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Cyber warfare includes all the activities involved in hacking important and discreet information, webpages and controls. Government agencies, financial institutions, hospitals, military, and many other corporations fetch, store and process discreet data on their operating systems.  Data protection is vital considering the current security-related menaces and cyber-attacks. This involves all measures aimed at safeguarding confidential data, networks and programs  from unlicensed or unattended access, destruction or change. Many companies have developed several software programs which helps secure the data. In a 2019 survey of decision-makers by Verizon Security Holdings at SMBs, 67% were victims of cyberattack in 2019. 94% of this case arrived on computers via emails. Anyone in possession of a phone, tablet, desktop/laptop falls at risk. The team came up with a project on designing a data tracker security program aimed for use at personal, consumer and business level enterprises. The program works by secluding individuals data, whelther personal or corporate, from being fetched and exchanged online. For the purpose of this project, our program will be named “DataNanny”.

Unlike other programs that run individually or on an app-by-app ground, DataNanny is a multi-device, independent app. It works by executing a remote and secluded working  “environment”. This helps by assuring them of entirely unidentifiable utilisation of all their computing devices in use including desktops, mobile phones or tablets. Using DataNanny either individually or as a corporate will  require one to install and function the program on the devices in use for the program to be effective. This means that getting the program requires total buy-in by the user. For any excluded device data blockage will not be effective.

DataNanny opreates through a centralized server that synchronize the tracking blockers stationed in the devices. When one makes a data request, the information is passed to DataNanny. It is programmed to run as a proxy serves for all its connected devices. All data requests are passed through here. This in turn enables the program to closely monitor and gauze all incoming data and will allow those whose applications it considers to be “safe”.

One major challenge for DataNanny’s program is speed. In effect to this, users are requested to withstand a modest amount of delay during loading the homepage and data transfer rates phases. DataNanny provides a logging and notification system. It is possible for users using the same server to view requests being made and those that have been denied. This gives small space for privacy.  It is possible for users to oppose a blocked or denied request. An AI originally looks over opposed requests, and those with a validity percentage of 85% and below will be forwarded further to an assessment team and establish reasons as to why the user appeals the request to be approved. Usually this takes less than 24 hours to conclude. Further analysis will be helpful in order to ascertain the AI inserts needed to deliver at least possible 95% success rate. Due to the challenges experienced with speed, the software will be noted down in Swift. If management rules out that in effect this makes recruitment challenging, change to C++.

Due to the increased internet rate penetration, cybersecurity is a major concern worldwide as the threats pose a serious threat to individuals and country’s security at large. The government and the citizens should work together in creating awareness towards the masses in an effort to install and update security systems and programs to avoid loss and theft of crucial data.

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