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Signs of Alcohol Abuse

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Signs of Alcohol Abuse


Alcohol is the most commonly abused drug in the United States. Statistics indicate that one among eight Americans struggles to control their alcohol consumption. People within the age range of 18-64 years report higher rates of alcohol use as compared to older adults and teenagers. Alcohol abuse refers to the situation whereby a person consumes too much alcohol on many occasions. Failure to control liquor intake can affect your lifestyle and escalate to addiction.


What Causes of Alcohol Abuse?

Taking many alcoholic drinks regularly for a prolonged period or binge drinking can cause alcohol abuse. This is because continued consumption of liquor alters the functioning of some parts of the brain. This may make you lose the ability to control your behavior and make wise judgments. You may also find yourself craving more drinks in a bid to reinstate the good feelings that alcohol stimulates. Studies also indicate that people who start consuming alcohol at an early age are more likely to suffer from alcohol abuse. Other factors like mental health problems, a traumatic history, and undergoing bariatric surgery may also make you more prone to alcohol misuse.


Signs of Alcohol Abuse

There is a wide range of warning signs that can help detect alcohol abuse. Some of the symptoms are easily recognizable, while others might be difficult to notice. People who tend to take alcohol in private also make it more difficult for friends and family members to identify a problem. Additionally, the extent of liquor abuse may influence the type of symptoms you show. Hence, you might not identify mild alcohol abuse until it turns into a dangerous habit. Some of the signs of alcohol abuse you can look out for are;

  • The inability to control the amount of alcohol intake
  • Drinking in secrecy
  • The continuance to drink alcohol despite being aware it causes harm
  • Failure to fulfill some obligations at home or work due to continues alcohol use
  • Drinking in unsafe situations like when swimming or driving
  • Coming up with excuses to justify a drinking behavior



Alcohol abuse may also include some phases of intoxication and some symptoms of withdrawal. You may have mood instability, slurred speech, and impaired memory. Sometimes, you may experience blackouts whereby you do not recall events that happen when you are drunk. In case you try to stop drinking for some time, you may experience withdrawal symptoms such as insomnia, nausea, and restlessness.


The effects of Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol affects your central nervous system, and you may feel stimulated at first. However, continued drinking can lead to various health issues and safety risks. Drinking diminishes your judgment skills and can influence you to engage in dangerous behavior. For instance, you can suffer a car accident or any other form of accidental occurrences like drowning. Also, you may engage in unprotected sex or experience sexual abuse when drunk.

In case you do not have a stable source of income, you are likely to find it hard to cater for essential needs. Heavy drinking can also lead to high blood pressure and increase the risk of heart problems. You may even cause irreversible damage and scarring to your liver tissue (liver cirrhosis). Alcohol abuse during pregnancy may lead to a miscarriage or cause various childbirth defects. Notwithstanding, drinking weakens your immune system making you prone to diseases and infections.


Identifying the signs of alcohol abuse can help you seek treatment to avoid long term effects. At Summit Detox, we provide a comfortable and safe environment to help you recover from alcohol abuse. Our detox program includes natural remedies and vitamin regimens to ensure you receive the right treatment. Contact us today to start your alcohol abuse recovery journey.



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