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Reasons Why Donald Trump’s Is Unlikely to Be Reelected

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Reasons Why Donald Trump’s Is Unlikely to Be Reelected

At the moment, thousands of Americans have died from COVID-19 disease, and a million more have contracted this condition. With the election day only a few months away, one of the biggest questions many Americans are struggling with is whether or not they are going to give Donald Trump a second presidential term. This paper argues that President Trump is unlikely to be reelected because of him prioritizing the economy at the expense of other issues that are important to Americans and his foreign policies that are likely to haunt the country in the future.

To begin with, President Trump has fallen short in his management of the coronavirus pandemic. Trump’s actions throughout the current pandemic have been influenced to a larger extent by whether or not he thinks they ruin his chances of reelection. For instance, Trump is the biggest supporter of the reopening of the economy despite the high coronavirus death and infection rates in many states. Evidently, he is hoping that the economy will improve as soon as possible. Trump knows that the improvement in the economy will increase his chances of reelection. President Trump’s obsession with his reelection may be his downfall.

At the same time, Trump’s policy of “America first” may come to haunt the U.S. in the future. Over the recent past, Trump has been engaging in a trade war with his China counterpart. President Trump was the first to increase the tariffs for goods from China. China reacted by increasing the tariffs for goods coming from the U.S. However, Americans are the ones who suffered during the U.S.-China trade war, especially the farmers. Recently, Trump decided to freeze the money that the country gives the World Health Organization. Trump decided to take this decision since he blamed the World Health Organization for failing to give a clear warning regarding the seriousness of the coronavirus when it first broke out in China. The U.S. has been contributing more money to the W.H.O than any other country. As such, defunding W.H.O is likely to affect the efficacy of this organization in protecting the world against future pandemics.

Besides, Donald Trump is not keen on joining other countries in the fight against climate change. President Obama was keen on ensuring that America has joined hands with other countries in decreasing global temperatures. However, Trump has downplayed the effects of global warming and the country’s contribution to causing this problem as well as resolving it.  Before the COVID-19 pandemic hit the country, climate change was one of the most significant topics of discussion across America. Many Americans are concerned about global warming, and they are likely to elect a person who is focused on addressing this problem.

On the other hand, one may argue that President Trump is more likely to be elected because of his strong record in improving the country’s economy. Before the pandemic hit the country, America had the strongest economy with the unemployment rate being the lowest for centuries. Thus, one can argue that Americans should bet on a person who has a history of excelling on the economy front to turn around the country’s fate once the coronavirus pandemic is over. In rebuttal, what will be on many America’s minds comes the election day is what has this year. Thus, many Americans are unlikely to judge Trump’s performance in resolving the current pandemic and place less focus on what he did in the past, especially when the economic front is concerned.

In conclusion, Trump’s chances of being reelected are relatively low. With the economy in turmoil, Trump’s weakness has been exposed, especially when it comes to foreign policy and health care fronts. At the same time, many Americans are likely to be looking for a person who will be serious about addressing the issue of climate change and other major problems in collaboration with the global community.

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