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NLTK and Text analysis methods

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NLTK and Text analysis methods

The natural language tool kit is a tool in python responsible for natural language analysis. Human language is very complex to implement in machines despite the fact that a child finds it easy to learn from their guardians. Making a machine synthesize a human voice is very complex and requires an understanding of how humans process speech (Loper & Bird, 2002). For instance, for Cortana to synthesize and respond accordingly, it requires an understanding of speech from human.

NLTK offers the various functions and methods necessary to enable language processing. Some of these methods are used in tokenization, stemming as well as final analysis of the text. With the help of the function and the methods NLTK is capable of breaking down a sentence divide it into it different parts of speech then analyze it for instance find out the frequency of words among other tasks (Perkins, 2014). On the other hand, text analysis is the deed of taking text then mining it to gather valuable information from it. Some of the examples of text analysis methods include sentiment analysis among others. Text analysis given its methods is able to process text and gather information as well as underlying patterns, which humans cannot do manually.


Loper, E., & Bird, S. (2002). NLTK: the natural language toolkit. arXiv preprint cs/0205028.

Perkins, J. (2014). Python 3 text processing with NLTK 3 cookbook. Packt Publishing Ltd.


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