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This assignment requires considerable research and skillful handling of the methods of persuasion. This will require extensive library research (5 source minimum) since this speech gives you an opportunity to affect the attitudes and/or behavior of your audience. You will be required to cite your sources both in your outline and orally during your speech. Once you have researched your topic, organize your thoughts and construct an outline. Two sources may be whatever you like as long as they pass the ABCs of credibility as discussed in your text. You may use web pages, books, newspapers, etc. Your third source should be an interview with someone familiar with your topic. The fourth source should be a peer reviewed article and your final source should be a counterargument from the standpoint you are taking. This assignment requires considerable research and skillful handling of the methods of persuasion. This will require extensive library research (5 source minimum) since this speech gives you an opportunity to affect the attitudes and/or behavior of your audience. You will be required to cite your sources both in your outline and orally during your speech. Once you have researched your topic, organize your thoughts and construct an outline. Two sources may be whatever you like as long as they pass the ABCs of credibility as discussed in your text. You may use web pages, books, newspapers, etc. Your third source should be an interview with someone familiar with your topic. The fourth source should be a peer reviewed article and your final source should be a counterargument from the standpoint you are taking. This assignment requires considerable research and skillful handling of the methods of persuasion. This will require extensive library research (5 source minimum) since this speech gives you an opportunity to affect the attitudes and/or behavior of your audience. You will be required to cite your sources both in your outline and orally during your speech. Once you have researched your topic, organize your thoughts and construct an outline. Two sources may be whatever you like as long as they pass the ABCs of credibility as discussed in your text. You may use web pages, books, newspapers, etc. Your third source should be an interview with someone familiar with your topic. The fourth source should be a peer reviewed article and your final source should be a counterargument from the standpoint you are taking.

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