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Art Movements

Artist Evaluation 

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Artist Evaluation 

For years the artwork has remained to be a surprise for many resulting in several unanswered questions concerning the work of an artist in drawing, writing, painting, singing, and dancing. Thus artwork has created attention over the years drawing many people and artists into the field. Despite the large size of artwork various artist have emerged and shinned over other in the same field turning to be popular or gaining popularity from their fans, as a result of this most of the artist express their skills in the field acquired from different backgrounds that turn to inspire other. However, it has been noticed that different artists played a major role in the development of the artwork today and are celebrated among the fans and other artist but little is known about them leading to confusion. The influences that they created in the artwork have shown an impact in today’s work and have been appreciated following their unique ways in the field of artwork. The study explores various artists their education, artistic lives, the styles that they used influencing others as well as the media used to create their artworks. The study will create an insight into their influence and roles in artworks using unique styles creating an understanding.



Edgar Degas

He is one of the well-known artists in 1860.  He was educated at the Lycee Louis-le-Grand school and graduated in 1853 with a baccalaureate in literature and preceded the law school where he made little efforts. He continued his education in 1959 by copying painting at the Louvre. On his artistic life at an early age, he painted seriously turning his room to the artistic studio. Having met Jean Auguste his influence in art developed was he continuously drew and painted copies after Raphael, Titian among other artists of Renaissance, commonly he selected from the altarpiece an individual whom he used as a portrait. He established the style of high and academic and classical work that influenced many in the artwork though he didn’t do much.  His unique style is seen technically by not adopting the color fleck, thus he attributed and reflected most of his work to the master. His unique style reflected on the respect that he had on his masters. His composition principles influenced the work conducting realism of illustrators like Daumier and Gavarni that were popular during the period as well as choosing the unusual viewpoint in his work. He combined his artwork and dancing making him popular in dancing. His painting on women drying themselves with towel combining their air created changes demonstrating the coloristic style of impression. Thus he worked repeatedly in his work to ensure the stylistic evolution creating a feature from the memory as well as the models and could calculate, prepare and work on stage making him a unique artist.

Albrecht Dürer

Albrecht Dürer is the greatest known Germany Renaissance artist in 1460. He was educated and trained as a draughtsman in the goldsmith’s workshop. At an early age, he made a remarkable portrait that is evidenced and latter finished the work of art in the late Gothic style. As an artist he traveled to Italy were most of his artwork was carried painting pictures on the various springs and varies that he had observed on his way. He selected cleverly the landscapes and scenes that made his work beautiful as an artist by using the unmixed, cool, and somber colors. He employed a unique style of making a painting on the human body in motion demonstrating adaptation through the period of Renaissance. He used the self-portrait that expressed his feeling on the new world where he felt linked. He used the unique style of the gothic elements in his paintings that occupied the visionary woodcuts of his Apocalypse series that showed the empathy expressions, emotions as well as overcrowded. Through the conception, he inspired humanism and classicism in his work like The four witches and Adam and EVE that inspire many in Italy. Thus his work created mystery and understanding of human beauty making it unique like engravings.

Marcel Duchamp

Marcel Duchamp is remembered as the artist that broke the boundaries in the work of art and daily objects. Much of the education is not said about his but he learned as an artist through artist traditional stemming from his Grandfather. As an artist he did painting at home, he used a unique style in drawing cartoons for comic magazines influencing others. He was unique as he avoided copying other artist styles in his work expressing the attempt of prolific output in his work. Through the Fauvist style, the best painting on his was recognized. He later stated to make a painting on the cubism style after interaction with cubism poets indicating that he was observant and had a unique style of learning from others in his artwork. He also employed the use of orthodox style in his work combining it with cubism making it systematic and too static. He developed a unique style by creating an entirely cinematic effect that was new in the painting artwork. He developed the artwork through irony almost mocking the paintings itself undermining his own belief in painting. Thus he motivated many and helped the artist to develop their work

Paul Gauguin

He is among the remembered French artist. He studied under the support of older artist trying to master the techniques used in painting and drawing. He improved his skills on his holiday with Pissarro making the progress in the work of art entering a social circle of Avant-grade artists. As an artist he employed different skills and techniques in his artwork that appeared to be unique where he carried the experimental use combining color and synthetic style that appeared to be different from impressionism. He demonstrated painting on the people and landscape in the region, unlike others who used self-portrait in expressing their artwork. He used the symbolic movements as a painter, printmaker, sculptor, being a writer as well as a ceramist. Using the cloisonnistic style in his painting created a way for primitivism to introduce pastoral. Despite his artwork in painting, he influenced woodcuts and wood engraving as the art forms making his techniques unique and organizing the exhibitions of his work. Through these, he influenced many in the field of artwork.

Ana Mendieta

She was well known as the Cuban- American performance artist, video artist, and sculptor who focused on nature and the relation with the female body. She was educated in Cuba having attended an all-girls catholic school. She studied English discovering her love of art. Through the inspiration by the Avant-grade community, she graduated with painting and an MFA under the instruction of acclaimed artists.  Being interested in spiritualism, religion, as well as primitive rituals, motivated her during the studies in art school. As an artist, she networked with other women artists becoming the forefront during the period of feministic movement thus she developed her artwork. Through her work, she used painting in developing and expressing the issues of feminism pointing it out as the white middle-class movement. She created objects and sculptures employing natural elements in his work that made her popular among many as well as a unique style in his presentation and performance. Thus, it turns to be unique among many artists and the focus of feminism making her be recognized as an artist whose work influenced many

