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Free Public Wi-Fi Speech

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Free Public Wi-Fi Speech


A recent study conducted by Broadband Now revealed that the number of Americans who do not have broadband access stands at 43 million (Poon, 2020). I struggle to pay my internet subscription, and I know many of you have the same problem. In this speech, I will argue that free public Wi-Fi is the best option if the country intends to address inequalities in internet access and promote education and e-commerce.

The Need

42 million Americans do not have broadband access (Poon, 2020). These people have to come up with a creative way of browsing the internet, for example, by frequenting local restaurants that have free Wi-Fi. Some students drive 10 or 20 minutes to idle outside a restaurant or library in order to use its Wi-Fi (Vermont Council on Rural Development, n. d.).  This means that many hours are wasted by people as they seek to get access to free public Wi-Fi. These hours could be used productively, for example, in working, exercising, taking care of loved ones, or studying.  Also, some people buy Pizza from a restaurant in order to use its Wi-Fi to check their emails. This means that a person may end up eating healthily as he or she seeks to fulfill the desire to be connected to the rest of the world at a lower price. Many people, including myself, depend on the internet to study and keep in touch with friends, classmates and family members in these uncertain times where coronavirus pandemic continues to plague the world. Like many of you, I have had problems paying for my internet subscription and this has severely impeded my education aspirations in the past.

The Satisfaction

Free public Wi-Fi is the solution to the problem of inadequate access to internet services among the general population. With free Wi-Fi, people across the United States will only require to have a smartphone, tablet, or computer. Once they have either of these gadgets, they can browse the internet all day and night. It would be cheaper for the government to provide free Wi-Fi on a large scale. There are many benefits of public Wi-Fi. Public Wi-Fi may increase domestic tourism. For example, a Ludlow is a small town of 800 people but in a busy week, its Wi-Fi zones may be used by more than 1500 people a day (Vermont Council on Rural Development, n. d.). Also, people will use the public Wi-Fi for e-commerce, education, and entertainment, among other things.


Imagine a scenario in which you can continue with your studies while on the train, stadium or at home without worrying about incurring the high costs of the internet. Also, imagine what you can do with free Wi-Fi. Probably, you would want to learn how to play a new instrument. Also, some of you may want to enroll for an online program that will give you an edge when you come out of college. For me, I would use free internet to research about future holiday destinations and possible job opportunities.


I hope you are now aware of the potential benefits of free public Wi-Fi.  Please contact your local, state and federal representative and rally him or her to introduce a motion aimed at making the public WI-FI a reality. Also, you can elect politicians who promise to increase internet access in America, including advocating for the installation of public Wi-Fi across the U.S.




Poon, L. (2020). There are far more Americans without broadband access than previously thought. Retrieved from

Vermont Council on Rural Development. (n. d.). The benefits of public internet access. Retrieved from



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