018). Precisely, when the government provides incentives for the implementation of the system, there will be improved safety and health of the industry, which means that it will register positive growth and ensure that all stakeholders benefit from the sector.

Impact of ADS-B on Efficiency

ADS-B is operational in many countries around the world, which means that pilots and air traffic control have been provided with access to services that have to enhance the efficiency of their operations. On this note, operators who are equipped with ADS-B can enjoy more efficient spacing and optimal routing even in areas that do not have sufficient radar. The aircraft that are equipped with ADS-B also have the advantage of improving Air Traffic Controller’s awareness of aircraft in their vicinity. On this note, one of the factors that have enhanced the efficiency in the industry through the incorporation of the ADS-B technology is time. Normal radars can take up to 12 seconds before they update the location of an aircraft, which can provide sufficient time for errors that could result in serious accidents. However, the new technology allows ATC to identify the position of an aircraft every second. In this regard, there are various benefits associated with the introduction of new technology. One of the notable benefits is the increased efficiency in the aviation industry (Wang et al., 2018). The efficiency is notable in the reduction of incidences, increased surveillance, and reduced accidents because of ADS-B.

Air Traffic Controller’s Awareness

The awareness of the controllers has been enhanced through the incorporation of the ADS-B technology in various airspaces. The efficiency of the system is underlined by the fact that it has the capability of reporting the aircraft position every second when compared to radar, which can take between 5 and 12 seconds. In this regard, the ATC has been provided with an effective means of addressing hazardous situations quickly, which is essential in the prevention of accidents. The ATC is also provided with the capability of controlling and managing traffic in an efficient manner because of the information provided by ADS-B technology. The fact that the technology exists at lower altitudes when compared to radar means that the ATC is in a position of identifying potentially serious incidents and act immediately to counter an accident from happening (Baek et al., 2016). In this regard, ATC has been instrumental in ensuring that airports and airspaces have become relatively safer than before its inception.

Situational Awareness

Another element that has been introduced through the efficiency of technology is situational awareness. Pilots of ADS-B in equipped airplanes can easily the location of the surrounding aircraft and the graphic weather. The information is relayed to the pilots through a display on their cockpit. The same view is relayed to ATC, which results in a shared situational awareness. The efficiency of the technology is also reflected in the fact that pilots and the ATC are provided with the capabilities necessary in crucial see and avoid situations. ADS-B out can transmit information through the use of two frequencies, 1090 MHz and 978 MHz, which ensure the fast transmission of data between the pilot and the ATC. The technology also incorporates Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Rebroadcast, which retransmits information from one frequency to the other, offering pilots using both links to have the ability to see others in their traffic displays. ADS-B also transmits information critical to the flight including temporary restrictions and closed runaways. ADS-B is also pivotal in aiding pilots to avoid terrain in low visibility situations because terrain maps can be incorporated into the cockpit displays. Thus, the technology is essential in ascertaining that the ATC and airplanes are connected in an efficient with the ideal communication platform (Li et al., 2020). The efficiency is also noted in the enhanced communication between aircraft regardless of the frequencies they are using.

Search and Rescue

ADS-B technology incorporates GPS-based surveillance that is very accurate. Subsequently, it enhances the capability of performing a life-saving search and rescue mission. ATCs track aircraft with ADS-B out, which offers them to have more precise information on the last reported position of the aircraft. Accordingly, the ATC can coordinate and direct rescue missions using more detailed information about the incidence. In this regard, one of the factors that have been touted to be an indicator of the efficiency of the technology is its ability to hasten the process of search and rescue, which could be impaired if the ATC does not have sufficient information about the last position of the aircraft. Since the system transmits data every second, the last position identified by the technology is very precise and it takes the shortest time possible to locate an aircraft that has gone off the radar. The ADS-B has smaller footprints of ground radios that are efficient in ensuring that the aircraft can also be tracked in areas with unfeasible radar sites such as mountainous terrains (Zhou & Yan, 2019). Thus, one of the key elements of efficiency in ADS-B technology is that it has enabled the search and rescue missions to reduce the critical window of the time spent in operation.

Reduced Environmental Impact

The ADS-B technology is also efficient in reporting an aircraft’s position, which subsequently allows ATC to guide pilots in and out of crowded airspaces. The direction to the pilots on how to navigate crowded airspaces is efficient because it has smaller separation standards than it was before the conception of the technology. One of the benefits of this is that the aircraft does not spend a lot of time while navigating crowded airspaces. Therefore, they do not use a lot of fuel when landing, which means that the use of fossil fuels is reduced significantly. In this regard, it is estimated that the levels of pollutions and fuel consumption have reduced significantly, which has a positive impact on the environment. In this regard, the ADS-B has been instrumental in ensuring that the carbon footprint of the aviation industry has reduced significantly (Ortner et al., 2019). Also, it is estimated that the cost of operation has reduced because of the reduced fuel consumption.

