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Course Project Milestone 1 Template

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Course Project Milestone 1 Template

Directions: Prior to completing this template, carefully review Course Project Milestone 1 Guidelines.  After saving the document to your computer, type your answers directly on this template and save again. This assignment is due by Sunday end of Week 2 by 11:59 p.m. Mountain Time.


Assignment Criteria 

NOTE: See Milestone 1 Rubric for details required in each area.

Scenario for Milestone Assignment:

Scenario is clear and concise, including a disease process, diagnosis, OR identify a patient with a desire to maintain good health and prevent illness. Include the nurse’s assessment of learning needs and readiness to learn.

50 points


Scenario for Ms. Melvin Silvio

Melvin Silvio is a 55-year-old black American that has a diagnosis for high blood pressure (hypertension). As a result, she is on regular observation with the aim of controlling the effects of the disease, especially the need to manage the condition and avoid further complications.

The cardiovascular specialist has stressed the need for Melvin to live a healthy lifestyle with a view of slowing or preventing further progression of the condition. Hypertension prevalence is high in the United States with figures from CDC stating that close to 45% of adult Americans have the condition (Vo et al., 2018).

Hypertension can result in complications that include cardiovascular disease, kidney disease and in fatal cases, death.

Ms. Melvin is interested in ways that she can use to have effective tracking of her health as well as make healthier decisions and choices.

She is university graduate and uses iPhone, especially in communicating and interacting on social media with family, friends and colleagues.

She has expressed interest in knowing as well as learning to use an app that can assist her in managing her recent diagnosis.

While she works in a busy office and has house responsibilities, she believes that with the app she will be in a better position to understand her condition, monitor blood pressure levels and carry out effective self-management and adjustments in medications. She believes that through the app, she will achieve critical reduction in blood pressure levels and maintain a healthy lifestyle to prevent progression of the condition as well as potential complications.


Describe in detail content planned for teaching this patient in the scenario.

40 points

The intended content for the patient is the benefits provided by mobile health apps used for monitoring hypertension. The utilization of mobile apps in managing health conditions and diagnoses has increased in the recent past due to the increased penetration of technology among users.

Hypertension affects close to 45% of American adults and about 20% of the global population (Vo et al., 2018). The implication is that with better knowledge and use of mobile apps, hypertension patients can carry out self-monitoring and self-management to enhance the efficacy of medications as well as other interventions aimed at improving their health and stop the progression of the disease.

According to Liang et al. (2017), apps enhance the preventive importance of patient information and create new avenues for the management as well as control of high blood pressure. MHealth apps can measure blood pressure (BP) levels and allow patients to make effective choices for control and better management of the condition. Further, mHealth apps are tools that support physicians in enhancing hypertension treatment.

Using effective apps, patients can share data easily in multiple formats and allow patients and their families to choose interventions that will provide the most optimal outcomes.

As such, to effective use the app, the patient should ensure that their mobile devices are android enabled or use the iOS operating system. In this case, the patient has an iPhone and therefore should have reliable Internet access.

It is important for the patient to know that all the information provided in the app may not be applicable to all components of her condition, especially where the conditions are not severe. The symptoms check approach used by the tracker app can help her manage and prevent hypertension if she uses it properly.

Hypertension is life threatening condition and effective interventions are necessary to ensure that the diagnosis does not progress and lead to complications like renal impairment and visual impairment. The client must also ensure that the app has an approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use as a medical device (Doyle, 2019).

Identify the mHealth application:

Identify a mHealth app that could benefit the patient. Describe the app including the mHealth app name, purpose, intended audience, mobile device(s) upon which it will operate, where to download or obtain it. Include a working link if it is to be downloaded from a website.  Add any other information you believe would be pertinent to this situation.  Make sure to add a citation for this mHealth app in APA format.

45    points

The quick rise in mobile health (mHealth) applications has created confusion in health care provides as well as the public concerning which ones to depend on evidence-based interventions notes Larson (2018). Therefore, it is important for consumers and health care providers to assess the quality of mHealth apps and ensure that they are approved and are safe as well as secure for use.

Smart Blood Pressure is a mHealth app that have been approved by FDA and provides quality results for patients with blood pressure. Smart blood pressure is an app that focuses on ensuring that a patient takes BP readings whenever comfortable to attain accuracy (Doyle, 2019). The purposes of this app include tracking a patient’s diastolic and systolic pressure as well as heart rate. The app also tracks weight and can calculate the body mass index (BMI) as well as MAP. The transforms the patient details into color-coded charts and graphs that simply what they see when the levels are high, low and the healthy changes needed. The app is free when one purchases other components of the system (Doyle, 2019).

Using the app, patients can place tags and notes to monitor how various factors impact their BP. The app is highly effective, with high usability ratings and features that resonate with the user. It ensures the privacy and security of its users are not compromised and is highly reliable and accessible.

The target audience for the app include patients with hypertension like Ms. Melvin as well as physicians. Others include families that have hypertension patients, especially caregivers and community health workers who monitor such patients.

Statement from instructor on required assignment and topic:

Accepted, Accepted with revisions needed, OR Not accepted.

*Any required revision will not alter your grade for this assignment. *


·         Accepted

·         Accepted with revisions

·         Not accepted












Doyle, A. (2019 April 30). The Best Heart Disease Apps of 2019. Retrieved from

Liang, J., He., X., Jia, Y., Zhu, W. & Lei, J. (2018). Chinese Mobile Health APPs for

Hypertension Management: A Systematic Evaluation of Usefulness. Journal of Healthcare Engineering, vol. (2018)

Vo, V. Auroy, L. & Sarradon-Eck, A. (2019). Patients’ Perceptions of mHealth Apps: Meta-Ethnographic Review of Qualitative Studies. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth, 7(7):e13817

Larson, R. S. (2018). A Path to Better-Quality mHealth Apps. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth, 6(7). e10414.


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