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Argumentative Synthesis of “The Simpsons,” and “South Park,”

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Argumentative Synthesis of “The Simpsons,” and “South Park,”

Psychology has been taught using different techniques, especially in modern society. In any society, psychological is a very important dimension since it helps in correcting some behaviors done by the members of the society. The two readings, “The Simpsons” and “South Park,” have the central idea of how the animated films have been used to define the different psychological dimensions in the society. Generally, “The Simpsons” and “South Park” are the animated films that acted in the United States of America, whereby the authors have taken their parts on responding to them. Raja Halwani writes about the “Simpsons” and how it relates to the philosophy using Homer’s and Aristotle’s psychological school of thoughts. In the “South Park,” Jeffery Andrew Weinstock gives his ideas on how the advancement of television film program technology has been viewed by the people as long as psychology is concerned (Irwin & Conard, 3). The “Simpsons” and “South Park” readings are common in many things. First, both the authors analyze animated films and relate them to psychology. Second, they explain the relationship between the animated films and the moral dimensions within the community. The two readings also base their arguments from the known authors. This paper will, therefore, synthesize the two readings while drawing the central ideas and how they are reliable in modern society. The paper will mainly focus on the psychological issues as they have been depicted in the two readings and how they are relevant to both individual and the group setting.

Psychology is a broad topic that has been mostly used in the communities to define both the individual and the group behaviors. Famous psychologists such as Aristotle and Nicomachean have defined psychology as the general study of human behavior and their interactions within society. Society is made up of people with diverse thoughts hence sometimes making it difficult to handle them without psychological knowledge. Different thinking and perception about some things may bring the conflicts, and hence psychological experts should intervene to prevent all those things from happening (Prévot-Julliard et al., 672). The psychologists have settled many things, such as defining the different categories of people in the society, such as those living with disabilities, how children should be handled, ho different gender issues should be handled, and how the technical issues should be perceived. A society where different categories of people understand their roles, it is characterized by good leadership, ethical preservations, and the few cases of criminal activities. Reflecting this statement from the two readings, “The Simpsons” and “South Park,” the technology of animated film has been a key factor in defining the modern psychology. “The Simpsons” reading defines some dimensions of psychology like the virtuous, continent, the incontinent, and the vicious characters. The four features are exposed in the “Simpsons” film, where the author gives the example of a wallet. He uses the example of characters such as Lisa, Lenny, and Bart to describe the said psychological dimensions. The author also goes ahead to say that the three individuals would behave differently when they collect the wallet. The example has compared the characters in the “Simpson” film to describe how society has different kinds of people with different behaviors and thoughts.

In the second reading of the “South Park,” the author here explains how the film industry and the television series programs have negatively and positively contributed towards the general behavior of the children (Weinstock, 3). Children are important in the community setting. How the children are raised in the community determines how the community will be in the future. If the children are raised with immoral behaviors, then there is a probability that the society in the future would be rotten. In this case, the animation technology has brought questions to the society such that many children are taking much of their time watching the cartoon series. The cartoon series may have a positive lesson and also a negative lesson to the children (Weinstock, 3). This brings a sense of how many children are copying the things they see from those films and then practice them in the community setting. Suppose a child watches a cartoon series that has the images which should not be viewed by the children under the age of 18. They may either get eager to do it practically or even get suspicious of it. This does not mean that animated films have only the negative part of it. There is still a positive aspect of it since most of the cartoon series is designed in a way that they target only to the students. Reflecting this from the two readings, both the authors agree that animated films have an impact on either the individual or community’s psychology. They all give genuine examples from the cartoon series, “Simpsons” and “South Park.”

From the two readings, it can be said that they all target the relationship between animated film technology and general psychology in society.  They are claiming that when the children watch the cartoon series, they tend to open up their minds about the moral behaviors they should live. Correcting the societal actions using animated films is the primary goal of the readings as long as psychology is concerned. The stereotyping the two readings are displaying that is how the community is shaped ethically upright and how the psychologists have viewed the importance of animated films in the society. The possible impact of the audience from the two readings is that they would understand what the community should expect from the animation films as long as the psychological dimensions are concerned. The audience will also be able to manage the children on the type of television series they should watch for them to be morally upright. The two readings are, therefore, enough to make society a better place since a good society is made by the children who would become future leaders.

It can be concluded that the two readings are very important, and they are enlightening people about the relationship between animated film technology and psychology. Psychology is all about the general behavior of the people living in the same society or community.  The “Simpsons” and “South Park” readings are giving a clear picture of how the characters in the animated films can change the minds of children. The advancement of technology has changed everything, and it is, therefore, important to view the cartoon series on the grounds of the general behavior of the children. In summary, both readings analyze the respective animation film and how they are related to psychology.









Work Cited

Irwin, W., & Conard, M. (2001). The Simpsons and Philosophy: The D’oh! of homer. Retrieved from Created from our-ebooks on 2020-05-06 02:20:00. 1-5

Prévot-Julliard, Anne-Caroline, Romain Julliard, and Susan Clayton. “Historical evidence for nature disconnection in a 70-year time series of Disney animated films.” Public Understanding of Science 24.6 (2015): 672-680.

Weinstock J. Andrew, (2008) “Taking South Park Seriously”

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