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Diabetic Foot Ulcer and Wound Care

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Diabetic Foot Ulcer and Wound Care


A diabetic foot ulcer is an open wound foot condition. Based on reports, 15 % of the diabetes patients around the world suffer from diabetic foot ulcers.


Usually, the wound (of the foot ulcer) occurs at the bottom of the foot. If left untreated, this develops complications. In the worst case, this may even lead to amputation.


If you have diabetes, you are more prone to this condition. Good thing, there are proactive measures that you can do to prevent diabetic foot ulcers.


Some of the common measures to prevent foot ulcer are listed below.



  • Always Clean Your Feet. Wash your feet regularly with soap and lukewarm water. This will reduce your chance of developing a diabetic foot ulcer. After washing, use a clean towel to dry your feet. You can also apply moisturizer on the top and bottom sides of your feet. But in areas between the toes, experts suggest the use of talcum powder.


  • Wear the Right Shoes. Another way to prevent diabetic foot ulcer is by wearing well-fit shoes. If you wear the right shoes, you’ll avoid too much friction. And this means you have a lesser chance of getting a wound.


  • Regular Checkup. Diabetes patients are less sensitive due to compromised blood flow. That is why it’s very difficult for them to detect the early signs of foot ulcer. With this, a regular checkup is a must. You need to bring the patient to a reputable podiatrist for at least once a month. This is to make sure that all signs of foot ulcer will be addressed before it becomes too late.
  • Do not Smoke. People who smoke are more prone to developing a foot ulcer. According to experts, smoking affects the blood circulation of your body. And once you have poor blood circulation, you’ll become an easy target of foot ulcer. So, if you don’t want to suffer from this painful condition, refrain from smoking now.



These are only some of the ways that you can do to prevent diabetic foot ulcer. To know more about this foot condition, just contact your trusted podiatrist.



What Does a Diabetic Foot Ulcer look Like

You will know that you have a foot ulcer when you notice a red crater in your foot. Aside from the red crater, you will also see thick callus surrounding the affected foot.


In most cases, foot ulcer develops on the bottom part of the foot. Blisters may also appear once you have a diabetic foot ulcer. The blisters may appear in groups or maybe just a single but large blister.




How do you get a Diabetic Foot Ulcer


The reason why diabetic foot ulcer affects the majority of people is due to a lack of knowledge. Most people don’t fully understand how they could get this disease.


Several factors may put you at risk of developing a diabetic foot ulcer. We listed the top 5 below.


  • From the name itself, it is obvious that this foot condition usually targets people with diabetes. Diabetes is a disease caused by too much blood sugar deposits. Once your body has excess blood sugar, you quickly develop open wounds/ foot ulcers.
  • When you frequently drink alcoholic beverages, the capacity of your body to treat wounds becomes futile. This is because too much alcohol in your body leads to nutrition deficiency. Aside from foot ulcers, too much alcohol in your body may also result in neuropathy (nerve damage).
  • Smoking also leads to a foot ulcer. Why? Because when you smoke, carbon monoxide gas will enter your bloodstream. And this will lower the oxygen deposit in your blood. Oxygen in the blood is vital as it aids in healing damaged nerves and tissues.
  • Foot Deformities. When you have foot deformities, you are also at high risk of developing a foot ulcer. Foot deformities often lead to motor neuropathy or weakened muscles. And this means that your muscles are not anymore capable of protecting themselves from infections.
  • Those who are overweight are also vulnerable to developing a foot ulcer. But why? Due to the irregular blood flow. Obese people got overwhelming fat deposits. Unfortunately, the excess fats settle around the blood vessels. And this will hinder the flow of oxygenated blood in your body. Oxygenated blood is essential since it helps in wound healing.


These are only some of the causes of diabetic foot ulcer. There’s no doubt that diabetic foot ulcer is a severe foot condition. If not treated, this will even result in amputation. But the good thing is that you can do something to prevent the worst. You just have to be disciplined and proactive.


How do you Treat a Diabetic Foot Ulcer


You can treat diabetic foot ulcer through home remedies or undergoing medical treatments.


The following are some of the home remedies that you can try:


  • Diabetic foot ulcer patients usually use aloe Vera. This herbal is indeed effective in treating wounds due to its anti-inflammatory property. Aside from this, aloe vera also reduces the pain caused by foot ulcers.
  • Over the Counters (OTC). You can also buy OTC drugs and equipment to manage the symptoms of foot ulcer. Compressions, socks, and diabetic shoes are the best starters to treat foot ulcers.
  • Some people also used honey to manage the symptoms of foot ulcer. Just put honey on the affected foot and cover the wound with clean gauze. Honey reduces inflammation and pain drastically.


These home remedies are only good for mild foot ulcers. But for worst cases, you really need to undergo diabetic foot ulcer surgery. Among the most common diabetic foot ulcer surgeries include debridement, tendon lengthening, and vascular surgery.


The following are some of the measures doctors do to treat diabetic foot ulcer for good.


  • Reduces the pressure on the affected area or the so-called ‘off-loading’
  • Scrapes the dead skin cells through the process called ‘debridement’
  • Prescribes FDA approved foot ulcer drugs
  • Provides proper dressing to the affected feet/ foot
  • Keeps your blood glucose level low to ensure non-recurrence of wound


Make sure you find a reputable foot and ankle care clinic to treat your foot ulcer. Always remember that you cannot just settle on chances since this is a severe foot condition.



How Long Does it Take for a Diabetic Foot Ulcer to Heal


Provided that you undergo excellent medical treatments, it will only take more or less six weeks for a foot ulcer to heal. But in severe cases, the patient may need to spend up to 20 weeks to recover fully.

Do Wounds Heal Faster Covered or Uncovered


Based on studies, wounds heal fast when they are covered. Covered wounds become warmer, hence speeding up the healing process. Also, you’ll eliminate the chance of catching pathogens when the wound is covered. However, make sure that you regularly change the dressing to prevent infection.


How Long Does an Open Wound Take to heal


According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, open wounds heal longer than closed wounds. On average, open wounds heal after three months. But of course, healing time may vary due to some factors. These include the size, deep, and cause of the wound.


Best Place to get Diabetic Foot Ulcer and Wound Care in Dallas Plano & Prosper


Do you want the best treatment for diabetic foot ulcers? Do you want to make sure that only professionals touch your wound? No worries. Just visit the best foot and ankle care clinic in Texas- the Graff Foot, Ankle Care.


Over the years, we maintain our reputation as the best foot and ankle clinic in Texas. We specialize in foot and ankle treatments. From mild to severe foot conditions, you can count us!


At the Graff Foot, Ankle Care, you are assured of getting the best treatment. We have the most competent podiatrists always ready to help you. We take pride in our services; thus, we strictly follow the highest standards. If we treat your diabetic foot ulcer, we will do it right!


Aside from competent foot treatments, we also keep our rates reasonable. We are doing this to serve more people.


To learn more about the Graff Foot, Ankle Care, feel free to contact our friendly customer service team.


Always remember that if you choose Graff Foot, Ankle Care, you are in good hands!




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