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Designing the Intervention & Planning for Implementation

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Designing the Intervention & Planning for Implementation


















Designing the Intervention & Planning for Implementation

Importance of Theories in Health Promotions

Theories and models explain the behavior changes in a targeted behavior change. They explain the dynamics of behavior and give possible suggestions with considerations of the results from external influences to promote behavior change (Kwasnicka et al., 2016). While health behaviors require tremendous knowledge and skills to understand, others are less complex. Moreover, while some are repetitive, others are a one-time behavior, and lastly, volitionally determines the individual control over the specified action.

While some are designing models of health promotion, theories are indispensable in the development and implementation of public health initiatives. Each behavior change requires a different approach and model depending on its nature. At the population level, theories can achieve a meaningful difference in behavior that can lower mortality and morbidity rate.

Types of Theories

The transtheoretical theory of change holds that some people may have adopted a behavior change and implemented it while some individuals may be at the initial stage or not yet started. Certain beliefs on health may predict an individual’s perceptions of human behavior in the health belief model. The social cognitive theory describes a person’s influence, the social significance of others, and the environment. The social-ecological model states that improving the environment and making it conducive contribute significantly to its residents. The theory of reasoned action/planned response states that an intention to embrace change must prevail for and only shift in behavior.

In a bid to understand behavior changes of the phoenix community for the elderly, we are going to use the Social Ecological Model. I chose this model because the elderly live in an environment that is kind of neglected and cannot access medical care due to its being expensive. This kind of living can affect their behavior changes in both a positive and a negative way. This model emphasizes that social environments contribute to individual character modeling, thus understanding the risk and non-risk factors in their natural settings (Lenfers et al., 2018). This theory’s primary constructs are individual influence, interpersonal influence, organizational, community, and public policy.

The suitability of the Social-ecological theory to the program of Phoenix Community for the Elderly is that there is an existing individual will to behavior change. The elderly are have the knowledge and are aware of the existence of risk factors to ailments given their old age. In the interpersonal levels, elderly female individuals may have other relatives affected by say breast cancer. In community influence, there are continuous campaigns to the members of the Phoenix community for the elderly to present themselves for early screening of ailments such as diabetes and cancers. Lastly, in public policies, there are ongoing public policies on health measures to make medical services affordable and accessible to the elderly.

The importance of the social-ecological model to this program is that it shows the importance of multilevel performance simultaneously in obtaining a change of behavior. The elderly, for example, needs to work across all social constructs to get considerable behavior changes across.

Program Activities for the Socio-Ecological Theory

In creating a program activity for each construct, we will examine the use of marijuana by teenage students in high school. In the individual influence construct, the teenagers know the harmful effects of marijuana. The objective is to show the student that it is not right to use hard drugs while still in school, as it can significantly affect performance. Although the information does not change their habits, it contributes to shaping the decisions they make. In the interpersonal construct, the students have their circles of friends with whom they smoke marijuana in the same social setting of the school. It can cause students-parental talks, which can significantly promote their change of character. The other students not engaged in the habit can learn from the implications evidenced by their classmates, thereby limiting negative behaviors amongst them.

At the organization level, they are creating awareness through school campaigns on the effects of drug use. Offering counseling sessions in the school can create a conducive environment where students can share out their social issues. On the other hand, the community can provide engaging tasks like cleaning up the town or any other job that may preoccupy the teenagers’ minds. Finally, Government policies can firm up the punishment to offenders found in possession or using the drug. The drugs regulating bodies can create sensitization bodies across schools or collaborate with the government in making the subject discipline to be studied in schools.

Tailoring Programs Activities

These are the set of events directed to dementia individuals based on their strengths, abilities, and skills. Their daily care routines attempt to improve their engagements, improve their qualities of lives, and reduce behavioral symptoms of any ailments they may be having (Mesfin & Rowe, 2020).

In the Phoenix Community for the Elderly aged 75 years and above, there are several cancer ailing individuals. Therefore, a tailored program activity to the hospitalized would be, identifying their capabilities, accessing their ability to perform them, and their leisure activities. It would help develop an approach to boost their morale and improve their overall body performance.

 The Program Logic Model (PLM)

The PLM refers to a roadmap showing how the program will perform, and the relationship between the approaches used, the results and the anticipated outcomes. It acts as an evaluation tool to assess the performance of a program. A program logic model consists of the resources used, the procedure, the outputs both short term, and long term

In the Phoenix Community for the Elderly Program, the elderly will need first to accept and present themselves for the program launching. Then they shall register their names and the permanent residents’ address. It will aid in the tracing and delivering health care insurance numbers, which will be supplied by the health officials. The medical cards will include emergency call numbers in case of urgent medical care. We expect that all the elderly patients in the country will access medical services freely from established government’s facilities.

Program Implementation Plan (PIP)

The PIP is a plan that transforms plans into actions. Implementation facilitates the set goals to become actions. First, we list down the program’s expected output, which is an improved healthcare system and affordable treatment care for the members of the Phoenix Community for the Elderly.  The members of the organization are the people to adopt the plan. Then we state who will run the program. In this case, the program will be run jointly by the manager- Phoenix Community, Dr. Gregory, and the managing director Welcome Trust-Sir Wills Peter. These two are selfless individuals who commit their efforts to see the project running and working.

Next, we put down the list of actions needed to have the program running. In our case, we need to know the progress of funding, the government input, and the underlying challenges to attain our goal. Then we will define our budget, which is $90,000 annually, having to cater to medical supplies and supplements and general running of the organization. The next step is making a track of the organization’s tasks and projects. The questions here will be, is project X on progress? Is it within its scheduled time? How many pending tasks are yet to start, etc. Lastly, follow all the state controls and regulations and do a review after every mid-year to help track the organization’s progress and performance.

Barriers to timely implementation may be due to delayed funding. It can interfere with the scheduled implementation time frame. An ineffective team or lack of cooperation from involved departments can also act as a barrier to implementation. Therefore there is a need to facilitate teamwork to perfect execution.


In conclusion, the implementation of a program should involve all the stakeholders in promoting social behavior changes (Durlak, 2017). Embracing dynamics in social change behaviors will improve society’s well-being and contribute to the healthy lifestyles of people within.










Durlak, J. A. (2017). The fundamental importance of effective program implementation for successful character development. Journal of Character Education13(2), 1-11.

Theoretical explanations for the maintenance of behavior change: a systematic review of behavior theories. Health psychology review10(3), 277-296.

Lenfers, U. A., Weyl, J., & Clemen, T. (2018). Firewood Collection in South Africa: Adaptive Behavior in Social-Ecological Models. Land7(3), 97.

Mesfin, D., & Rowe, G. C. (2020). Targeted Multiple Intervention and Tailoring Interventions for Patient Safety (TIPS) Fall Prevention.




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