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What is the cultural expression?

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What is the cultural expression?

Cultural expression refers to the creation of specific people, groups, or communities that have cultural content. Additionally, cultural activities are events that embody or convey cultural attributes irrespective of other values attached to it and includes music, art, designs, dance, and handicrafts. Cultural activities can have an end in itself, or they may lead to the production of activities which promote cultural expression.

Day 3

Brazil is considered as a “racial paradise where people of varied physical features and with diverse cultural heritages live amicably together” (Marger, 2011, p.421). The main philosophy in Brazil is ethnic assimilation, where the different ethnic groups that are racially defined in the society can merge into one. Hence, in the context of Brazil, a better society is one where there is genuine ethnic democracy (Marger, 2011, p.421). The main philosophy in Brazil is assimilation; the guiding factor is that bringing together different ethnic groups in the society, makes the community a better place to live. The primary goal in Brazil is ethnic convergence and breakdown of ethnic and cultural groups (Marger, 2011, p.421).

Historically, Brazil was colonized by the Portuguese. Hence most heritage was derived from Portugal. Therefore, most cultural elements are derived from Portugal, and indeed, most cultural legacies from Brazil have Portuguese

Although discrimination in Brazil is insignificant, it still exists in society. Examples of discrimination facing Brazil include racial or prejudice; though most people interact with one another, there are still some pockets of racism in the country. Gender prejudice or sexism is also common in Brazil. Stereotyping towards blacks is also common where, for example, the blacks are viewed as dirty, unattractive, superstitious, immoral, lazy, aggrieve, and perverse (Marger, 2011, p.437). Additionally, institutional discrimination is prevalent in Brazil. This is evident in schools; blacks are viewed to be less capable educationally; hence few resources are invested in them (Marger, 2011, p.438).

There is a huge disparity at all levels in society. For example, the participation rates of blacks are often overlooked or are regarded to be less able. Additionally, there are huge disparities between the income level of white and blacks. For instance, whites are better remunerated compared to blacks.

The policies that seek to address racial and ethnic issues include the introduction of affirmative action. The aim is to ensure equality in terms of equal access to employment, admission to higher learning institutions, and equal competition to access public funds (Marger, 2011, p.445). Affirmative action policies have been instituted by key political as well as economic institutions in Brazil.

The challenges that the country may face as a result of racial and ethnic interactions have not been clearly defined. For instance, to determine who will benefit from affirmative action requires the determination of who is “black” and who is “white” (Marger, 2011, p.446), which does not solve the problem.


Marger, M. N. (2011). Race and ethnic relations: American and global perspectives. Nelson Education.

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