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The non-US healthcare innovations that could be helpful to the United States

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The non-US healthcare innovations that could be helpful to the United States

The United States is one of the greatest countries across the globe. This aspect is associated with the strong economy and advancement of technology, which makes her one of the most powerful countries on earth. Despite the advancement in the various sectors of the economy, the country is considered weak in some economic aspects when compared to other developed countries. The country is considered to lag in aspects such as health care where the system is not best as compared to other countries. Due to this reason, the United States can adopt the various innovations undertaken by the different countries which have made strides in the provision of healthcare to their citizens. The differences are associated with aspects such as the funding, the nature of the primary care, and the insurance policies implemented by the countries.  such innovations make the healthcare systems to be more powerful than that of the United States. The best intervention practices in the healthcare systems are associated with countries such as France, which is due to the low insurance cover costs, Canada, which has a single-payer healthcare system, and compulsory health care coverage used in countries such as Germany and Switzerland.

The single-payer system is one of the most powerful tools in the enhancement of the health care system. This system makes the healthcare systems of countries like Canada and Taiwan to be more effective as compared to that of the United States. The single-payer system is a type of health insurance that is financed by the taxes of the citizens of the country and run by the same entity, in most cases the government, to provide essential healthcare services to all the citizens of the country. In this case, the citizens in a country using the single-payer health care system are all covered under the same cover and can access health care services from the health care facilities on an equal basis. The system enables all the citizens who have coverage to be in a position to acquire health care services. This system is effective for low-class individuals who are covered even if they are unable to afford to cater for the health care expenses out of their pockets due to the deficiencies associated with their insurance plans. This system would be very beneficial if it were adopted I the united states as it would make it cheap for individuals who are not able to pay for sophisticated health covers for them to acquire the quality healthcare services since the quality of healthcare in the united states is based on the ability of the patient to pay for the insurance cover.

The compulsory health cover is also another healthcare innovation that has enabled some countries to make great strides in their healthcare systems. The countries that use such kind of systems, have made it compulsory for their citizen to acquire an insurance cover from the various authorized insurance providers in addition to the national health insurance plan. Such aspects make the employers of the various citizens obtain insurance covers for them or the citizens to obtain individual covers for themselves. In Germany, the state has made it compulsory for the citizens to acquire insurance covers from specified 118 nonprofit institutions that offer sickness funds. The statutory health insurance system regulates such institutions. Although it is compulsory for the individuals to acquire health cover from the specified bodies, the individuals who are rich and or self-employed have the opportunity to choose between the nonprofit and profit insurers, which also operate within the country. This aspect enables all the citizens to be in a position to acquire quality health care from the various healthcare providers with ease. Also, the citizens can get specialized care based on their health situations, apart from the primary care services which are provided by the government. This situation would make the health system of the United States stronger if they adopted such kind of measures in their system.

The social security health care system, which is similar to the universal care system is another healthcare innovation that has enhanced the provision of healthcare. This system is present in France, and it has made the country have one of the best healthcare systems across the world. The low costs of health insurance covers and the excellent quality of care mean that all individuals can be able to afford healthcare services across the world. in this case, the system has made medical services available to all legal residents of the country irrespective of whether they are employed or not. The social security type of healthcare ensures that all citizens can access preventive care and free medical services. Despite the existence of universal care in France, private medical care is still available to those who can afford it. In this case, the largest part of doctors who are in the national program is responsible for providing free medical care to the patients while others provide paid medical care for those who can afford it. In this case, the cost of free medical care is catered for by the government. This innovation can be very effective in the United States if implemented as it can make healthcare available for low-class individuals enhancing the quality of life for all Americans.

In conclusion, the American healthcare system, which is privatized, is associated with numerous challenges. This aspect is associated with the fact that all individuals require a medical cover to access medical care making it hard for low-class individuals to access healthcare. This policy has made healthcare to be a hard aspect to obtain, making the healthcare system of the United States to be very poor despite the existence of high technology and highly qualified medical practitioners. Due to this reason, the country needs to implement various measures or innovations as adopted in different countries to make their system to be all-inclusive. also, the innovations will make healthcare affordable to all citizens irrespective of their level of income. The use of innovations such as the single-payer system as used in Canada can enhance the effective provision of healthcare services. Also, the development of compulsory healthcare covers can make the citizens very serious on the aspect of health irrespective of their income. Also, the adoption of aspects such as the social healthcare system adopted in France can ensure that medical services are available to all citizens irrespective of their social class as long as they are legal residents of the country.



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