Claude Monet

He is a French painter whose work has influenced many and remains to be remembered among the artist that contributed to the artwork from early 1840. Much on his education is not said but it is pointed out that his aspirations and her mother’s encouragement motivated him to become an artist. On his education, he enrolled in an artist school in 1851 where he is said to acquired skills from the former student Jacques –Francois Ochard who governed him as a mentor and thought him how to use oil paints. As an artist he used impressionist painting where more of his work expressed pictures on salons, he united with others expressing his style in painting using oil that and drawing landscapes that were uncommon among many artists though it was commonly used early. Thus using the impressionistic style much of his paintings were regarded. His artwork showed the movement of the outdoor life in strong, advanced the movement of perceptions, and used a visual expression that had not been expressed before in the artwork. He expressed animation in the artwork on the painting of the study of Camille at the beach showing grains of sand surrounded in pigment. His work tends to be unique as it was painted showing different lights and whether under different conditions. Thus he used a method of repeated study expressing the same motive and series. Thus the work is observed at the museum’s exhibitions demonstrating items featuring imagery from the artwork making it a unique style as well as gaining him popularity.

Sue Coe

Sue Coe is among the artist that is well known in the 21st century. She developed a passion aiming to stop the cruelty done to animals having been raised near a slaughterhouse. She studied at Chelsea College of Arts and graduated with a B.A. during 1970. Later she joined the Royal College of arts to study graphics and design and worked as an art teacher.  Through her career as an artist, she created social awareness of protest art. She is unique as she works as an artist and a visual essayist. Thus she combined printmaking and illustration, used visual media as well as painting. Thus her work focuses on animal rights and has been promoted heavily by animal rights organizations making it unique from another artist in the artwork and inspiring many in the field. She engages the audience in his work as the activist to the crimes on animals at a higher rate. Her work is expressed through media like movies such as Earthling which explores her work. She points out the human oppression of animals caused by political forces. She combines the unique style like paints of meat expressing the cruelty of conducted by people on animals making unique from other artists based on the perspective of artwork. Through his work, she has employed the style of audience positioning as well as the stylistic sentimentality inciting the illicit response from the viewers

Pablo Picasso

He is a well-known Spanish artist who conducted his work as a painter, printmaker, sculptor, ceramicist as well as a stage designer. On his education, he is believed to have been educated by his farther showing interest in drawing at an early age.  He had a higher ability in learning new things thus transforming him with better skills than his father. He was enrolled at the art academy locally and acquired the skills in painting. As an artist, he developed or painted the series of the landscape that demonstrated the non –natural green and violet tones. His style was unique as he employed the version of mediumistic in his work during the time. Through his work, he used the cartoons to demonstrate sympathy to the state of the poor in society. Thus, his work is unique from others as he employed the symbolic style of the poor to demonstrate challenges facing them and the need to be helped.  He later gained influence thought his unique work as a creator of cubism

Johannes Vermeer

He is known as the genre painter in early 1640. However, his education is not disclosed but he is believed to have acquired the skills in painting through mastery. On his career as an artist, he worked slowly as using the pigments that were expensive making it unique from other artists during the period. Most of the paintings done by him were observed to have the female figure and furniture taking different arrangements in the house. He turned out to be recognized among the Dutch artist. He carried out genre works in different styles that turned to be attractive; he excluded the paintings using the grey monochrome, he demonstrated the earth painting demonstrating light within the painting that showed the interior of the earth giving observations through the reflection of the objects through his work it reflects on the Dutch society at the 17th century creating understanding expressing different class in the society as well as expressing the religious, the poetic, musical and scientific view in his work. Thus it points out his style as unique among the artist


Yoko Ono

She is known as a Japanese artist whose work has influenced many in the music industry from the early 1960s. Considering her education she was educated at exclusive schools where she wrote poetry and participates in plays at the early as well as attending the classical training in piano at and voice. She later joined the University of Tokyo taking a philosophy program. She also undertook a music writing program at Sarah Lawrence College. On her artwork, she embraced the conceptual art piece that attracted many. she combined the lighting pieces and merged them till it worked letter she intergrades with the collective providing her with a solo gallery show in her artwork. She developed her unique style and used commentaries in developing her work upon acting in the short films to promote his artwork that acted as a multimedia artist and peace activist making her popular is her artwork. Also, the work influenced many of the practitioners of art performance demonstrating it as unique

In conclusion, most artists have different way and skills that they use to stand out as popular among other artists in their field on the artwork, however, it is clear that despite the existence of the artwork over the period many artists that have been recognized have or practiced the unique way or style on performing their artworks motivated by different aspects. Thus it creates an important understanding of the progress and changes that have been made by those artists.




Works cited

“Yoko Ono.” Encyclopedia Britannica,

“Edgar Degas Biography | Life, Paintings, Influence on Art |” Edgar Degas – The Complete Works –,

Albrecht Durer | Biography, Prints, Paintings, & Facts.” Encyclopedia Britannica,

“Marcel Duchamp.” Encyclopedia Britannica,

“Paul Gauguin.” Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia, Wikimedia Foundation, Inc, 17 Apr. 2002, Accessed 14 May 2020.

Ana Mendieta.” Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia, Wikimedia Foundation, Inc, 26 Oct. 2004, Accessed 14 May 2020

First Impressionist Paintings.” Encyclopedia Britannica,

“Sue Coe.” Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia, Wikimedia Foundation, Inc, 10 Sept. 2005, Accessed 14 May 2020.

“Pablo Picasso.” Encyclopedia Britannica,

“Johannes Vermeer.” Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia, Wikimedia Foundation, Inc, 8 Mar. 2002, Accessed 14 May 2020.


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