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Jesus Mission in the World

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Jesus Mission in the World

Jesus is the holy son of God. He is the central figure in Christianity. He is the incarnation of God the son and the messiah prophesied in the Old Testament. Jesus the Christ is the bearer of the scriptures of God. Jesus was born of earthly parent to show His humility to come and live on world like mankind. Joseph and Mary were his earthly parents and He was human in every aspect. He only lived for 30 years on earth and had changed the world. (Gene, et al. 20) This paper purpose is to understand who Jesus is and His mission to the world.

Jesus Christ is the greatest being born on earth, the lord of lords and our saviour and he came so that we can have eternal life after our death. He was a prophet and his mission on earth was decided even before He came to the world and before creation. His fundamental mission in the world was to fulfil God’s plan to seek and to save the lost.

Jesus is our shepherd and is concerned about our welfare as his people (sheep) as He refers to us. In all ways possible Jesus tried to make sure that we all gets abundant life and to bring us to salvation by ensuring we get safety in his sheepfold. (Samuel & Gooder 5 -6) . John chapter 1: 11 says, I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth His life for the sheep. Its clear that Jesus knows his people and his people knows him. However it goes on to say on John 10:10 that Jesus knows there are other sheep not on the same fold but must be brought to his fold if only they listen to his voice too. This clearly shows that Jesus mission in the world is to bring salvation to all as long as one chooses to listen his voice and word. His intention is to have one big flock, to one shepherd.

Jesus mission in the world is to protect his people and to keep them from any harm that can come to them. He freely laid his life for us to save man from sins that he brought on himself.  John10: 17, therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay my life, that I might take it again. Jesus choose to help man despite the fact that he could have left man face the consequences of his own sins alone but unlike mankind he took it upon Himself to save mankind. In his mission Jesus would go to any extend to bring every individual to the eternal safety of the sheepfold (Samuel & Gooder7). Sinners or no sinners Jesus came for everyone, every soul matters in His quest to save humankind. It is clear even today Jesus doesn’t discriminate on people based on ones background, religion or political affiliations we all belong to him. (Gene, et al. 4) Jesus offers salvation to everyone because God intention is for everyone to dwell in the love of God, Son and Holy Spirit forever. (Samuel & Gooder 7) Once this is achieved we can say that Jesus mission in the world will have truly come into completion and His desires and that of His heavenly Father achieved.

Jesus mission in the world was to start discipleship and as result start the ministries that we see today, example educating, treating the sick, helping the poor and orphans among others.  Jesus was a great teacher to His disciples. He was found teaching in the temple (Luke 2:46).Those who engage in the ministry today  are the disciples  called  by God to help in the communities they live in. Jesus himself ministered in the world with His disciples where he healed the sick and performed many miracles.  Ministry means taking up a specific role in order to help build up the church. (Samuel & Gooder 16)  The first 12 disciples were chosen by Jesus himself to minister in the world. (Luke 6:13 – 16). Jesus together with his twelve disciples purposed to mission in the world by seeking to know Christ and make Christ known among believers in the whole world. The disciples were left behind when Jesus went back to heaven to continue with the mission that Jesus had already started here on earth of spreading the gospel to all the nations.

Jesus is also seen as a saviour in the gospel who works for us so that we do not get defeated by our enemies this is through forgiving our sins and opening the gates of everlasting life for us. We can see this through his passion, death and resurrection. (Samuel & Gooder 13).

Jesus lived a sinless life and was a great teacher, he is the best example for Christians to ape and live like Him and practise his teaching. Jesus represents a perfect picture of humanity as he accepted and obeyed the word of God Jesus is the showed perfect love when He died for humankind (Gene, et al. 22-24). It is therefore wise to say Jesus mission in the world was to seek, teach, comfort, forgive and save the world.




Work Cited

Green, Gene L., Stephen T. Pardue, and Khiok-Khng Yeo, eds. Jesus without borders: Christology in the majority world. Langham Global Library, 2015.

Wells, Samuel, and Paula Gooder. Incarnational mission: Being with the world. Canterbury Press, 2017.



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