What are the top types of effective blocking buffers available currently?
With the advancement in medical and clinical research, in modern times, the detection of foreign objects that are harmful to the human body can be carried out effectively. During the testing procedure blocking buffers are used to bind the surface areas that are more likely to get attached to reagents. Blocking buffers can prevent particular antibodies that are nonspecific from making interaction with reagents. However, you need to take care when using buffers to block the surface. Otherwise, you will not be able to read and obtain accurate results. You should know the top types of blocking buffers to get hold of the suitable type to meet your purpose correctly and efficiently.
Top types of blocking agent
Various types of blocking agents are available in the market that blocks particular types of proteins. You will get an animal, plant, and fish-based blocking agents. Specific antibodies determine the most suitable kind of blocking buffer, which generates the most effective results to prevent nonspecific antibodies from interacting with reagents. By making use of P53 Antibody, the detection of cellular tumor antigen is possible nowadays.
Plant-based blocking buffer
Plant-based blocking agents provide blocking uniformly and reduce stain effectively. Plant-based blocking buffer works efficiently for ELISA assays and Western blot. Blocking agents with non-animal-oriented reagents can play a significant role in immunodetection assays and improving sensitivity for producing the desired positive results.
Fish-based blocking buffer
The fish-based blocking agent is considered to be one of the best-blocking agents for immunoassays. Fish-based blocking buffers are made from the proteins produced by fishes and available in various qualities. A fish-based blocking buffer can block the interior surface. It plays a useful role in masking proteins that stay attached to the surface by interfering with immunoreactivity. The primary blocking agent used in the Fish-based blocking buffer is a fish protein. A fish-based blocking buffer is the best alternative to a milk-based blocking buffer. Being a non-mammalian protein, fish protein eradicates the interaction of antibodies in mammals.
Animal-based blocking buffer
The animal-based blocking agent plays an active role by blocking proteins coming from a different species of animal. To conduct a successful test, you need to consider the chemistry of the surface and the cross-reactivity. Depending on the sensitivity of the assay, you should choose the ideal type of blocking buffer.
Non-protein blocking buffer
Non-protein blocking agents use polymers that are capable of performing various functions. This type of agent can be both hydrophilic and non-binding by hydrophobic coating surfaces. On diverse surfaces, non-protein blocking buffers can create the background, which is nonspecific even on the surfaces that are diverse and in assays that are extremely sensitive. The clinical research experts use the P53 Antibody for TP53 detection.
If you read the points mentioned above thoroughly, then you can understand the importance of getting hold of the best blocking buffers when it comes to binding the surface and preventing nonspecific antibodies from interacting with reagents.