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Assessment of Performance by the Management

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Assessment of Performance by the Management


In an organization, performance is the process by which the employees engage their knowledge and effort to perform and meet specific set goals for an organization. Performance assessment is a subset of performance management, which entails a process through which a manager communicates, analyze, and process the performance or the output of a worker over a set time, probably a year according to the regulations and policies of an organization concerned. Any company bases the performance against the sets standards. There many steps and actions that a company can execute to ensure the employees’ accomplishments are up to the standards for the ultimate performance of the entire organization.

The Value of Performance Assessment

Organizations are unique and can handle performance assessments in two ways, as described below.

Informal Performance Assessment

Informal performance assessment is usually out of the supervisor’s or manager’s will or when they feel it necessary. Informal assessment does not have a fixed or designed system that governs and assesses the performance of the workers in an organization. It does not involve much of official interaction between the manager and an employee. The communication involves on-the-spot conversation, either in the work area or in the manager’s office. Informal assessment does not consume a lot of time and usually happens when the time factor is an issue. The on-the-spot performance assessment by the manager is significant in the improvement of an individual’s performance. Direct interaction with the manager also helps pinpoint the individuals’ weaknesses and, hence, improve individual output. That also helps motivate and correct the performance of a worker daily.

Formal Performance Assessment

When a company has in place a fixed system to conduct the observation and analysis of an individual’s performance and give back the managerial impressions or feedback, the company is said to have a formal performance assessment.  Formal assessment involves a departmental meeting according to the designed schedule. A formal meeting is paramount mainly when a group of employees undertakes a group-project. It gives group motivation and more pronounced better performance on the company’s objectives. It is a more official meeting and involves one-on-one interaction between the employees and the line managers. Therefore, formal performance assessment aims at the improvement of the whole group performance.

The Role of the First Line Manager

Direct managers have a critical role in the overall performance of an organization. They have the responsibility to manage the employees and the allocated resources to meet a specific goal set by the company.  For example, they are involved in the recruitment and absorption process to fill up the gap in an organization. They also disburse the information about the goals and functions of employees and their prospected results or outcomes. They also get engaged in cross-training for job rotation and adequate coverage of the assignment by the employees.

Ways to Have Effective Assessment on an Individual Performance

A company requires having a practical evaluation of an individual’s performance. There underlie several aspects that a company needs for a better outcome. Some of them include;

Keep the Employees Abreast

A fair and honest assessment occurs only when the employees get the notification on the current matters, especially on the employees’ requirements for better performance. The direct manager must outline the company’s requirements and the logic to perform them.

Balance Criticism and Offer Regular Feedback

Performance appraisal depends upon the employee’s performance and output. Fair and honest performance assessment, rewarding employees in correspondence to their performance without any bias. Promotions or terminations need to correspond to their real merits and keenness on the company’s standards. Fair and honest performance assessment also involves listening to the employees’ grievances. The management needs a balance the employees’ complaints and set policies to meet the objectives. Regular feedback helps the employees keep track of their performance and where to improve them better.

Setting SMART goals for a Team Member

Smart goals are arranged in a manner to establish a clear and mutual understanding of general requirements in terms of performance and also involves performance and development objectives. The following aspects are crucial in the formulation of SMART goals for a team member;

First, a goal must be specific. The specification outlines the overall requirements and the ways to meet the prospected goal. Also, the goal needs to be measurable. There is a requirement of data to measure the magnitude of success. Therefore, it is significant to include ‘how much’ and ‘how well’ data to make the goal measurable. Another aspect to include is whether the goal is achievable. The objective needs to be doable according to the ability and knowledge of the workforce. Also, the company must have the necessary resources for the workforce to manage to meet the prospected goal. The goals must be relevant and align with a significant reason. Every company sets a goal specifically for a broader objective. The outcome requires manifesting the overall importance and in a bigger picture. The time aspect is also essential in the overall design. It is necessary to include the time-frame for the whole task.

Setting Employee’s Performance Standard

For a company to succeed, employees need not only to complete their jobs but also to meet the set standards for the company. Therefore, it is imperative to establish an employee’s performance standard for overall better goals.

First, the management needs to set a measurable performance standard I each job description. For instance, for every task an employee has, there must be a positive outcome within a given period. For example, evidence at least fifty positive consumer commentaries per month in the sales department. It is paramount to involve the employees in the process of setting performance standards. That will make them comfortable and feel of liberty and a sense of motivation. It is also the mandate for the management to communicate the performance standards. It can involve a workshop for discussion on the newly set policies. That makes the entire workforce have a joint agreement and consensus that the measures will be valid for every team member. Finally, the management requires being on the lead of the entire team to succeed. That can happen by providing the team with the necessary resources and inputs.

How to measure performance against the Set Standards

First, to have a useful measure of an individual’s performance, it is critical to outline or define the company’s set goals and standards. The nature of the task required acts as a measure against the overall performance. What follows is the measurement of the real work output by the employees. For instance, the number of units manufactured or sold over a given period.  After the performance, there is a need for analysis of the effectiveness of the standards. That will bring in any need for modifications depending on the returns. For instance, change of timeline in case it does not coincide with the set standard time-frame. The management requires giving the workers feedback depending on their performance and increase their morale accompanied by the rewards.

The Value of Feedback in the Workplace

Performance feedback in an organization is critical for the employees and the overall company. First, feedback clarifies the company’s expectations and keeps the workers in the knowledge every time. Frequent feedback makes the employees reveal their loopholes for better performance. That makes them improve the execution of tasks every day of their work. Feedback helps build confidence. For instance, positive feedback praises an employee and makes them feel they can be able to maintain the company’s culture and requirement. When there is proper delivery of feedback, whether positive or negative, it helps employee build their confidence and grow by the set standards without involving harshness or unbalanced criticism.



How to Manage Underperformance in a Workplace

One of the daunting issues in an organization is how to handle employee’s performance. Most of the potential areas of underperformance by the workers include; failure to meet the set time frame, low individual output, such as manufactured output or units sold. There are various causes to underperformance by employees in a company as discussed below;

Inadequate Tools and Training

Tools and training are the most critical for an employee to perform. Inadequate tools make the worker fail to deliver the optimum of their capability; hence, failure to have their ultimate outcomes or results. Another instance is the lack of consideration. For example, tools for work need to be fit for the responsible worker. For example, having right-handed tools and left-handed tools to cater to every worker, failure that may lead to underperformance. The operating height of the equipment and tools, weight, and position is crucial for maximum performance in the workplace. Therefore, the ergonomic requirements and the right tools are significant for a better outcome. Adequate knowledge on how to operate or conduct any process in a company is essential. Continuous training and workshops are crucial to solve underperformance problems.


The condition of the surrounding in the workplace requires being conducive to the ultimate performance of the employees. For instance, in case a workplace is too cold or hot, an operator may not utilize their full potential to deliver according to the set standards. Clean air is crucial to keep the employees’ health good to avoid absenteeism for better performance. Protective gear and safe operating systems are essential for safety and better performance by the workers.


An individual’s attitude may result in a better or adverse performance in the workplace. It is an expectation or will or every worker in an organization to perform to the maximum. However, many personal challenges and life experiences may make one acquire anger, become frustrated or disappointed. That may have a significant cost on one’s performance and overall output. To solve such a problem, an employee requires looking out on the cause of the issue and search for a possible solution. The victim can also reframe the mind, create new believes, or find assistance to solve the problem. That can increase the employee’s morale and motivation and solve the underperformance problem.

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