The business case for A-state PMO
Project title:
1.0 Introduction /background
A project management office of it’s at the A-state will struggle to help in the completion and to oversee jobs that are related to tech in the university, This will happen on offering resources through a website.
2.0 Business objectives
The project management office will be the primary source of documentation, guidance, and metrics that are allied to practices that are involved in the implementation and coordination of projects.
3.0 Current situation and problem /opportunity statement
The current situation is, it provides a comprehensive and critical initiation to the project management office as well as blending theory with practical examples.
4.0 Critical assumption and constraints
All learners will have the relevant skills and all the learning expected and learning materials that are up to date in terms of time resources and budget
5.0 Analysis of options and resources
The project management office helps various teams, and also several levels of management execute their duties in the university. The analysis made helps identify techniques and methodologies to be employed in the project management office and those that will be frequently used and hence the implementation of more PMO offices in the university.
6.0 Preliminary project requirements
The project management office should content the preliminary elements of being reassuring in an advisory role, controlling since it requires compliance and adherence to the instructions in terms of managing and coordinating projects.
7.0 Budget estimate and financial analysis
The university has many commercial projects under the way in several levels of construction. Programming and design. This analytical report is submitted to ensure that the board members are aware of the status of every main project. The budget estimate is about a hundred million dollars.
8.0 Potential risks
Failure to establish the project management office may lead to severity, and this may lead to unsatisfactory results and Poor execution of projects .this office is put in place to curb such risks by performing training and mentoring project managers.
9.0 Exhibits
Exhibit A: financial analysis
Necessary funds should be made readily available for the disbursement of the project. The amount of money that the university has to prepare strictly depends on its income.
The project management office should content the preliminary elements of being reassuring in an advisory role, controlling since it requires compliance and adherence to the instructions in terms of managing and coordinating projects.
7.0 Budget estimate and financial analysis
The university has many commercial projects under the way in several levels of construction. Programming and design. This analytical report is submitted to ensure that the board members are aware of the status of every main project. The budget estimate is about a hundred million dollars.
8.0 Potential risks
Failure to establish the project management office may lead to severity, and this may lead to unsatisfactory results and Poor execution of projects. This office is specifically for curbing such risks by performing training and mentoring project managers.
9.0 Exhibits
Exhibit A: financial analysis
Necessary funds should be made readily available for the disbursement of the project. The amount of money that the university has to prepare strictly depends on its income.