The Mightiest Mightiest prophets of the LORD
The Mightiest Mightiest prophets of the LORD, the two olive trees and the two lampstands who stand before the LORD of all the earth. The most glorified, the most decorated, the most transfigured, you who have recently been visited by GOD THE FATHER in Kisumu in the cloud of glory. You who have struck the earth with the severest coronavirus that is now threatening to shut down the entire globe.
My Lords owing to the prayer request i sent you through email on Jan 8 2020, 11:35 AM, I wish to report the following.
- I got a job as a content creator with two American private agencies. I now write online website articles and ever since you said IT IS WELL, this job has been able to earn me about Kshs 170,000 in about two and a half months.
- I am now able to clear some of the debts that have burdened me so much, and I am hopeful that I will clear all my debts.
- I moved from Maili Tatu altar Nakuru and currently serve at Kayole Main altar under Bishop Horace as a translator.
Because of these mighty deeds, i just come back to you and say THANK YOU. Thank you so much the Mightiest Mightiest prophets of the LORD. I also appreciate your GOD for doing it for me.
Also please pray for me, my wife left the ministry of repentance and holiness. And the fellowship in our marriage is broken. It has also not been comfortable with my partner, choosing to quit the right highway to heaven. Her entire family also left the ministry of repentance and holiness. I repent my Lords that this has happened when it is too late, and THE MESSIAH IS COMING. Please pray for me that the LORD’S will be done in my marriage. Besides, she has also not been able to conceive for the 23months we have been married.
Your Most Unworthy Son,
Pst Oliver Mudambo
Kayole Main Altar