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Senior managers provide resilient management in the business

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Senior managers provide resilient management in the business

In the century with increased technology and innovation it has become almost impossible for businesses to stay in a stationary position. As a result of these changes, the business needs leaders who are fully and have high levels of innovation. The leader should be able to conduct self-assessment and other company’s assessment regularly and evaluate his work. The evaluation will help him to understand the process to be taken to achieve the business goals and also identify the mistake done along the way. The manager will be able to learn from the mistake, recognize his ranges of the flaw and established targets for enhancement.

Senior managers provide resilient management in the business by establishing his pledge to the organization and its function this is done by active participation in the business activities and elevate the workers beyond their goals and finances. For example, Bob Galvin, who was once the CEO of Motorola, restructured the committee policy and made sure that quality was the first agenda before the financial issue. The senior manager should show commitments, for example, David Kearns, the CEO of Xerox, held up a vital product presentation because of slight value complications, despite the opposition from the others. By taking this personal inconvenience risk he captured the attention of the society and reinforced the corporation values. Management ensures proper communication within the individual’s levels this promotes or encourages the people to come up with new ideas that can be implemented to provide the quality services or the goods needed. This ensures that the company keeps growing and workers at different levels con work together without discrimination for the benefit of the company. Senior management agreethe number of resources provided for a particular activity of the business. The management also establishes, evaluate and frequently advance the administration system James R. Houghton, evaluated himself regularly and he believed in the slogan “walking the talk”.

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