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The use of digital mammography in the treatment of breast cancer in women

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The use of digital mammography in the treatment of breast cancer in women

Part 1: Title and Research Question/Hypothesis


The title of the research paper is “The use of digital mammography in the treatment of breast cancer in women.” Mainly, breast cancer is considered among the most severe types of cancer that affect the human population. In modern society, the rate at which cancer cases are increasing across the globe is alarming and devastating. The major reason why breast cancer has been an epidemic in most parts of the globe is the lack of proper procedures needed in cancer screening, treatment, and management. Besides, considering different types of cancers such as lung cancer, cervical cancer, throat cancer, and prostate cancer, among others, breast cancer affects the largest population on patients with cancer. In that regard, breast cancer has become difficult to treat in countries using conventional methods in screening, treatment, and management. Only a few countries have managed to use proper breast cancer treatment procedures through technology. The majority of people in middle-class economies and developing countries are dying due to a lack of Health Information Technology used in breast cancer treatment. In that regard, the title of the research paper focuses on determining how digital mammography as a health information technology can be used in breast cancer treatment in women in middle-class economics and developing countries.

Research Question/Hypothesis

Health information technology has become very significant in healthcare in terms of prevention and treatment of diseases. Due to many types of cancers, the research paper aims to assess the use of digital mammography technology in the treatment of breast cancer across the continuum. Thus, the research question is, what is the impact of using digital mammography health technology in the treatment of breast cancer in women across the continuum?

Part 2: Introduction

Topic Area

The research paper on the use of digital mammography health technology in the treatment of breast cancer will be conducted in one of the best cancer healthcare facilities in India called Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology, Bangalore. The facility is used in the treatment of different types of cancers but has recorded many cases of breast cancer from many cancer patients from different parts of the world.

Women are the main victims of breast cancer although that are a few cases of breast cancer in men. From an oncology point of view, breast cancer is the type of cancer that develops from breast tissue. Patients with breast cancer have symptoms such as scaly patch on the breast, fluid on the nipple, skin dimpling, breast lumping, change in size and shape of the breast, and a newly-inverted nipple. In that regard, breast cancer is a severe epidemic that can kill many women across the globe. New cases of breast cancer are diagnosed every day across the globe. In the United States, breast cancer is common and more than 13% of women in America are at risk of developing breast cancer. According to the American Cancer Society, approximately 41, 760 women died from cancer in America in 2019. Therefore, the number of women who succumb to breast cancer across the globe is very high per year. For that reason, modern technologies in cancer treatment should be used to minimize deaths associated with breast cancer. Digital mammography is one of the best technologies used in the treatment of breast cancer. The technology uses a mammography system that applies X-ray technology that is converted into an electrical signal. Digital mammograms are used by an oncologist to screen breast cancer in early stages to facilitate treatment procedures before it is too late. The choice of Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology, Bangalore will be significant because the facility has handled many cases of breast cancer. The treatment of cancer treatment is very expensive. Therefore, the expected outcomes of this study will help Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology in the treatment of breast cancer for needy and poor cancer patients across the globe. As a regional cancer center, the facility will effectively and efficiently handle cases of breast cancer through digital mammography.

Research Question

The research question in this study is what is the impact of using digital mammography health technology in the treatment of breast cancer in women across the continuum? In that regard, the main focus is on how digital mammography health technology can be used in Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology in screening and treatment of breast cancer in women. Since the facility is a regional cancer center, then the issue to investigate is, how many breast cancer cases can the facility handle? Besides, how many women with breast cancer will survive due to the use of digital mammography?


The study is significant in the field of oncology to help patients with breast cancer through early screening and treatment using digital mammography. The number of patients with breast cancer who die per year is high and has increased significantly over the years. Therefore, the study and statistical outcomes from this research will help in early diagnosis and proper treatment of breast cancer. Also, the study will be important to Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology because it deals with needy and poor cancer patients who cannot afford the high cost of cancer treatment. Overall, the statistical outcome may also be used by Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology to make healthcare policies such as free breast cancer screening using digital mammography to assist as many breast cancer patients as possible.

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