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B.F. Skinner Video

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B.F. Skinner Video

In this video, B.F. Skinner discusses his theories of the psychological problems that educators go through. Further, Skinner clarifies issues regarding freedom as opposed to control. Skinner addresses defective educational environments and how to use environmental elements to modify learning behaviors such as temporary reward systems. Temporary rewards such as special lunchtime food, the privilege to associate with friends, and access to play space can reinforce positive learning. Skinner views success as an intrinsic human reinforcement, where instructional programs that well-designed enable progress. Further, Skinner states that various educational systems are based on consequences. Skinner explains that redesigning instructional programs to accommodate learning paces of different students without assigning grades would enable students’ success. Moreover, students should be enticed to do their homework and follow instructions by rewarding good student behavior, which includes providing economic incentives (YouTube, 2012).

According to the video, I think the most effective human response behavioral principle we have is positive reinforcement. It is clear that negative reinforcement does not work since the byproduct of hostile reinforces such as punitive classroom measures result in early drop-out, apathy, truancy, and vandalism. Teachers should transition to a positive reinforcement system since it improves classroom behavior. Effective methods of improving classroom behavior include rewarding positive behavior and distraction. Positive reinforcers increase desirable and pleasant stimuli that help maintain the frequency of the behavior. Further, it is easier to encourage behavior compared to discouraging behavior, which makes positive reinforcement a more powerful principle than negative reinforcement. Moreover, positive reinforcement is effective in the long-term since learning accompanied by positive feelings can be remembered even after reinforcement. The examples provided in the video by Skinner for positive reinforcement include special lunchtime food, access to play space, and privilege to associate with friends (YouTube, 2012).



















YouTube. (2012). B. F. Skinner on education [YouTube Video]. In YouTube.



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