Possible Solutions
The issue of overeating has raised eyebrows amongst various health specialists and to the governments all over the world who have to pump in more extra funds in the health sector to strive and curb and address the problems. While the issue is associated with numerous causes, there are also various measures to avoid it. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), eating healthful portion sizes can help individuals reduce the consumption of more calories (Rachel and Schoeller 204). Also, there are other measures such as eating fiber-filled foods, avoiding stress, enhanced physical exercises, eating food rich in proteins, limiting distractions, and tracking the diet.
Proposed Solution
In this model, we propose eating protein-rich food as a measure to reduce overeating. The foods rich in protein help establish a lasting sense of satisfaction and fullness compared to the other meals. Eating protein-rich foods, particularly for breakfast, helps reduce the hormones that regulate hunger, the ghrelin. The high protein food helps regulate the hormone, and this will reduce the urge of an individual of constant eating that would result in overeating.
Moreover, eating the food that is rich in protein for breakfast help minimize hunger by enhancing fullness, also reducing cravings more than when individuals eat food rich in low protein and carbohydrates. According to (Birkenstein, Cathy, and Gerald Graff 121), eating food rich in high protein that is less energy dese like yogurt enhances satiety and appetite control when compared to the foods that are high on fats. Thus, an individual would go for long with high protein food before having the urge to eat more food, unlike when they ate more of the fatty foods with more cholesterols that enhance obesity. Also, high protein foods help minimize the intake of food later in the day. The various examples of the high protein food that the individuals should be encouraged to eat include most nuts and seeds, most peas, lentils, beans, and the high protein yogurt drinks like kefir. There are also protein powders that the individuals can add to the smoothies such as shakes and healthy baked foods to help lower the urge to eat more. The proposal will ensure that individuals are there is a reduced urge to eat more food that causes overeating.
In conclusion, overeating results in an adverse effect on individual health since it is associated with obesity. Obese individuals are always susceptible to various diseases such as stroke, hypertension, and type two diabetes. Most of the individuals who suffer from these diseases eat foods rich in high cholesterol but do little or no exercise. A solution should be made to ensure there is a reduction in the foods that individuals use. We propose the use of high protein foods to ensure the sustainability of the individuals for more extended periods before they feel the urge to eat again, limiting the number of times an individual eats in a day.
Works Cited
Birkenstein, Cathy, and Gerald Graff. They Say/I Say The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing. WW Norton & Company, 2018.
Close, Rachel N., and Dale A. Schoeller. “The financial reality of overeating.” Journal of the American College of Nutrition 25.3 (2006): 203-209.
Rauscher, Megan. “Overeating to Blame for U.S. Obesity Epidemic.” 2009, https://www.reuters.com/article/us-overeating-obesity/overeating-to-blame-for-u-s-obesity-epidemic-idUSTRE54743L20090508. Accessed 12 May 2020.
Razzoli, Maria, et al. “Stress, overeating, and obesity: Insights from human studies and preclinical models.” Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 76 (2017): 154-162.