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8310DQ 1 Reply 1 Hello,

8310DQ 1

Reply 1


Thank you for posting an educational yet exciting post about your understanding of the knowledge gathered in this class. Your post has several strengths, and among them is that you provided a strong background of the problem, which enhances the understanding of the severity of the problem to your audience (Dobrow, Miller, Frank & Brown, 2017). To enhance further understanding of the problem to your audience, you may consider providing a graphical comparison of teenage pregnancies in the US and other western industrialized countries by using distribution tables and pie charts (Monash University, 2018). These provide a clear picture to the audience of the severity of the problem. Another potential need for your audience is the cost-effectiveness of solving the issue through the development of programs. A strategy that may help you is by providing more information on the funds the government is likely to save. This information can be provided by conducting a cost-benefit analysis of the development of programs as a practical approach to control this problem. Allow me to ask what kind of programs do you suggest the government should develop for this kind of problem?


Dobrow, M., Miller, F., Frank, C., & Brown, A. (2017). Understanding the relevance of health research: considerations in the context of research impact assessment. Health Research Policy and Systems15(1). doi: 10.1186/s12961-017-0188-6

Monash University (2018, February 9). Reporting and discussing your findings. Retrieved from chapters/reporting-and-discussing-your-findings




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