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The Forgotten Power of the Vietnam Peace Movement

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The Forgotten Power of the Vietnam Peace Movement

The Second Indochina War

            The Vietnam cold war occurred between North Vietnam, which was supported by the Soviet Union and South Vietnam supported by the United States. The legality of the law was through the propaganda of any lawful government being able to guard itself against assault and the right of other governments to join in protecting the interest of the nation in question. Hence, the legality led to the rise of a rebellion against the USA involvement in the Vietnam War, which in turn brought about protests and demonstrations. Even after the end of the war, the involvement of people in the war is long forgotten, and history manipulated to favor others as heroes. There is a hint of betrayal in the nation, dishonor of Vietnam veterans and their memory, false and sanitized history, big lies, and propaganda when it comes to the description of the Vietnam War. This entry will majorly focus on the antiwar movement of the Vietnam veterans, their dishonor during and the truth behind the war.

Dishonor of the Vietnam Veterans

The Vietnam War is a complete catastrophe in every dimension that the Vietnam people viewed the war. I think they received a cold reception back home from the war. They are not only depicted as losers but also as weaklings and monsters even before the war ends for their surrender to the communism threat of which is the United State. We see the agony of Hayden for Vietnam veterans who explains that torments, disintegrations, and sufferings among the families of soldiers and veterans experienced.  He felt that the true history of the antiwar movement needed to be included in the memorial, “We had accidentally learnt that the pentagon was mandated to commemorate the 50th anniversary war escalation ” (Hayden 20). The expression clearly depicts the anguish that the veteran soldiers went through and the ungratefulness that they live with as a form of thank you for their great sacrifice. I believe that Vietnam people could do better than the cold reception and strong aversion.

False and Sanitized History

The hatred for the Vietnam War was a catastrophic mission with the disruption of the peaceful coexistence. There was not only a separation of families, massive deaths, disruption of the universal peace, but also the killing of a whole generation. Most of those who suffered a higher cost are the veterans, for they endured their pain in shame and rejection. Veterans are not recognized anywhere in history; instead, history has been re-written with big lies and propaganda imprinted on the books, papers, media prints, and journals.  Hayden believes that the rulers are leaving out the peace movement regimes which the Vietnamese fought for through sugarcoated lies of peace and a new History, “Since there is today no virtually, well- funded peace activist movement, our recognition is fading away…” (Hayden 22). A new history of the current winning wars has been written to commemorate the great victory while the pain and suffering of the Veterans are wholly ignored. I believe that the veterans acted as a pathway for a peaceful nation and indirectly influence the current wins among the country.

The Cost of Freedom

The disruption of peace in a nation comes with a cost. The bitter memories of cruel experiences are highly appreciated amongst the Vietnamese who opted for peace movements and demonstrations. Most of the veterans question their illegitimacy amongst their people after the Vietnam war. Hayden believes that justice and peace movements can make a difference as opposed to the wars that was  pushed in Vietnam,  He recounts of how the impacts on the Vietnamese people are being erased and history being re-written “The steady denial of our impact, the persistent caricatures of who we really are…surrender to the communist threat…”(Hayden 22) .Hayden however yearns for the peace movement history that is distorted and the truth behind leaders thirsting for war to be included in the memorial “… the full justice agenda of is blocked  by the permanent war economy” (Hayden 21). I think the Vietnam war was an upheaval instilled amongst the people for materialistic or power gain.


In truth, as seen above, the Vietnam veterans are used to bring war to their nation through the influence of a powerful nation. This is seen as a new form of colonization. The peace movement overpowers conflicts and wars as they are soon implemented as a means of reconciliation among the Vietnamese and the globe at large. From the above, we can learn that the pride of the country’s past and its achievements is benevolent. On another note, the wrong sides should serve as a life lesson and advocate for better days. Sacrifices made to attain the peaceful days should, however, never be forgotten.



Works Cited

Hayden, Tom. ‘The Forgotten Power of the Vietnam Peace Movement.”The Nation 30      January 2017, p18-23.Print


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