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Principles of shared governance

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  • Choose a current event from today’s headlines that illustrates the complexity of shared governance in America and argue for or against the current model?
    The current covid-19 pandemic has resulted in a significant number of deaths across the globe. However, the United States recorded the highest number of deaths as a result of the covid-19 pandemic within a period of 24 hours. The country has also recorded the highest tally in regards to the total number of deaths from the covid-19 pandemic with over 100,000 deaths since mid-February. These figures are a result of shared governance in the management of public health, which resulted in delayed decision making in regards to putting measures in place that could prevent the spread of the virus across the United States.

The fundamental principles of shared governance require extensive participation of all stakeholders involved within the primary health framework before making a decision on how the stakeholders should go about the different elements that impact the society. Through this, other primary health apparatus like the Center for Disease Control (CDC) had to conduct extensive research and consultation before generating the best approach the country should take in handling the covid-19. However, by the time the CDC was providing such directives the country had started to experience a steady increase in the number of infections in which the provided guidelines could never be adequate for containing the pandemic. Through its delay in decision making in times when prompt response is required shared governance cannot be an effective tool in managing disasters like the current covid-19. In the face of a disaster, the primary objective is to minimize the casualty number from such events, which can only be achieved through a swift and timely decision-making framework.
(2) There are two theoretical budgetary models that have been prominent in American Governance over the last 100 years, select one of the two theories and argue for or against its use as a way to reduce the national debt.
Over the last 100 years, there have been several budgetary models that have been used by both the federal and local governments in fostering effective public administration. However, the two most common budgetary models among these are the zero-based budgetary model and target-based budgetary model. In a zero-based budgetary model individual every department involved within the budgetary system start at a zero in regards to new projects and expenditure. Through this, every proposed project has to be analyzed properly reviewed before approval for its funds. On the other hand, in target-based budgetary model limits are set in regards to how much each department may request to undertake its projects.

The target-based budgetary model is the most effective in regards to reducing the national debt. This is in consideration of the limits proposed by its framework. Through this, the federal government can set limits in regards to the amount of money each department is to utilize in a specific duration based on the individual department’s level of operation and the value they create to individual citizens. As a result of this, each department is to streamline the nature and scope of their operations to prioritize those that create the utmost value to the citizens. Consequently, the federal government can effectively reduce its national debt levels. Through this, the system also avoids unnecessary use of public funds on white elephant projects with little or no value to the citizens.

(3) Provide a detailed narrative of Wilson’s Dichotomy as it relates to public administrators and argue for or against its relevance in today’s hyper sensitive political climate.

The politic-administration dichotomy model was developed by the 28th president of the United States president Woodrow Wilson. Wilson asserts that politics and public administration should exist as two independent elements.  Through this politics and administration in a democratic society are different and should be approached differently. Wilson further asserts that the field of administration closely relates to business and involves an evidence-based decision-making framework, not the hurry and strife associated with politics. He further observes that though politics sets the task for administration it should not be used as a means to manipulate the administrative offices.  Through all these, administration lies outside the boundaries of politics and political questions cannot be treated as administrative questions since two different sets of skills are required to occupy each.

The political-administrative dichotomy is a one-way dichotomy considering that it requires elected officials not to be involved in administrative duties but expects administrators to be actively involved in policymaking. This biasness in regards to the nature and scope of defining the level of involvement cannot be applicable in the highly sophisticated contemporary world’s public administration arena. Similarly, the issue of cost-effectiveness in the contemporary world requires minimal use of public funds in matters relating to salaries and remuneration. Through this, politics must just be merged with the administration and the duties discharged by one individual. These render the politico-administrative dichotomy model ineffective in the contemporary world.

(4) A couple of years ago, an elected county clerk refused to marry a same sex couple on the basis of their religious beliefs, in the context of this class, argue for or against the clerks right in refusing to marry the same sex couple

Diversity is an essential concept in the contemporary world. These are based on religion, culture, and personality. However, in all these the standard principles applied in gauging the moral scope of an action is always the utilitarian principle in ethics. The utilitarian approach defines that ethical behavior is what is right among the general public. This approach justifies the county clerk’s refusal to marry a same sex couple based on religious beliefs. The utilitarian ethics used in judging morality under cultural diversity requires a moral action to be that which promotes the general good of the society and exceeds personal interests. Refusing to marry the same sex couple was an ethical action since it promoted the religious beliefs held by the clerk.

Similarly, there is always a code of conduct that should govern the behaviors of individuals that occupy public positions. In most cases, these codes of conduct do require these individuals to only engage in what the general public considers moral. In consideration of this, the majority of the United States’ population does not approve of same-sex marriage. Through this, individuals occupying public positions are expected to desist from engaging in same-sex marriages since the majority of the country’s population does not approve of such. This also justifies the clerk’s behavior since he had a duty of observing the relevant codes of conduct as a public servant.

(5) In 2017, Sally Yates a career prosecutor in the US Department of Justice while serving as acting Attorney General of the United State refused to enforce President, Donald Trump’s Executive Order 13769 (Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States). In the context of Public Administration, examine Mrs. Yates’s actions as it pertains to Pubic Administration.

President Donald Trump’s Executive Order 13769 was primarily channeled to protect the nation from foreign terrorists by imposing a travel ban for individuals from Somalia, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Syria, Sudan, and Libya. Through this, individuals from these nations would have to undergo strict scrutiny before they are allowed into the United States. This was a discriminative act, something that an individual holding public office should not engage in. as standard procedure, public administrators should embrace diversity in regard to religion, race, ethnicity, and nationality. Through this, they should encourage the harmonious co-existence of individuals with diverse cultures, views, and nationalities. As a result of this, any policy generated to ensure the safety and general wellbeing of the society should be free from discrimination of any kind.

Similarly, the issue of terrorism is a global phenomenon and each country should put in place measures that curb such unethical conduct in society. However, the policies constructed to tame such unethical actions should not be directed towards any religion and nation. Terrorism goes beyond religious and nationality borders it is a phenomenon that is embedded within the fabric of the general society.  Through all these, any policy that seems to discriminate any group should be rejected by the relevant public administrators to foster the harmonious co-existence of all individuals with diverse cultures and views in the community.

(6) In 2012, then President Barack Obama was castigated in an election speech in which he told corporate America “You didn’t build this”. In the context of Public Administration, explain what, why or if the president was justified in making the argument.

President Barack Obama’s phrase that “you didn’t build this” was a justified statement under public administration. The prosperity of the society heavily relies on the contributions and efforts of individual stakeholders. Everyone has a part to play in fostering a well-structured and prosperous society. The governmental agencies have the duty of underlining the standards expected from all stakeholders as they undertake different duties that they involved in. through this, they are expected to formulate and implement viable policies that can ensure the safety and general wellbeing of the individuals in the community through well-enhanced procedures.

On the same note, the business community has a duty of following the guidelines provided by the authorities in ensuring effective business systems that can enable them to grow. Similarly, the general public who form the targeted consumers of the different products and services produced by the business community also have to follow the guideline provided by the authorities in ensuring they receive quality goods and services that satisfy their needs and create value in their lives. Through all these, the different signs of progress made by each set of stakeholders are a result of the efforts of the other stakeholders; hence no set of stakeholders can claim to be the engineers of their success.


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