The medical image processing method
The medical image processing method, like computerized tomography (CT), is obtaining a fast and accurate diagnosis approach of COVID-19. The sensitivity of a CT-based COVID-19
diagnosis reported being significantly 80 to 90% better than RT-PCR, whereas 60 to 70% specificity is on the low side \cite{ai2020correlation}. These symptoms are very similar to regular pneumonia \cite{bai2020performance}. Various tests with X-ray for COVID-19 diagnosing are found contradictory. Hospitals in Spain mention the technique is a default element of their diagnostic pathway, and other sources describe X-ray as an insensitive test \cite{chen2020epidemiological}.
Interestingly, work in \cite{peng2020findings, poggiali2020can} described a strong correlation between ultrasound and CT findings making ultrasound a promising technique as it is superior to chest X-ray when it comes to pneumonia examinations. Another solution in \cite{qin202018} PET-CT mentioned as a candidate for COVID-19 diagnosing if complex cases require additional information for a differential diagnosis.