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How cross-cultural media destroys the culture of a society

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Generally, the media has played a bigger role in creating awareness in the society by sharing new ideas and also coming up with objectives. Media has enhanced global marketing and business, through media people can shop online by the use of social media. However, it has negatively influenced our culture, nowadays people just share whatever they want on social media, and some information or pictures may be inappropriate. In the modern world, people do not follow the specified set of values that are associated with any culture anymore.

How cross-cultural media destroys the culture of a society

The major issue on our cultures being destroyed involves the fading of the cross-cultural amalgamation and the crashing of our traditions that used to be considered as unique, the mass media and the social media have prioritized the trends internationally leading assimilations of thousands of people globally but some communities resist the globalization process and this helps them to live according to the culture and values of their communities Yeganeh, H. (2020).

With the use of social media, people are being fed with what they like they want to hear, Most social media platforms tend to be biased and this makes them give more attention to violent issues that have either been in existence or are rising thus encouraging our youths to go against their morals and become violent, students nowadays are fond of going for rampages now and then an issue that most societies are against.

Green, B. (2019).Reiterates that it has also reduced the amount of physical work done by our youths in the societies since most of them nowadays prefer chatting, playing video games or watching movies all day long. It has also made the youth not to come up with their ideas and inventions hence making it easy for them lured into voyeuristic behaviors. Laziness also arises in communication like in the case of the family rather than going to the next room to notify your siblings that food is ready, we choose to text them to deliver the information. Laziness is killing the traditional values and culture, However, some societies discourage this kind of laziness.

Munir, S. (2018, March). Says that globalization may result in loss of cultural identity and also increase the crime rates among our children because of the less time they spend with parents. Most young people below the age of 18 have started to engage themselves in activities that may harm their future because their parents are not being responsible enough to guide and advise them when the need arises. They should be taught the basic requirement and how to go about life and they should be made aware of physiological changes that may occur especially when they are teenagers.

Media can also influence individuals to get themselves in situations that are immoral such as drug and substance abuse, as there are many social communication platforms that may be providing opportunities to the teenagers, for instance celebrities can decide to post pictures of themselves drinking alcohol and smoking weed. What do we expect our children to do? if their role models are posting pictures while abusing drugs, this makes it hard for the parents to convince their children. According to Ishii, K. (2018). 75% of the youth tend to experiment with what they see their role models are doing and drug abuse is not an exception.


Globalization through the media transformation has destroyed several societies especially the youth as they tend to engage themselves in activities that will end up destroying their future. Despite the media playing a big role in the changes in the current society, the stakeholders should take the required measures to ensure that our societies are not destroyed but they should be improved.


















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