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The Older Population

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The Older Population

QN 1  

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a degenerative disease that is prevalent in the older generation. It is common for people with the condition to lose their ability to perform ordinary tasks; however, the extent to which that occurs is astonishing. An artist William Utermohlen used his art to showcase the progress of AD over five years. There was a significant loss in his ability to portray his facial features. Having AD is life-changing as one experiences memory loss and changes in personality. It is a stressful and confusing condition to the patient as well as to their family members; therefore, it is crucial to plan for the end of life. It is a painful but necessary process as health proxy’s and testaments guide family members to fulfill the patient’s wishes.

QN 2

            Integrity implies having a positive outlook on life. According to Lally & Suzanne, acceptance of the account of experience to date also that death is inevitable is vital. Therefore, such persons live hoping to gain fulfillment even in their final stages of life. Commonly, people with integrity have vibrant personalities; they are likely to be social and open. However, for persons in despair, they tend to be bitter about the way they led their lives or the relationships they had. People in despair are closed off and have a hard time coping with loss when it occurs. The loss of a job or relationship will cause them to spiral downwards while those with integrity accept situations easily in the event of a loss.

QN 3

Elizabeth Kubler-Ross was a psychiatrist who revolutionized the language of death. She pioneered the hospice movement giving humanity to death.  Kubler-Ross was in a group home where she could spend her last days in dignity. She died in the presence of her family and friends. She believed that death was authentic and humane when experienced with the loved ones. It is clear that she accepted and anticipated her death. In a recording from Npr (3:06- 3:16), she anticipates the decay of her damaged body so she could dance among the galaxies. It affirms her belief in the presence of an afterlife.

QN 4

            In the year 2010, 3.1% of people aged 65 years and above lived in skilled nursing homes (Werner, 18). There were approximately 308 million individuals aged 65 and above, yet only 3.1% of those were in skilled nursing homes. Those figures imply that the elderly population is healthy and that they are aging naturally as the rate of diseases associated with old age is low. The city of Urban Honolulu is a hub for tourists, while Frisco City is famous for its agricultural activities. In Frisco City, people own land where they can cultivate and rear animals, while for Honolulu, businesses such as hotels and restaurants will prosper more. Both cities experience warm weather throughout most of the year, which is conducive for the older generation. The town of Frisco is more involved with others in the community as they live in the suburbs. While for Urban Honolulu, people tend to lead separate lives, and older people in despair may feel that this is the best environment for them. Additionally, the elderly require constant medical attention, and  Urban Honolulu has more hospitals and hospice care centers when compared to Frisco City.

QN 5

            According to the life calculator, my life expectancy is at 88 years. The fact that one’s dental health affects their life expectancy was astonishing. According to my results, flossing is essential as inflammation of gums can lead to heart attacks; therefore, reducing one’s expectancy. Factors such as stress, low calcium, and aspirin intake, and poor flossing habits have had a negative influence on my life expectancy. Lifestyle changes can help to improve the expectancy through avoiding stressful issues, but if one cannot, they should try and find positive ways to help cope with the stress such as excersing. However, the essential change to make will be to improve one’s diet by reducing the intake of calories (Perls). There was no inquiry on the type of birth. Children born prematurely may develop health complications that will decrease their life span.











Works Cited

Lally, M, and Valentine-French, Suzanne. “Erikson – Integrity vs. Despair” Social Science. / Accessed 4th May 2020.

Npr. “Paying Tribute to Hospice Pioneer Kubler-Ross” / Accessed  4th May 2020.

Perls, Thomas. “Add Years to Your Life!” Life Expectancy Calculator.  / Accessed 4th May 2020.

Werner, Carrie. “The Older Population: 2010” 2010 Census Briefs. / Accessed 4th May 2020.


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