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Increase in Insecurity in Most Urban Cities

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Increase in Insecurity in Most Urban Cities

Dillon and Sze (2016) wrote the article Police Power and Particulate Matters: Environmental Justice and the Spatialities of Insecurities in U.S. Cities ‘discussing how US cities faced one of the largest revolts in history through the “Black Lives Matter” movement. Natural disasters, biased laws and regulations, and the recent pandemic COVID-19 all threaten human life and the article highlights how unsafe modern cities have become.

The threat to human life has always existed despite the ending of World War 1 and 11 and such threats can arise from the environment as well as from law authorities. After reading the text, it changed my opinion about how power dynamics in US cities hinder the equal distribution of state resources. Such inequality in modern cities culminates in poor health care provision, poor infrastructure, and an increase in rights movements. Additionally, there is a lack of effective planning of key projects in urban centers leading to poor infrastructure. All in all, the development of urban cities in terms of health, infrastructure, and quality leadership depends on the equal distribution of state resources.

The article highlights environmental insecurity as one of the major threats to human life. This is an accurate description as this is a significant aspect that affects many urban cities. I agree with this analysis considering the recent pandemic COVID-19. The prevalence of COVID-19 shows poor health planning in most urban cities. As such, this article not only challenges me to preserve the environment but leaders in developed urban cities were also exposed in terms of poor use of state resources and inadequate health care policies.

To conclude, poor planning and leadership have contributed to insecurities in most urban cities in the US. Leaders in urban cities must implement health policies and effective planning strategies to be prepared in case of emergencies like COVID-19. On this same note, revolutions like ‘Black Lives Matter’ fight for equality and more importantly, distribute state resources to deal with any prevalent epidemics or natural disasters. This is an article that I recommend people to read.




Dillon, L., & Sze, J. (2016). Police power and particulate matters: Environmental justice and the spatialities of in/securities in US cities. English Language Notes54(2), 13-23.


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