Sound Effects
Soundtracks are the musical compositions or tunes that get synchronized with motion pictures or even video games. The soundtracks play a critical role, especially in movies, as they draw the attention of the audience before even the film begins. Soundtracks introduce the uniqueness and complexity of a film or a video game. The soundtrack gives them originality, which helps in recalling the specific movie or even a scene. This memorability provides a relationship between a viewer and the content they are subscribing to. Movies and games would be less exciting without the tracks in them. Soundtracks often provide the bang required for a movie or game to start, thus capturing the audience’s attention.
One of the most prevalent soundtracks that complement the movie exemplarily is those in the baby driver. The first impression of anything counts big time and provides an insight into the scenes to follow. Baby driver filmed in the year 2017 is a film on a heist that has a lot of dramatic views and a lot of betrayer in its plot. To emphasize these scenes, the director uses a combination of rock, soul, and funk to bring out a clear picture and put some emphasis on the chaotic scenes of the movie. The soundtracks in this movie are synonymous with it such that one cannot talk of the film without mentioning the soundtracks. The film and the soundtrack are inseparable and complement each other perfectly. Its scenes are well-executed, and the tracks well synchronized, allowing the viewer to feel incorporated in the drama that goes on in the film. The soundtracks in baby driver transform it from a good movie to a greater one. The tracks are just mesmerizing to any audience.