Cost of Operations

ADS-B has also been influential in ensuring that the cost of operations has decreased significantly. In this regard, one of the critical issues to note is that while radar was the only surveillance available in the aviation industry, airplanes spent a significant time circling the airport waiting for approval to land. In this regard, the amount of fuel used while circling indicated was very costly to the companies in the industry. However, with the increased accuracy in management and control of airport terminals, the amount of time used in circling has been reduced significantly. This has had a positive impact on several stakeholders in the industry. One of the stakeholders that have benefitted from this aspect of ADS-B is the aviation companies because they have managed to improve profit margins. The other stakeholders who have amassed significant gains are charterers particularly those that deal with perishable goods such as horticulture and livestock. The reduced times of clearance mean that they can be assured that their products will still have the ideal quality that will attract customers. The customers have also benefitted from the fact that the prices have been favorable to them, which is one of the ways that companies are trying to woo more clients (Baek et al., 2016). In this regard, the ADS-B efficiency in traffic control and management has been essential in ensuring that various stakeholders have benefitted because of the reduced cost of operations by aviation companies.

Traffic Capacity Improvement

ADS-B efficiency is reflected in its ability to increase capacity through the support of various factors. One of the factors that have been essential in the improvement of capacity is the enhanced traffic flow management. In this regard, airports are provided with the opportunity of increasing efficiency in clearing aircraft for landing and taking off. In this regard, the flow of traffic in airports has increased, which has a positive effect on the performance of the industry.

Additionally, the technology supports merging and spacing. In this regard, it is essential to note that one of the critical issues that affect the management of airports and aircraft traffic is the lack of sufficient space for airplanes. Thus, the ADS-B efficiency has been noted in ensuring that maximum space is used in parking the numerous aircraft located in the airports that need space before picking up passengers and cargo (Li et al., 2020). On this note, ADS-B has been essential in ensuring that the capacity of airports has increased and therefore the aviation industry has derived significant benefits associated with efficiency.


According to the literature used in the research, the findings indicate that ADS-B is essential in the enhancement of safety and efficiency. Concerning safety, it is essential to note that one of the factors that have led to the industry registering significant losses is the prevalence of aircraft accidents because of poor surveillance methods applied by the traditional radar system. In this regard, the enhanced surveillance system offered by the technology has been instrumental in reducing the number of accidents exponentially. The fact that the ADS-B provides frequent information about the location of the aircraft to the ATC is one of the factors that has ensured that the number of accidents has reduced significantly because control can efficiently handle the traffic. Most of the accidents happen during landing and takeoff. Because of its enhanced surveillance, the technology has been instrumental in ensuring that safety has been augmented with higher standards now being reached across the industry.

Another important finding is that the workloads of the workers in the industry have been reduced significantly. In this regard, it is essential to note that one of the issues that have been noted relating to safety in the industry is associated with exhaustion of the workers. Like any industry, overworked workers are usually liable to errors. In the industry, errors are very dire and have significant consequences that can result in injuries, fatalities, and losses. ADS-B has been instrumental in ensuring that the workload of the works is reduced significantly, which means that they are more attentive to the issues that could result in serious accidents. Ostensibly, workers who are not exhausted because of the working environment tend to pay attention to details, unlike exhausted employees who may overlook some critical details in the workplace. In this regard, the ADS-B technology has been instrumental in ensuring that the workforce is protected from being overworked, which reflects positively in the safety standards of the industry.

The other factor that has been noted as a major benefit to the aviation industry safety is the inclusion is the enhancement of visibility. In this regard, poor visibility has been the course of many accidents, and therefore with the introduction of ADS-B has helped in the reduction of incidences leading to accidents and posing as one of the major safety issues in the industry. Concisely, because visibility is improved on both the pilots and the ATCs, the number of accidents has reduced significantly, which means that various stakeholders have benefited from the technology. Precisely, one of the issues that have been problematic to the aviation industry is the losses that are because of poor visibility. Poor visibility has the negative impact of ensuring that the aircraft consumes more fuel because both the ATC and pilot are not sure when the aircraft should be cleared for landing. The resultant circling of the aircraft means that it consumes more fuel, which is costly to the company. Succinctly, the safety in the aviation industry has registered significant gains because of the improved visibility derived from ADS-B technology.

