How Racial Inequality Shapes Criminal Justice
Mass incarceration causes the criminal justice system to intrude on the lives of families which has critical implications for inequality. The implications that arise as a result of mass incarceration include behavioral problems among the children and family instability concerning the lives of the former prisoners. For instance, the increase in poor outcome by children whose parent has previously been incarcerated. This is evident in the case where difficulties are experienced in drawing the underlying implications about the relationship in instances where the father had been in incarceration thus causing the family to experience behavioral problems as well as housing insecurity. The adverse outcome is more experienced if the male prisoner has a positive involvement with the family thus impacting the whole family. From the analysis, it is evident that mass incarceration is not individually experienced but it is collectively borne by the whole family and mostly affects the African American living in acutely disadvantaged communities who are subjected to a high level of surveillance and policing.
Additionally, truth and reconciliation are important to enhance the birth of a new nation in reducing the incidence of mass incarceration. The criminal justice system encourages race- and class-based inequities by undermining the publics’ perception of the system legitimacy which contributes to crime. Truth and reconciliation in the criminal justice system will help eradicate the instances of inequality which encourage criminality. Consequently, it will reduce the double standards extant in the criminal justice system which include reintegrating offenders into the society and restraining an over-reliance on incarceration through the community-based sanctions. Encouraging truth and reconciliation will minimize racial discrimination thus reduce any instance of inequality which will lead to a rebirth of a new nation.
Mass incarceration leads to the disproportionally concentration among African American and Latino men. Majorly the poor and largely concentrated urban Hispanic and African American communities. The cycle of arrest is majorly subjected to the poor and the less schooled which results in a shift in penal policy towards the greater use of prison due to the violation of parole conditions. With the government’s unwillingness to participate in the role of mitigating mass incarceration it is difficult to draw stronger underlying implications of this high concentration of the growth in levels of crime incarceration in the nation. It is evident that disadvantaged minority communities to poor urban neighborhoods thus has to transform the character of poor life due to the large increase in concentration in high-crime. This is evident from the historical backgrounds showing various aspects of criminal justice that have not managed to eliminate mass incarceration majorly to the minority in the society.
Failure by the criminal justice to make follow up an ensure that all the people killed unlawfully are vindicated has also contributed to racial inequality. For instance, the incident that happened in the ancient and the cases have been ignored particularly for Black American which portrays that the criminal justice system is practicing racial inequality. The Supreme Court bares the large blame for inequalities in the criminal justice system by failing to protect the minority who have occasionally experienced mass incarceration. Therefore, a need to set a threshold for effective representation channels so low to virtually help defendants overcome regardless of competence.
Finally, patterns of felony convictions and mass incarceration have overwhelming effects on the overall trust in the legal system within the communities. The severity of prison is highly determined by the policymakers therefore the increased high rate of incarceration is substantially caused by the decision from those in high rank. For instance, the crime rates of drug dealers which leads to the failure of emphasizing the prevailing attitude thus making the correctional official act more harshly with individual convicted with crime .the increase in mass incarceration have led to equivalent raise in the length of the prison sentences length as well as the likelihood of imprisonment mostly to the black Americans which raises the incident of inequality in the attempt to shape up the criminal justice system. Therefore, fair treatment in the mass incarceration process will help ease the incidents of increased help shape criminal justice by ensuring fairness to all and avoid racial discrimination.
These videos relate to the course material because of talks about how the minority representation who are majorly impacted by mass incarceration. They experience the drawing that has underlying implications about the relationship in instances where the father had been in incarceration thus causing the family to experience behavioral problems as well as housing insecurity. It addresses issues of the people of color where in this the African American are considered a victim of mass incarceration and fairness in the imprisonment is key to ensure equality in the criminal justice system. Additionally, it has addressed the issue of police and how they treat the minority in the community. Therefore to ensure that inequality is shaped up in criminal justice the government needs to play a greater role in encouraging policies that protect even the racial minority.