whether your bearded dragon has ears or not
You must be wondering whether your bearded dragon has ears or not. Well, in as much as these amazing reptiles lack any noticeable ear-like structures, they do have ears. The only thing you won’t notice is a protruding funnel-like structure for collecting sound.
Now, all reptiles lack protruding ears. Bearded dragons’ ears, therefore, look more like gaping holes on the side of their heads. They are located halfway down between the eyes and the corner of the mouth.
At a closer look, you will notice the tympanic membrane, which is a super-thin piece of meat located across the opening of their ear’s location.
Can your bearded dragon hear you?
Yes. Bearded dragons can hear their human owners, and as a result, they do recognize when you call out their name. Remember, bearded dragons are ever alert since, just like other smaller reptiles, they are also preyed on in their natural habitats.
Bearded dragons have a well-developed sense of hearing. Most people believe that their ears are vestigial, which is not accurate. You can turn your reptile’s hearing ability to your advantage by calling out its name and regularly speaking to it.
How do the ears work?
Now that we know that your bearded dragon has superb hearing ability, it’s only fair that we look at how the ears work. A bearded dragon may lack an external manifestation for the ears, but the inner structures work just as well.
Does the lack of an external structure impair their hearing ability? Not at all. Let us take a look at these internal structures.
- Tympanic membrane- You will notice that the inner ear structures of a bearded dragon are similar to that of all other animals. The tympanic layer, therefore, works with the middle part of the ear to catch sound vibrations from the surrounding, transmitting them to other parts of the ear.
- Stirrup- The stirrup is also known as stapes. It is a tiny bone that picks up the surrounding vibrations from the tympanic membrane
Once these vibrations land on the stirrup, they are transferred into the inner ear; the cochlear duct. The cochlear duct is a fluid-filled cavity with tiny hair-like pieces known as cilia, which then picks up the vibrations.
After the cilia, the vibrations are relayed as signals to the brain, where they are then encoded through the auditory nerve.
You need to understand that just like humans, the bearded dragon’s ears play an important role in balancing. The vestibular system in the inner ear is responsible for balance regulation. This is one of the reasons why your pet will struggle to stay upright when the middle ear is infected.
Now that they have ears. Do they get ear wax?
This is also a common question among pet owners. The answer is no. In as much as we share an almost similar hearing process, these pets do not get ear wax. Ear wax comes as a result of the external funnel-like structure of the ear, which lacks in bearded dragons.
Do not mistake the tympanic membrane for ear wax, however. Since these pets lack an external structure, meddling with the ears can cause severe internal structure damage, which you do not want for your pet.
Can I clean my bearded dragon’s ears?
No. I know that you want to take care of your pet, and therefore mean well, but do not interfere with your pet’s ears. You see, the tympanic membrane is a delicate part of the ear that needs utmost care.
Most people are tempted to insert an earbud and clean their pet’s ears, which is wrong. Remember, even in their natural habitat, these animals are used to objects getting into their ears. In as much as the location might be different now, certain things do not change.
What if I spot something on the ear? See a vet. Do not try to remove even the littlest piece of obstruction from your pet’s ear. Also, these animals are equipped with a unique mechanism that prevents their hearing capability from being obstructed. Unless your pet has an ear infection, it’s hearing ability will never be challenged.
You will also notice shed or dry skin stuck on your pet’s ear during shedding. In as much as you will feel the urge to remove it (which is normal), do not. You are most likely going to injure your pet if you insist on removing a piece of dry skin that is still attached to the ear.
Your dragon’s ears should be out of bounds, if possible. In case you notice something sinister, kindly book an appointment with your vet.
Why do bearded dragons have a good hearing ability?
You should not forget that the bearded dragons’ natural habitat is in the woodlands. These animals, therefore, have many needs for good hearing ability. Here are some of the reasons:
- Predators- A lot of things happen in the wild. Even predators are preyed on. The ability to hear is, therefore, crucial to the bearded dragon for safety. Bearded dragons are prey to several predators.
They are always on the move, escaping from birds, wild cats, foxes, and even pythons. Apart from their superb hearing ability, these animals can also detect the littlest vibrations in the ground.
- Hunting- bearded dragon’s hearing ability helps them in catching prey. Most of the food beardies enjoy eating are not easy to hunt. As a result, they have to be on the lookout for bugs and insects.
Prey is usually not easy to come by, and at times, a bearded dragon will have to wait for long hours, which necessitates a keen sense of hearing for sound detection. Even though food is given in captivity, bearded dragons still maintain their hearing ability as a survival instinct.
In cases where the eyes cannot detect small insects, bearded dragons will use their ears.
Does this mean that my bearded dragon likes music?
Well, mots owners agree that their bearded dragon’s behavior changes depending on the type of music. In as much as there is no accurate answer, we can say that this is true. Bearded dragons are extremely sensitive to vibrations, both for survival and hunting, meaning that they wouldn’t miss the sound of music.
Can my bearded dragon learn its name?
For your poet to get familiar with its name, it must first hear it as many times as possible, interestingly enough, bearded dragons not only learn its name but also respond when you call it.
Now, most people fail to realize that training your pet to respond to its name can also serve as a safety measure. Unless you want your pet to get bored and glass surf, bearded dragons cannot be kept in their cages forever.
Your pet will, therefore, once in a while, get lost, whether in the house or surrounding. However, when it knows its name, you will easily track it since you just need to call out. A good way of training your dragon to be responsive is by using a lizard leash or rope.
To do this, therefore, gently move the leash towards you as you call their name. Make sure that you are gentle enough since these reptiles are delicate. The last part is the most crucial, however. Rewarding your pet.
If you call out successfully and your bearded dragon moves towards you, make sure that you offer it its favorite treat. Just like humans, these pets need to be praised or celebrated.
Training your pet to hear and master its name requires patience. These animals have different learning abilities. While others will learn their names quickly, some may take time.
You, therefore, need to use both the same words and tone whenever you call out. Also, talk to your beardy during meal times. Feeding these animals is enough motivation, and therefore serves as an excellent time to bond as you teach it to master its name.
Most pet owns believe that the absence of an ear in the bearded dragon makes them cute. You will probably come across the term cuteness quotient, which to bearded dragon’s owners, stems from the fact that their pets lack any external ears.
Most people have their reasons for getting beardies. For some, it is due to the ease of maintenance, while for others, it is about the wide availability. Others also love the bearded aspect. All in all, the lack of external ears is also a contributing factor.
Now, imagine a bearded dragon with external ears? Impossible, right? Your beardy will hear you regardless.
Bearded dragons have some noticeable features that appeal to owners. Apart from their bearded presence, these reptiles also lack external ears. Most people cannot even tell where their ears are.
Bearded dragons, however, have superb hearing ability. One of the main reasons is for survival. Remember, these reptiles live in the wild, where hunting and preying is the order of the day. I hope that this article has been helpful if you wanted to know whether your beardy has ears or not. To answer the main question: Do bearded dragons have ears? Yes.