ADS-B has ensured that aircraft in oceanic and remote areas are provided with the ideal surveillance. Some oceanic and remote areas are not covered by the traditional radar surveillance, which means that the location and position of an aircraft can be determined. This has particularly been problematic if the aircraft deviates from its flight path, which can lead to mid-air accidents. Therefore, the safety in the aviation industry has been enhanced by the fact that monitoring and control of aircraft can be done even when they are in remote areas, which reduces the opportunity of engaging in accidents. Thus, the system has been instrumental in ensuring that the safety stands are augmented because it provides capabilities of monitoring aircraft in oceanic and remote areas.

On the other hand, several factors have highlighted the efficiency of the system. One of the factors is that ATC awareness is improved, which means that airports can effectively manage and control traffic. The improved awareness is underlined by the fact that while the ATC has been capabilities of monitoring and controlling traffic, the capacity of airports increases exponentially. On this note, one of the benefits associated with ADS-B is that most of the airports will increase their capacity, which will reflect on the performance of the aviation industry.

In addition, the environmental impacts of the industry have improved significantly because of the incorporation of ADS-B technology in the operations. The improved control and management of ATCs have ensured that landing is efficient. In the past, the consumption of fuel was high because of the necessary circling of airports before the planes were cleared for landing. Accordingly, the consumption of fuel was high, which hurt the environment. At a time when the world is concerned with issues of climate change and global warming, sustainability is essential in ensuring that the environment is protected and therefore, the technology has been instrumental in making certain that fuel consumption is reduced significantly. In this regard, ADS-B has played a crucial role in ascertaining that the industry does not consume a lot of fuel, which has a positive impact on sustainability and environmental protection.

Moreover, ADS-B is efficient in reducing the cost of operation for aviation companies. Concisely, one of the issues that have led to various positive impacts on the cost-saving of aviation companies around the world. Precisely, efficiency is essential in the reduction of cost in any industry. The cost-effectiveness of the industry has led to a significant benefit to various stakeholders including charterers, traders, companies, and customers. Concisely, the benefits will have a significant role in ensuring that the industry registers significant growth because of increased business activities.


ADS-B technology has had an important aspect of the safety and efficiency of the aviation industry. The fact that it has increased safety standards means that the companies in the industry will not incur losses associated with accidents. The industry has not been generating optimal revenues primarily because of the issues associated with safety. Some people who have the potential of becoming loyal customers to aviation companies have preferred to use other modes of travel because of the safety risks. The survival rates of air crashes are very low, which means that people who are traveling with a country would prefer other modes such as rail and road because they are relatively safer. However, with the introduction of ADS-B technology in the industry, firms can increase their revenues because people are aware of enhanced safety. On the other hand, organizations need to ensure that they inform the customers f the enhanced security measures so that they can have the full benefit of the new technology.

Efficiency has been one of the primary cost drivers in the industry. Whereas internal efficiency used various approaches and strategies unique to the needs of an organization, the external factors such as air traffic control hampered the success of the firms in the industry. On this note, one of the benefits associated with ADS-B is that the industry will register significant growth owing to the reduced costs associated with inefficiency. Some organizations that have gone down could have thrived if the technology was present when they were facing some of the issues in their operations. In this regard, the sector is expected to register significant growth because of the benefits associated with efficiency. For instance, the fact that the companies will not unnecessary costs associated with fuel consumption means that the profit margins will increase. The money saved from improved traffic management and control can be redirected to other areas such as marketing and enhance service delivery, which means that more customers will be willing to travel using the aircraft even in the regional and domestic markets.


The aviation industry has been plagued by safety issues and inefficiencies that have led to increased losses. In this regard, one of the issues that have led to an inhibited performance by the organizations in the industry is the lack of a technology that can enhance air traffic control and management. ADS-B has provided the industry with the ideal means through which the operations of an airport, airspaces, and aircraft have been enhanced by increased features that were not present when the radar system was the only means of monitoring airplanes. Concisely, the introduction of ADS-B has had many benefits for different stakeholders in the industry. For example, the companies enhanced efficiency has been essential in ensuring that they reduce their costs while safety means that more people are willing to use the mode to travel and ship cargo. In this regard, ADS-B technology is projected to have more benefits as it continues to be improved, which means that the industry will continue to be robust and enhance its performance and productivity in the future.




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