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Author: Joe Weixlmann Reading Covered: Opinion Dealing with the Demands of an Expanding Literary Canon
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Page | Quotations | Commentary/Analysis |
| “To consider care- fully the concept of an artistic canon is, necessarily, to eschew pat answers and address the troubling critical and curricular issues that surround the topic.” | Joe argues that necessities must be provided for new works to pass in the literal canon. The author argues that expressive improvement should come from the discussion of professors of humane letters. |
| “Instead, I turn here to concrete issues that teachers of “the conflict” face. First, I examine four factors contributing to polarization | The author argues that the global perspective that four problems face the academic culture concerning literal canon. The issues are as follows; 1. The tightness between commonality and tradition, multiculturalism, and individual difference. |
| 2. The struggle that exists between theory-oriented mode of teaching and extemporaneous enjoyment of texts. 3. The disagreement over which criteria should be used in classroom literature. 4. The discrepancies on whether disciplinary and institutional frameworks should be used or rejected when teaching literature. | |
| “Perhaps the canon’s greatest claim to legitimacy rests on its having achieved some sort of consensus. But that consensus, or what passes for it, is weaker now than it was two decades ago, or even one.” | The argument is that most canon writers are white males from European continents. Americans tend to white straight males as universal while on the other hand, the experience of gay men, females, and men of other colors are thought to be different. |
| Therefore, meaningful canon can only occur when Americans understand and accept differences like sexism, classism, racism, elitism, and traditionalism. | |
| “the truly salient question to bead- dressed is “whether new canons, expressing as yet unestablished interests, ought now to be formed” | Due to critics about canonize, professors are in dilemma on whether to engage in canon reformation or abandon the idea. However, from the text, critics are important since it allows the canonist to erect their constructions. Those that teach literature in the current world should expect to encounters such complications. |
| “The Literature of America,” Lauter urges teachers to undertake a comparative study of American literature, in which students “reexamine traditionally-established works from fresh | A canon cannot be defined by the decision considering what is included in it but, eventually by what is excluded from it. This is so that the large cycle of canon to appear with parts of inclusion and exclusion. |