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Homelessness and Public Announcement

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Homelessness and Public Announcement

 According to statistics, in every 1000 people in the United States of America, 17 are homeless. In Africa data year of 2014, Uganda was the leading country with the highest population per night. Typically, there are three types of homelessness transitional, chronic and episodic. However, the leading causes of homelessness among individuals are unemployment, poverty, mental illness and lack of basic needs. People can become homeless when least expected, for instance, women escaping violent marriages, children mistreated in foster homes and also when people leave prison among others. According to a video posted on youtube homes of the homeless, families who have lived on the streets of New York for over 25 years released a public service announcement. They were portraying the reality of modern-day homelessness. The producer asserted that the public service announcement would increase awareness about the population who are homeless in America.  In this paper, we shall review intervention for the homelessness, policy developments and proposals for combating homelessness.

In recent years, public service has addressed the aspects of homelessness and issues relating to the health of homeless people. For instance, during the covid-19 pandemic, homeless people are a vulnerable group. According to The European Federation of National, Organizations Working with the Homeless (FEANTSA), people who are homeless should be tested on Covid -19 since the group is medically vulnerable. Secondly, the provision of emergency housing to allow self-isolation and private space Nevertheless the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has put measures and interventions to end homelessness among groups, by the provision of permanent housing and services supported by different programs. Actions to prevent and minimize homelessness have changed from a welfare approach to an activism-based approach. The youth intervention, a framework was built to bring together a group of homeless youth, teach them social, emotional, and empower them to be social change agents (Kimberly et al. 380). Different groups have their problems. Therefore, it is essential to handle responses as per the case at hand. Notably To provide an appropriate response for homelessness, reaching out and supporting housing linked programs is necessary. Economic survival is vital for everyone, including the homeless. Thus, the reason why secure accommodation is reasonable.

Secondly, it is crucial to review public policies and issues related to homelessness. The most important policy issues are income, health, and housing. Focusing on these priority areas strengthens the crisis response to homelessness. For example, the federal government supports housing services by integrating health care, building career pathways, and fostering education connections. Besides, The American law on homelessness states that the system is designed in such a way that requirements help the homeless get food and shelter or laws criminalize the homeless forcing them into shelter homes. The health and wellbeing of the vulnerable group are essential; thus, it is crucial to enforce neutral laws against the homeless. In public policy, the economic recovery expansion should accommodate and employ the unemployed, homeless people so that they could support themselves (Wolch et al. 488) In the eradication of homelessness; the aspects should be addressed at a broader length.

Furthermore, Countries in Western Europe have implemented the staircase transition. The idea behind it is to elevate the homeless through rights to privacy, control over dwellings, and steps to standard housing. The impact can be referred to as useful structures for action. Nevertheless, not all might benefit from the three, but going through all the three elements should be synchronized. The trend is to encourage large scale government agencies to implement policies and support organizational structures. In practice, this may not necessarily eradicate homelessness but manage it.


Thirdly data on homeless people across the globe is not accurately verified. Comparison over time differ. However, homelessness has increased in developing countries due to urbanization, civil wars, disaster, and traditional family systems. For instance, if primary research is not conducted and the collection of data included on census report. Solutions on combating homelessness will unlikely be constructive Alternatively. There should be more training in health care services for homeless people. It is essential to modify the assistance of health officers who support the vulnerable population. The homeless are assets and not a burden to society. Credibility and persistence are crucial in creating an enabling environment for the homeless. To come up with ways of combating homelessness, we should look into historical, contextual differences and episodes of location (Varney et al. .718). The nature of homelessness is not just about housing or food but counselling for matters of mental health. The stress of experiencing homelessness might exhibit anxiety, fear and depression. Interestingly Efforts to ease the homeless path to better health care have been supported by social welfare services. There is need for physiological support on a timely fashion, to enable combat trauma and other sufferings. In conclusion, it is essential to provide shelter, reducing the cost of a minimum dwelling, increasing roles in voluntary organizations, and implementing inclusive policies for the is evident that homelessness is still prevalent across the is appropriate to support homeless people. Furthermore, visualize their needs into an available continuum.



















Bender, Kimberly, et al. “Asking for Change: Feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary outcomes of a manualized photovoice intervention with youth experiencing homelessness.” Children and Youth Services Review 81 (2017): 379-389.


Varney, Darcy, and Willem Van Vliet. “Homelessness, children, and youth: Research in the United States and Canada.” (2008): 715-720.


Wolch, Jennifer R., Michael Dear, and Andrea Akita. “Explaining homelessness.” Journal of the American Planning Association 54.4 (1988): 443-453.

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