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Policy memo notes

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Policy memo notes

Each student will write a 4 page policy memorandum that assesses the status of contemporary security relations between the US and an allied African state. Provide a brief summary of the history of military relations between the US and the African state you have chosen. Detail specific security initiatives that characterize the current relationship (i.e. basing agreements, arms sales or donations, peacekeeping assistance programs, military training initiatives). What are the broader strategic aims of these initiatives according to US policymakers and their African allies? In what ways do the stated strategic aims of US policymakers and their African allies align and diverge? How successful have these joint military initiatives been in achieving these aims? What has the “return on investment” been for the US and its African allies. What sources of tension characterize this security partnership? What impact does this security partnership have on governance within the African state and its regional status? Finally, is there any evidence that questions of race have influenced or shaped this security partnership?



Provide a brief summary of the history of military relations between the US and the African state you have chosen

(Detail specific security initiatives that characterize the current relationship (i.e. basing agreements, arms sales or donations, peacekeeping assistance programs, military training initiatives)

What are the broader strategic aims of these initiatives according to US policymakers and their African allies?

In what ways do the stated strategic aims of US policymakers and their African allies align and diverge?

How successful have these joint military initiatives been in achieving these aims?

What has the “return on investment” been for the US and its African allies. What sources of tension characterize this security partnership?

What impact does this security partnership have on governance within the African state and its regional status?

Finally, is there any evidence that questions of race have influenced or shaped this security partnership?


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