Morrison asserts that strangers are influential in the lives of the people
Morrison asserts that strangers are influential in the lives of the people in terms of emotional connections and the experiences they have together. People have created boundaries to eliminate and influence them experience from strangers. Naturally, people are attracted to each other, and they are subject to social interactions. Morrison was eager to know his neighbour so that they can develop a relationship in which they could be friends. By approaching the stranger he thought was his neighbour, Morrison created a baseline to which the stranger would influence his actions, feelings and their experiences on people. Using the claims of Morrison, this analysis will develop the impact of COVID-19 on social interactions.
COVID-19 is considered a stranger in modern human society who affects individuals in different avenues. Just like human strangers, human beings have created boundaries to reduce the effects of COVID-19. In Morrison strangers encounter, individuals avoid strangers since they threaten the awakening ideas and feelings not expressed by humans. COVID-19 has endangered the lives of the human population through its easy way of transmission. Strategies such as social distancing and self-isolation created to reduce the transmission of the disease through physical contacts. Social distancing involves the avoidance of other people through reduced social activities. Sports events, festivals, cruises, and any social gatherings prohibited during the period of COVID-19. A safe distance includes at least six feet away from other people. Not observing this distance increases the chances of catching COVID-19 and transmitting it to family and friends.
Morrison argues it is difficult for individuals to distance themselves from each other after they have created a connection. This makes it difficult to effective practice social distancing practices such as working at home, closing learning institutions, cancelling physical business meetings and wearing face covers. The connection, according to Morrison, is created through language, image and experiences. Language includes how strangers communicate with each other through cultural aspects, social cues and practices. The image includes the physical outlook and the perceptions created by the strangers about each other. Experience includes the combination of language and vision to create a memorial remembrance of the person. The effects developed through these aspects affect the person both mentally and physically. In Morrison’s case, mental experiences included the recollection of the stranger, and physical impacts included the need to interact with the stranger again.
COVID-19 plays a significant role in creating a distance between people. This distance affects the individuals through the aspects explained by Morrison. One understands that humans over time have created connections between each other that serve as the basis for their interactions in workplaces, social events and festivals. The bonds created between people deteriorate and their everyday lives distracted. The distancing, in this case, is essential to keeping yourself healthy and keeping those close to you healthy through
Part 2
Morrison argues that the media uses image and language to alter the vision and beliefs of individuals into their own ideas. The media is the communication network that delivers information through the news, marketing messages, music, education, and movies. According to Morrison, the media and stranger serve the same purposes through their interactions. Media is, therefore, an important part of the society that helps in sharing of information, and individuals affect. Do the media have the same effects as people in influencing peoples’ perceptions about themselves and society?
The major media role is to communicate to the public on the happenings in other parts of the world. When the audience does not know about particular matters, they rely on the media to inform them of the subject. Morrison use of the media as a tool used to influence the people presents the media as an important aspect in the lives of people which cannot be avoided. He argues that ‘succumbing to the media can blur vision, resisting them can do the same.’ I believe the media changes people’s perceptions by giving them new information. In the same way, strangers change people by impacting them with new experiences and ideas. The absences of strangers compare to avoidance of media in bringing new ideas; thus, individuals have poor judgments regarding others. Stranger change and media affect
Media, in my view, constructs the behaviours of the people to changes their identity through social change. People, on the other hand, influence others by changing their ways of life through experiences. Morrison got influenced by the stranger, and her absence altered the way he would interact with other people. Morrison argues that media affects a person’s intimacy levels and broader knowledge about themselves. The media increases the views of what humans need and ought to become in society. Morrison argues media ‘narrows our picture of what humans look like, and what we are like’. He believes that media changes the identity of a person by introducing new concepts different from the ones that define their identity. The media presents further information to the audience to identify their ways and behaviours. In the same case, strangers influence each other through bond the bond they create.
The media, as well as humans, affects the experience of a person towards other people. Media is a platform in which individuals get information and analyze it to make their personal decisions. Media enables the audience to analyze problems through social change strategies and allows them to redefine their identity over time.