adverse impacts posed by the extractives- led developments of the mining sites at POrgera,
Dear sir\madam
Based on the adverse impacts posed by the extractives- led developments of the mining sites at POrgera, Ok Tedi, Misima and Ramu, I herby bring my concerns and arguments as to why you should accurately portray the critical development issues and cultural deference fairly to the Australian public. I will highlight some of the problems that the community members of the area will experience because o the mining sites.
The immanent developments will bring significant benefits to the development o the country’s economy through the export o the mining resources. Conversely, though the ther are high revenues which may be generated or the mining areas, the community members are bound to keep suffering .in light of this, the mining is no benefit to community development as the benefits will not be gained by the community members within the mines ., the mining industry will not contribute towards enhancing the livelihood of the local communities, and the potential impacts are negative, it is vital that the extractive led development in the specified areas should be put stopped before they can cause adverse damage to the entire community as well as the environments.
Therefore, as the media, you can intervene by sharing widely through different platforms like newspapers, and television the development issues o the mining concerns, and this can bring about change or the community members. It is vital for Papua New Guinea away of life is protected from the harmful impacts o the mining operations.
Community Worker