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Discussion engagement

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Discussion engagement

The problem understaffing of nurses is almost everywhere in the world as nurses are few and overworked. This problem might be because the authorities are afraid to hire more nurses due to the overhead cost, or maybe the number of nurses in a country is the law. Nurses play an essential role in the health sector and, as such, need to work in a comfortable environment. If at all, the nurses face burn out or any frustration, then the disappointment will be reflected in the delivery of the health services (Smith & Liehr, (Eds).2018). The remedy to this problem is for the authorities to employ more nurses. If the number of qualified nurses is low, then training should be done or importing other nurses from different countries; money also needs to be pumped in the medical sector to ease nurses’ employment.

Injuries caused on the skin and the underlying tissues that cause pain to patients confined on chairs, beds, and wheelchairs are called pressure ulcers. The parts of the body that are usually affected by the pressure ulcers are joints, back of the head, knees, and elbows. We can avoid this discomfort among the patients by giving the right training to the medical personnel on keeping the patient moving, using the right beddings that will not cause pain, keeping the skin clean and dry, occasionally checking the surface for any signs of sores, allowing the patient to take proper diet and managing chronic health conditions. Medical practitioners should be given the right training in line with the above to ensure that pressure ulcers are reduced in patients (Smith & Liehr, (Eds), .2018). The proper facilities and enough motivation should be provided to the patients and the nurses, respectively.

The four theories, descriptive, explanatory, prescriptive, and predictive, explains certain behavioral aspects of people, particularly in the health sector. When a nurse puts a patient in mobility therapy, this is a prescriptive approach that demonstrates that this patient has a problem in movement, and the treatment will help in solving the problem (Santos, Ramos, & Fonseca, 2017). The different approaches by nurses all have a benefit to the patient. One the right diagnosis has been made (Alligood, 2017). For example, for an expectant mother to be given bedbound care, this means that the woman’s movement might put the baby and herself in problems of losing the baby or herself. Take a diabetic patient who is placed in a specific diet; this will mean that the patient has to comply with the food fully to survive.

Theories make on to relate what is known and that need to be understood in nursing, it generates further knowledge and an indication of the direction that the concept of nursing should follow. Nursing theories analyses, predict, and elaborate nursing as a phenomenon, particularly the aspect of care (Santos, Ramos, & Fonseca, 2017). Theories of nursing also define the professional boundaries of nursing as methods form a unique body of knowledge in nursing.















Smith, M. J., & Liehr, P. R. (Eds.). (2018). Middle range theory for nursing. Springer Publishing Company.

Veverková, L., Reška, M., Žák, J., Vlček, P., Čapov, I., & Konečný, J. (2019). Pressure injuries prevention is better than solving of their complication.

Alligood, M. R. (2017). Introduction to Nursing Theory: Its History and Significance. Nursing Theorists and Their Work-E-Book, 1.

Santos, B., Ramos, A., & Fonseca, C. (2017). Training to practice: Importance of Self-Care Theory in Nursing Process for improving care.

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