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Nursing essay   Why do you want to be a nurse?

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Nursing essay   Why do you want to be a nurse?

Human life is unique and precious, and the collaborative and autonomous care for people of all ages, communities, whether sick or well, is a crucial motivator for pursuing nursing. The desire to be a nurse is often driven by different reasons, which vary from one individual to another, as the nature of the job requires a lot of dedication and sacrifice from the individual. A nurse encounters patients with different conditions in their career. The care that they render to such patients positively impacts the lives of the said patients as well as that of their families. On top of that, nurses enjoy their everyday routine of handling different aspects of patient care.

  • Why do you want to be a nurse?

There are many reasons why I want to be a nurse. I will only go through a few of them. I have always had a dream of making a career in the medical field, so becoming a nurse will be a dream come true for me. I have always been passionate about helping people who are in need and will stop at no end to help such people. A nurse spends a lot of time with patients than a doctor does. Therefore, I want to help my patients attain and maintain good health, make them feel special, and give them the feeling that somebody cares about them, whatever the situation, and comfort them when they are in pain or grief.

Also, I know that nursing, as a career, will be beneficial for me in my personal life. When the time comes when I have my family, I will provide them with necessary medical care. Furthermore, I will help my parents take care of their health as they will be ageing in no time.

I also want to be a nurse because nursing is a career where I will earn a decent living and still feel interested and fulfilled with what I am doing. There are endless possibilities. I acknowledge the fact that nursing is a stressful job, but the rewards are tremendous.

Some of the jobs that my childhood friends are doing like office work and sitting behind a computer have never really fascinated me. I want a job with a lot of human interaction, and I think that nursing is the perfect fit for me. Finally, I want to follow my mother’s career because she was also a nurse. Ever since I was a child, I witnessed my mother looking after other people. She was so good at her job, and up to now, I still hear some of her patients and their relatives shower her with warm words. I want the same for me. I cannot wait to become a nurse and enjoy the fulfilment that I look forward to attaining from my career.

  • What do you think would be some of your most difficult challenges during the nursing program?

Nursing is not an easy career, and nurses encounter a lot of challenges when performing their duties. One of the most difficult challenges I will have to endure as a nurse is stress and burnout. Nursing involves working long hours and getting little sleep, which has negative implications for individuals. Stress and burnout can negatively impact my productivity, which may lead to the commission of professional mistakes.

Another difficult challenge that I will have to endure as a nurse is work overload and sometimes underpayment in relation to the amount of work done. There are situations where nurses find themselves working longer than they are supposed to and even doing work that is supposed to be done. This is common if the facility is understaffed. Work overload can also affect the health of a nurse negatively due to frequent fatigue and exhaustion.

  • How do you plan to overcome the challenges identified in question two?

Fortunately, with the right strategy, the challenges identified above can be managed. I will overcome stress and professional burnout by making sure that I am well rested each working week, getting a minimum of 6 hours of sleep every day. I will also eat regular meals every day and taking some time for myself. I will take leisure activities like going for walks to clear my mind. I will establish a healthy work/life balance by always having time for my friends and family and scheduling events on my off days to get me through the workweek and long shifts.

I intend to overcome the challenge of heavy workloads by taking full advantage of breaks where I can rest and refuel. I will also agitate for the creation of healthy and safe working environments for all nurses. I also intend to join nurses’ union leadership where we can negotiate for better working conditions and payment of better rates by our employers. In doing so, I will have helped create a work culture where fellow nurses can air their concerns with the fear of pf reprisal. Most workplaces challenges can be overcome if the right spirit and zeal are present.

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